City Divisions won numerous awards in 2019. Learn more about their achievements.
The City of Toronto is very proud to have led or played a role in many of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) 2019 Awards of Excellence. The awards honour distinctive design, ground-breaking research, sustainable landscape management and much more. The award-winning City of Toronto projects include The Toronto Ravine Strategy, Green Streets, TOCore Parks & Public Realm, The Bentway and Grange Park.
Three City Planning projects have been recognized nationally for excellence in planning by the Canadian Institute of Planners’ Awards for Planning Excellence. The awards recognize innovation, impact on the profession, overall presentation and implementation potential. The 2019 award winners include:
The City of Toronto’s Fleet Services division and the Procurement and Materials Management division have together won the EPIC INNOVATION “Team Innovation Award,” presented by ProcureCon Canada. The award was received for an innovative collaboration initiative with local and provincial cooperative procurement networks resulting in lower costs of vehicles, equipment, supplies and services. These lower costs result in greater value for taxpayer dollars and allow Fleet Services to improve its range of vehicles and equipment. The practice also reduces cycle times and costs through modernized and streamlined practices resulting in optimized asset life, reduced environmental impacts, and improved customer service.
The Municipal Information Systems Association (MISA) of Ontario recognizes municipalities, individuals within municipalities and organizations for excellence in the use and delivery of technology. The City of Toronto received two Excellence in Municipal Systems awards for Purchasing and Materials Management Division’s Supply Chain Transformation – Sourcing, Contracts Management & Spend Visibility project and Toronto Water’s Transmission Operations Optimizer project.
The City of Toronto received three Promotion & Education Awards from the MWA. The City was awarded two Golds – one in the “Digital Tool” category for the TOwaste app and the other in the “Other P&E Tool” category for the Community Reduce & Reuse Programs. One Silver was also awarded in the Campaign category for the Jack Armstrong campaign. The commentator for the Toronto Raptors reminded Toronto residents about the importance of recycling right to help reduce contamination in the City’s Blue Bin recycling program.
Lakeshore Lodge Long-Term Care Home was nominated as an outstanding service organization that is unique to the neighbourhood and make the community a more vibrant place to live, work and play.