The City is not seeking an organization to deliver child care programs at new Child Care Centres at this time. Please continue to check for more information on upcoming EOIs.

The intention for these Expressions of Interest is to identify and confirm a qualified, licensed, Not-For-Profit Child Care providers to operate the Child Care Centre. Applications will be accepted from Not-For-Profit child care organizations, or Public Institutions who hold a Service Agreement in good standing with the City of Toronto Children’s Services for Child Care Fee Subsidy and is participating in the Canada-Wide Early Learning Child Care System.

Mandatory Requirements

  • Not-For-Profit Organization or Public institutions who operate licensed child care, with a Service Agreement in good standing with the City of Toronto for the provision of Child Care Fee Subsidy
  • Participating in Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care System
  • Meet the Ministry of Education Child Care and Early Years Act requirements

Required Documents

  • Copy of the Articles of Incorporation/Letters Patent
  • Declaration of Not-for-Profit Compliance
  • A letter from the current Board of Directors stating that their application is approved by the Board
  • Agency by-laws
  • Complete Children’s Services EOI application package including all required documentation

Expression of Interest submissions will be reviewed by Toronto Children’s Services.


The applicant’s Expression of Interest that best meets the requirements of the City, is the absolute discretion of the City in consultation with the Review Panel, will be designated as the preferred organization.

No obligation will arise until the Service Agreement Amendment, based on the accepted Expression of Interest application, has been authorized and executed by the appropriate City authority.

After receipt of Expression of Interest applications and at any time prior to the execution of an agreement, the City may request clarification on any items related to the Expression of Interest and conduct negotiations with the preferred organization. The City, at its sole discretion, may adjust the evaluation score or ranking of an applicant as an outcome of the clarification process.

The Expression of Interest process consists of two stages and an interview may be conducted

Stage 1: Organizations must submit their complete EOI packages by the deadline.

Note: late or incomplete packages will not be moved to Stage 2

Stage 2: The City will evaluate and score the EOI submission

Organizations that are successful in Stage 2 may be invited to a Review Panel Interview


Stage 1

Completeness of EOI Mandatory Documents

Stage 2

Agency Service Agreement Requirements and Agency Financial Viability

i) Expression of Interest Application package submitted by Agency

ii) The following documents are accessible to Toronto Children’s Services and will be reviewed, organization is not required to submit with the application:

  • Operating Standards: Assessment for Quality Improvement outcomes (over the last two year period)
  • AGM Minutes
  • License Renewal status
  • Stop Admission status
  • Overall compliance and performance in meeting Business Cycle expectations
  • Compliance with Child Care Operating Standards at Agency Level
  • Auditor’s Report Review
  • Canada Wide and Early Learning Child Care requirement status
Organizations that are successful in Stage 2 may be invited to a Review Panel Interview