Developed by the City of Toronto

A records management policy for corporate minutes sets out specific guidelines for the production and protection of corporate minutes.
This policy establishes guidelines to ensure that corporate minutes are accurate and secure.
This is important because Board minutes that are promptly drafted and distributed for comments will contain fewer errors and omissions. Corporate control over draft and finalized minutes will reduce the risk of the unauthorized altering of minutes.

Set expectations for the completion of tasks including

  • Distributing draft minutes after a Board meeting.
  • Sending comments on draft minutes to the Board secretary.
  • Delivering finalized minutes to the Board.

Procedures should:

  • Ensure that minutes are distributed to the entire Board before the next Board meeting.
  • Require that proposed resolutions are given to Board members before meetings.
  • Identify who is responsible for collecting and keeping all materials provided to the Board.
  • Establish steps to make sure approved Board minutes are not tampered with. Identify how and where all meeting material will be stored, protected, and made accessible.


  • To make sure the minutes are approved
    and dated add a signature/date block
    on the minutes for the President and
    Secretary signatures.
  • Make an uneditable electronic copy of approved/signed minutes.
  • Store original minutes in a locked, fireproof cabinet and limit access to staff and/or the Board secretary. Only copies of approved minutes should be distributed to Board members.
  • Create a mechanism that allows for quick access to Board decisions. For example, a computerized word search function works well with scanned minutes.
  • Prepare an outline of the minutes before the meeting to help record discussions about agenda items.
  • Develop clear expectations of the Board secretary and/or staff person responsible for producing and securing minutes.
  • Ensure that these expectations are clearly communicated.
  • Measure performance against expectations and provide feedback if expectations are not met.