The CaféTO Program provides restaurants and bars in Toronto with the opportunity to access public space and expand their outdoor dining space through curb lane cafés, sidewalk cafés and/or patios on private property.

The map shows the locations of curb lane cafés, sidewalk cafés, and private property patios in Toronto.

  • Curb lane cafés are outdoor eating areas located on the street, directly adjacent to a curb, where food or drinks are served to the public by a licensed eating or drinking establishment.
  • Sidewalk cafés, formerly known as boulevard cafés, are outdoor eating areas located on sidewalks, where food or drinks are served to the public by a licensed eating or drinking establishment.
  • Private property patios are outdoor eating areas located on private property. They are generally located on the private portion of the sidewalk, rear of the property, or rooftop. Zoning permissions for outdoor patios can vary depending on the zone, unique circumstances of a property, or which zoning by-law is in force. Food or drinks are served to the public by a licensed eating or drinking establishment.