City Council approved the ConsumersNext Secondary Plan at its meeting on March 26, 2018. Read the Notice of Adoption. The Secondary Plan has been appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) and is not in force. The latest status on the Secondary Plan is available by searching the case number “PL180544” on LPAT’s e-status.


ConsumersNext is a City of Toronto study that will look for ways to enhance the Consumers Road Business Park and areas around the Sheppard and Victoria Park intersection. ConsumersNext will focus on six building blocks to address the area’s city-wide role as an important location for employment, and the growing opportunity for Mixed Use development, including residential construction, along Sheppard Avenue and Victoria Park.


Learn about the study area, background, timelines, and study components.

Meetings & Events

View meeting and event details, and consultation materials.

Council and Committees

Staff Reports adopted by City Council's Planning and Growth Management Committee.

Background Reports

Technical background reports completed for ConsumersNext.