
To provide client(s) and/or their advocate(s) access to personal information contained in Divisional files and/or various types of internal records retained by Employment and Social Services, using principles in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

There are two ways in which clients and/or their advocate(s) can gain access to personal information or internal records held by Employment and Social Services:

  1. Informal Requests – see Routine Disclosure procedures.
  2. Formal Requests – made through or referred to the City of Toronto’s Corporate Information Management Services Services (CIMS) Office.

Routine Disclosure

  1. An informal request for access to information can be made either verbally or in writing by the client and/or their advocate(s).
  2. Prior to routine disclosure of personal information in case files, a consent/authorization signed within the last twelve months from the spouse and/or all dependents that are 16 years of age or older must be provided. If an authorization cannot be provided for each family member, a formal request must be made to the CIMS office.
  3. To facilitate routine disclosure requests, the client/advocate can indicate the specific records and the time frame of the information they require. If the request is to view all documents in the file, a formal request must be made to the CIMS office.

Formal Requests

1.There are two ways in which a formal request can be made:

(i) Either the client and/or their advocate(s) can contact the CIMS office directly to make the request. Refer to theĀ CIMS website for contact information.

(ii) If a formal request is made through the local Social Services office, the Access/Correction Request form must be completed and signed and is then forwarded to theĀ CIMS office.

2. There is a fee for access to information. The CIMS office is responsible for the collection of fees.