Job fairs allow job seekers to meet and network with employers to learn about job opportunities, and may include on-the-spot interviews for available positions.

The City of Toronto works with private sector and community partners to offer a variety of hiring events and employment information sessions. See the employment and career-related events calendar to learn about upcoming events.

For job seekers, a job fair can be a valuable opportunity to:

  • research careers and learn about labour market trends
  • meet employers and make a positive impression
  • interview for available positions

You can get help to prepare for a job fair. Visit an Employment & Social Services office for help with your job search, resume and interview skills.

Getting Ready for the Job Fair

  • Know the employers that will be at the fair and research the ones that interest you.
  • For one-on-one resumé help and interview tips, you can visit an Employment & Social Services office before the day of the fair.
  • Bring a number of updated resumés for each of your career choices. You may also find it helpful to bring electronic copies of your resumé saved on a USB stick.
  • Practice a 30 second “sales pitch” of your background for when you meet with employers. Your pitch should answer these questions:
    • who am I? (education, experience, skills, hobbies)
    • why do I want to work for you? (goals and why you are interested in the company)
    • why should you hire me? (highlight skills and experience)
  • Dress professionally for the job you want. Be neat and tidy.
  • Prepare for on-the-spot interviews and be ready to fill out job applications at the fair.
  • Before the job fair, a list of employers may be available. Decide which employers are most important for you, so you can visit them first on the day of the fair.

Attending the Job Fair

  • Arrive at the job fair early. Meet employers on your own rather than with your friends.
  • Make a good first impression. Be calm, confident, smile and shake hands with the employers.
  • Share only positive comments about past employers or jobs.
  • Make notes about conversations that you have with employers. Collect their business cards so that you can follow up with them after the fair.
  • Network with other job seekers to learn from their experiences.

After the Job Fair

  • Follow-up with a phone call or email to the employers you met.
  • If you had been asked for more information, send it quickly.
  • Your email address and voice-mail greeting make an impression. Be sure it is the right impression for an employer.
  • Visit employers’ websites from time to time to check for ongoing opportunities.

The City provides hiring help to local employers through job fairs and other initiatives.