Phase one consultation for the Trethewey Drive Complete Street project has concluded. The Public Consultation Report summarizes feedback received.


The City of Toronto is proposing to install a complete street on Trethewey Drive, which includes road safety improvements, bus stop enhancements and a bikeway, between Eglinton Avenue West and Jane Street. Complete streets enhance road safety and accessibility for all road users, including pedestrians, people cycling and driving.

Map of project area highlighting Trethewey Drive, Keelsdale future LRT station, Mt Dennis future LRT station and Weston UP Station.

The proposed complete street, including road safety improvements, bus stop enhancements and a bikeway, will run along Trethewey Drive from Eglinton Avenue West to Jane Street.

The proposed complete street along Trethewey Drive, from Eglinton Avenue to Jane Street, will use quick build materials such as paint and pre-cast materials.

The proposed configuration and design of the street will be developed based on public feedback collected through Phase 1 of the project (Spring 2024) and will be shared during Phase 2.

Phase Two – Fall 2024

    Phase 2 consultation on proposed designs is expected to take place in Fall 2024. More information including information on public events and opportunities to provide feedback will be listed here and sent to the project email list in advance. 

    Phase One – Spring/Summer 2024

    Phase 1 public consultation took place in 2024. The consultation goal for this phase was to gather feedback and preliminary ideas from the public to inform the complete street design. The public consultation report (linked below) provides a detailed summary of all activities that took place, proposed changes, and feedback received.

    • Public Consultation Report 
    • Public Consultation Materials 


    Map describes the equity index and cycling index. The neighbourhood around Trethewey drive marks "low" for both indexes


    Trethewey Drive and Denison Road were identified in the 2016 Ten Year Cycling Network Plan and for implementation in the 2022-2024 Cycling Network Near Term Implementation Program. Trethewey Drive scored second highest in the category of overall cycling impact analysis to benefit from major safety improvements due to the history of speeding, collisions, and serious injuries to road users.

    Trethewey Drive provides a key connection supporting neighbourhoods that are most in need from both a cycling infrastructure perspective, as well as a social equity perspective. It also provides a connection between Eglinton Avenue West, the future Keelesdale LRT Station, the Weston UP and GO station, public transit on Jane Street and Weston Cycling Connections.

    Spring 2024: Phase 1 consultation on existing conditions
    Summer 2024: Preliminary design
    Fall 2024: Phase 2 consultation on preliminary design
    Late 2024-2025: Detailed design
    Early 2025: Report to Infrastructure and Environment Committee
    Summer 2025: Installation, pending Council approval
    Fall 2025-2026: Monitoring and adjustments

    *Timelines are subject to change

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