Blood and body fluids may contain viruses such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

  • a needle stick or cut from a sharp object
  • blood and/or body fluid contact with broken skin (open cut, wound, rash)
  • blood and/or body fluid contact with eyes, nose or mouth
  • Clean your hands and then put on single-use gloves prior to handling or dressing a client’s wound.
  • Wash the exposed skin surface with water and soap. If the area is bleeding, allow it to bleed freely. After cleaning the wound, apply a skin antiseptic and cover with a clean dressing or bandage.
  • If there has been a splash onto a mucous membrane (eyes, nose, mouth) flush the area thoroughly with water.
  • The person exposed must immediately contact a health professional.
  • Document all incidents and keep records for three years with a minimum of one year (365 days) on site.
  • the date of the injury/exposure
  • full name (first and last), mailing address and phone number of the person exposed
  • full name and contact information of person providing the procedure (first and last) when the exposure occurred
  • the service being provided when the exposure occurred
  • details of the exposure including where on the body the injury/exposure occurred and how the injury/exposure occurred
  • action taken

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