What type of cycling facility has been installed?
A bi-directional cycle track has been installed that includes physical separation between the cycling facility and roadway.
Why was the new cycling facility added?
The new cycle track was constructed to close an existing gap in the Waterfront Trail and provide a safe connection for cyclists to travel between Norris Crescent and First Street. The route is part of new bicycle infrastructure identified in the Council approved 10-Year Cycling Network Plan.
How much did the cycling facility cost to build?
The cost to implement the 1.4 km long cycling facilities on Lake Shore Boulevard West between Norris Crescent and First Street is approximately $1 million.
Is there physical separation, such as flexi-posts (bollards), curbs or planters?
Yes. The cycle track includes physical separation with concrete curbs, low barrier walls, flexi-posts, and planters.
A flexi-post is a flexible post (bollard) which is attached to the roadway and helps separate the bike lane from traffic lanes and parking. Flexi-posts provide added protection and safety to the cyclists by deterring motor vehicles from parking in bike lanes. The flexi-posts on the Lake Shore Cycle Track have been installed on top of curbs for added protection.
Are cycle tracks wide enough for passing?
Yes. Generally, they cycle tracks are 1.2 m wide in each direction (2.4 m wide in total), which is wide enough for passing, but not so wide as to encourage wrong-way riding.
How should cars and trucks entering and exiting driveways cross the bike lanes?
The cycle track does not restrict or limit access to any of the existing driveways or garages along the street. Special attention has been given to marking and delineating driveways and access points in order to highlight these potential conflict points to all road users.
Similar to the busy sidewalks with many pedestrians, motor vehicle drivers will be expected to look both ways before entering or exiting driveways and to yield to cyclists.
Does the cycle track affect on-street parking?
As part of the preliminary study, City staff investigated availability and usage of parking facilities in the area, and identified that adequate parking remains available even with the elimination of parking on the south side of the street. On-street parking has therefore been eliminated on the south-side of Lake Shore Boulevard West. Parking continues to be available on the north-side of the street, and on connecting and adjacent side streets.
How do the cycle tracks impact deliveries, pick-ups and drop-offs?
Delivery vehicles can use available existing driveways to make deliveries. Delivery vehicles may also stop on the north side of Lake Shore Boulevard West or on side streets. Arrangements may also be made with neighbours who have driveways.
For deliveries that are pre-planned over an extended period of time (such as for moving trucks) a road occupancy permit will allow for temporary loading in the lane adjacent to the cycle track.
To obtain a temporary permit to park in the curb lane (directly beside the cycle track) you will need to complete the road occupancy permit application. Any questions or clarifications about the permit process should can directed to 416-394-8418.
Questions and concerns regarding parking enforcement can be directed to Toronto Police: 416-808-2222
What should cyclists do at streetcar and bus stops?
When a streetcar or bus stops at the three platforms within the cycle track, cyclists legally need to also stop and wait for passengers to enter/exit before continuing.
How is traffic affected?
No lanes of traffic have been eliminated in order to construct the cycle track, road capacity is unchanged.
What public consultation was carried out?
Visit the ‘Background’ tab to read past consultation reports and learn more about these activities. Public Communications for the project included:
Will there be any monitoring of motor vehicle traffic and cycling volumes after installation?
The City will evaluate affects on all road users and measure cycling, vehicular traffic, TTC, and on-street parking volumes and operational issues after installation.
Staff will also monitor traffic signal timing/operations with relation to potential additional delay to traffic and will work to optimize/adjust signal timing, as required. The City will also monitor the potential impact on local traffic patterns and parking on side streets. Overall, the intent of this evaluation is to show a before and after comparison to allow staff to respond and minimize impacts on all road users, as well as to examine cycling usage.
Will the bike lane be cleared of snow?
Yes. All approved bike lane designs include a maintenance program for snow clearing, salting and snow removal, similar to other city bike lanes and cycle tracks. Visit Cycling Snow Routes.
How will bike lanes affect waste collection and emergency services?
The bike lane has been designed to accommodate waste pick-up, emergency services, utility access and other municipal services. The bike lane design can accommodate emergency vehicles if required.
How will the bike lanes affect the TTC streetcars, bus stops, and Wheel-Trans?
TTC buses and streetcars will stop at the existing stop locations that have been incorporated into the cycle track with raised platforms. Buses will continue to stop curb side, at the cycle track. City of Toronto cycling staff have worked with the TTC to accommodate curb-side bus stops, and Wheel-Trans passenger boarding and unboarding.