The City of Toronto is planning to install new cycling infrastructure and pedestrian safety improvements, reconstruct the road, and improve the streetscape and green infrastructure along Gerrard Street East from Sherbourne Street to Parliament Street.

Road reconstruction will also include replacing the 100+ year-old watermain and the City-owned portion of substandard water services.

The City is also redesigning Anniversary Park, located within Gerrard Street East and the Gerrard East slip lane west of Parliament Street.  The improvements will enhance the infrastructure and amenities to support its current and future use and to improve park accessibility and safety.  For more details, visit Anniversary Park Improvements.

Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025.

June 2024

Initially the road reconstruction project was planned for 2023.  Construction is now planned to begin in 2025, due to the complexities of the utility coordination at the Sherbourne Street intersection, as well as the Ontario Regulation for Excess Soil Best Practices (O. Reg. 406/19) which required additional geotechnical investigation to incorporate green infrastructure details.

Map showing existing, planned and future cycling connections from Sherbourne Street to St Matthew's Road and Blackburn Street

Approved Road Design Features

  • Installation of bi-directional cycle track on the south side of Gerrard Street East, including an interim north side (westbound) bike lane which can potentially be converted to parking once the Regent Park redevelopment is complete and the bi-directional cycle track is constructed east of Parliament Street.
  • Intersection safety measures including corner radii reductions, pedestrian head-start signals, separate signal phasing for cyclists and raised crossings at unsignalized intersections, and right-turn-on-red restrictions and removals;
  • Maintaining one vehicular travel lane per direction, narrowed to City lane width guidelines to encourage improved speed limit compliance;
  • Parking removal on the north and south sides of Gerrard Street East for the entire stretch; with the opportunity for Wheel-trans or pick-up and drop-off lay-bys on the south side;
  • Introduction of boulevard/planting zones on the south side of Gerrard Street East, and new or improved tree planting areas.

The City in tandem is also planning to improve safety and accessibility for all road users between Parliament Street and St. Matthew’s Road and Blackburn Street.  Changes will include:

  • A bi-directional cycle track on the south side of the street
  • New or modified traffic signal and pedestrian crossings

A virtual public meeting was held on May 17, 2022, to present an update and provide an opportunity to ask questions about the design details.

Consultation Materials