Regulations governing the construction and widening of a driveway access or walkway to properties abutting a public highway are described in Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 743, Article VII.
Important: Constructing, reconstructing (including repaving), relocating or altering a walkway or driveway requires a street work permit that is issued from your District Right-of-Way Management office.
Failing to obtain a street work permit from the City before starting your work is subject to a fine and failing to restore a boulevard to the City's satisfaction following construction of a walkway or driveway is also subject to a fine as well as any costs associated with restoring the boulevard. Please also refer to Permit - driveway widening - on private property
Walkways exceeding a width of 1.5m are not permitted without an encroachment agreement with the City of Toronto.
Applicants proposing to construct a new driveway, widening a driveway, or relocating a driveway are required to submit drawings of the proposed driveway design and location, drawn to metric scale. In addition to street work permit fees, applicants are also required to submit financial securities to ensure that the driveway is constructed according to the approved plans. These monies will be returned when staff confirms that the driveway has been built as required. Staff has the authority to draw on these securities to complete any unfinished work.
Driveways will only be permitted that provide access to an authorized vehicle parking area, internal driveway system or approved boulevard parking stall, and applicants must confirm that the vehicle access driveway complies with the dimensions specified in any applicable Zoning Bylaw. Driveway dimensions that do not confirm to Zoning standards cannot be approved without authorization from the Committee of Adjustment.
Street work permits will only be issued to applicants using a driveway paving contractor licensed to work in the City of Toronto by the Municipal Licensing and Standards Division.
Requests for street permits for new driveway and walkway construction must be made at least eight weeks before starting the work.
Driveways will not be approved that:
Prior to starting a demolition, renovation and/or construction project you will require a street work permit if you plan to temporarily occupy the area beyond your property line (the boulevard, sidewalk, roadway or public lane).
Further information on construction permits and fees can be found on the City of Toronto website.
Complaints regarding work performed without a permit, contact the appropriate Permits and Enforcement office.
A work permit is required for each driveway.