The specific examples that follow do not exhaust the possibilities for the situations involving the employment of relatives. They identify common situations covered by the policy. The questions and answers are illustrations to help explain the policy. Questions should be directed to your manager or the HR representative in your division.
Answer: According to the Employment of Relatives policy, it is acceptable for your daughter to work as a labourer in Parks, Forestry and Recreation as you are not in a direct or indirect reporting relationship with her. However, under the City’s Public Service By-law – a conflict of interest refers to a situation in which a public servant has private interests that could compete with or that may be perceived to compete with their duties and responsibilities as an employee. A conflict of interest can also be a situation where an employee can use their position for private gain or expectation of private gain, non-monetary or otherwise. A conflict may also occur when the private interest benefits an employee’s family, friends or organizations in which the employee or their family or friends have a financial interest. Rather than giving the resume to your neighbour, your daughter should submit her resume through the process outlined on the City’s internet site.
Answer: The Employment of Relatives policy states that an employee must not participate in any part of the selection process where a relative is an applicant including screening applications, interviews and reference checking. You will need to discuss this potential conflict of interest with your manager and the HR representative in your division to determine the appropriate action.
Answer: Hiring your boss’s son, even if he is the best qualified candidate, would contravene the Employment of Relatives policy. Even though her son would be reporting directly to you, he would be in an indirect reporting relationship with his mother.
Answer: You can encourage your daughter to submit her resume through the process outlined on the City’s internet site. If there is a need to hire paramedics and your daughter qualifies, she may be contacted to participate in the assessment process. You will need to ensure that you are not involved in any aspect of the hiring process. In addition, you will have to report a conflict of interest if she is considered for any positions so that she is not placed in a position of directly or indirectly reporting to you.
Answer: You will need to report this potential conflict of interest to your division head in writing. Your division head, with the help of human resources, will discuss reassignment opportunities with you and your future step-son. This could involve offering one of you a permanent alternate position in another section of the same division, placing one of you on a temporary assignment or transferring one of you to a comparable position in another division. Preferences of both your step-son and yourself will be taken into consideration when discussing these options.
Corporate Management Team
October 6, 2005
Employment of Relatives Policy
Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality