Your contribution will be directed to City services and programs that matter to you.
Donation options:
- Individuals and organizations can help support City services and programs in the community.
- In Memoriam/In Honour – Celebrate and/or remember a loved one or friend by making a special gift in their name.
Charitable receipts are issued for donations over $20.
Donations can be made from $1 up to $50,000.
Review fundraising campaigns
- Visit the DonateTO webpage
- Review the donor options under, Where to Give
- Choose the program or service you would like to support
Payment Options
Online Donation Service:
- DonateTO
- Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Visa Debit are accepted methods of payment
Make cheques payable to:
- Treasurer, City of Toronto
Mail to:
- DonateTO
55 John Street
Metro Hall, Floor 14
Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Attn: Roy Moniz
Do not send cash by mail.
In Person:
Be sure to specify your name and mailing address for income tax purposes.
The Voluntary Contribution program was adopted by City Council on November 29, 2011.