The City is creating an economic development strategy for the Mount Dennis area. The strategy will focus on realizing economic growth opportunities within the local business community comprised of the Mount Dennis “main street” area along Weston Road and the nearby industrial/employment lands.
The strategy will consist of a multi-year action plan to help focus and coordinate the City’s economic development efforts for maximum benefit for local businesses and residents.
The Mount Dennis study will also serve as a pilot for future local economic development initiatives by the City in future.
Study Area map
Toronto’s employment areas are essential places for promoting economic activity and supporting the growth and prosperity of their surrounding residential communities.
This study will create an economic development strategy for Mount Dennis to stimulate revitalization, investment and job and assessment growth within the Mount Dennis business area and enhance opportunities for surrounding area residents to access jobs.
The Mount Dennis Economic Development Strategy project will:
- Recognize and leverage key Mount Dennis assets including existing/planned transit, its main street commercial space, and surrounding employment lands
- Align with Economic Development and Culture’s Five-Year Divisional Strategy
- Be consultative and inclusive in engaging business and agency stakeholders operating in the Mount Dennis area
- Utilize and promote a coordinated approach among Toronto Economic Development and Culture and other internal/external partners
- Coordinate with, and provide input to, other key initiatives in the area
The study will be completed in four main phases, and is being undertaken through the engagement of a consultant, TCI Management Consultants.
Stakeholder engagement opportunities will include a Stakeholder Advisory Group, Business/Agency Survey, Workshop and Open House.
Phase 1: Community Analysis & Identification of Emerging Priorities
March – September 2019
Consult with local business and agency stakeholders to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for economic development in the community
- Complete an in-depth economic profile of the community
- Identify current status and emerging priorities for economic development in the community
Phase 2: Develop Draft Shared Vision & Economic Development Strategy
July – December 2019
- Develop draft vision statement and related principles for the strategy
- Engage and consult community on draft vision and seek input on potential strategies
- Develop detailed draft action plan for the economic development strategy, that includes a range of elements (for example, recommended actions for supporting and expanding existing local businesses, main street and small businesses growth, and for supporting local hiring opportunities)
Phase 3: Finalize Economic Development Strategy & Action Plan
January 2020
- Engage and consult community on draft strategy recommendations, and refine based on community input, potential delivery partnerships, and resource requirements
- Develop final Mount Dennis economic development strategy for implementation by Toronto Economic Development and Culture in coordination with other City Divisions and partners
Phase 4: Feedback & Implementation
February 2020
- Collect feedback from the process to provide insight into future strategy development
Meetings and Events
- In addition to the surveys (now completed), the City’s project team is conducting a range of engagement activities as part of this study, including a series of Stakeholder Advisory Group meetings (April 2019 – January 2020), a Stakeholder Workshop (July 10, 2019) and a broader public Open House (December 10, 2019).
- Summary materials from past meetings are posted below. Please stay tuned for further details, which will be posted to this page
Stakeholder Advisory Group
- Economic Development and Culture staff have identified and established a Stakeholder Advisory Group consisting of business and agency representatives providing a range of views and perspectives on economic development issues in Mount Dennis.
- The role of the Stakeholder Advisory Group is to provide input and advice at key stages in the project and to complement other planned outreach activities.
- Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting #1 (April 18, 2019)
- Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting #2 (September 11, 2019)
- Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting #3 (February 18, 2020)
Stakeholder Workshop
- To help confirm major themes for the project and identify potential areas of action for economic development in Mount Dennis, the City’s project team also convened a meeting of a broader group of business and agency stakeholders in the area.
- Stakeholder Workshop (July 10, 2019)
Open House
- The City’s project team convened an Open House meeting to present, discuss and obtain feedback on the draft Action Plan – key directions for the study (see also Key Documents below).
- Open House (December 10, 2019)
Public Meeting
- A public meeting held by Councillor Nunziata took place on January 27, 2020