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These pages have been developed to enhance awareness and to provide domestic/intimate partner violence-related information and resources for City employees and supervisors.
The City of Toronto recognizes that domestic/intimate partner violence is not restricted to the home and that it can affect the workplace. Domestic/intimate partner violence is workplace violence when it occurs in the workplace and can threaten the safety of the person experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence, as well as co-workers, supervisors and/or clients.
The City of Toronto believes that violence is unacceptable. We are committed to developing a workplace culture that is free from fear and abuse. The City will address domestic/intimate partner violence in the workplace and promote psychological well-being. Recognizing the harm and impact that domestic/intimate partner violence may have on City employees, the City has adopted a Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence in the Workplace Policy. By implementing an effective Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence in the Workplace Policy and working to mitigate the related risks, we will create a safer workplace and also send a strong message that domestic/intimate partner violence is unacceptable.
Throughout this website, the terms domestic violence and intimate partner violence/abuse are used interchangeably. It is recognized that intimate partner violence can occur in any relationship. However, Statistics Canada has indicated that 83 percent of those who experience spousal violence are women and their male partners are the perpetrators. Our definition of domestic/intimate partner violence also includes violence in same-sex relationships, relationships in which a partner(s) is transgender and relationships in which females perpetrate violence toward male partners.
The City recognizes that there are other forms of family violence that are not directly addressed by this policy. Some of the resources on this site may be helpful. In the event that additional resources are needed, contact EAP at 416-392-6633 or TTY 416-338-2916.