The City of Toronto is proposing new bikeways on Dewson Street and Roxton Road to connect existing cycling routes on Dewson Street, Harbord Street and Shaw Street. The proposed cycling connections will require changes to parking on Roxton Road and Dewson Street.
A Public Drop-In Event was held on November 14, 2019, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the College/Shaw Public Library.
Proposed parking options to accommodate the cycling routes.
A dedicated bike lane is proposed on the east side of Roxton Road between Harbord Street and Dewson Street. People who want to continue cycling west and south between the Harbord Street bike lanes and the Dewson Street shared route west of Ossington Avenue have two options. They can travel south on Ossington Avenue for approximately 170m, or can use Shaw Street, and the proposed contra-flows on Dewson Street and Roxton Road. Since Shaw serves as a parallel routes and scope of this project, this section was not prioritized within this scope, but could be incorporated in a future project.
Ossington Avenue is a major arterial and was ranked as medium suitability for future bikeways in the 2019 councillor adopted Cycling Network Plan. Due to high volume and speed of vehicles, if a future capital project were planned, protected bikeways would be considered. This project does not include major improvements on Ossington Avenue. The sharrows on Ossington Avenue are proposed primarily as a wayfinding measure for those who do feel comfortable sharing space with drivers on Ossington Avenue. It is understood that this is not an all ages and abilities bikeway. People cycling who do not feel safe cycling on Ossington Avenue can use Shaw Street, and the proposed contra-flows on Dewson Street and Roxton Road.