Policy Statement

The Ontario Fire Code (O.Reg. 213/07, as amended) requires many City facilities to have an approved Fire Safety Plan. The Ontario Fire Code also requires the appointment and training of supervisory staff who are responsible to carry out duties identified within the approved fire safety plan.

This policy, developed at the direction of the Corporate Real Estate Management Fire and Life Safety Program Office in partnership with the Occupational Health and Safety Coordinating Committee, establishes roles and responsibilities pertaining to evacuations and the appointment and training of supervisory staff, including fire wardens, as required by the approved fire safety plan.


This policy applies to all City of Toronto owned or leased buildings. All City divisions and staff will implement the provisions of this policy.


Fire Safety Plan

a detailed document that identifies all aspects of fire safety for a specific building or property. The document is intended to be a reference manual used by Supervisory Staff and the responding Fire Department. Fire Safety Plans shall be approved by the Chief Fire Official.

Fire Wardens

are supervisory staff who are assigned specific duties under the approved fire safety plan related to facilitating the safe and orderly evacuation of their assigned area during an evacuation.  This person is not required to be in a Management position.


means any person, firm or corporation having control over any portion of the building or property under consideration. In a City context, Corporate Real Estate Management is designated as the owner for all City of Toronto buildings. Agencies and Corporations of the City of Toronto are deemed the owner of the buildings they occupy and manage.

Supervisory Staff

means those occupants of a building who have some delegated responsibility for the fire safety of other occupants under the approved fire safety plan.  Fire Wardens are deemed supervisory staff.


Owners are responsible for:

  • Complying with the requirements set out in the Ontario Fire Code (O.Reg. 213/07).
  • Developing and implementing a fire safety plan, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Ontario Fire Code (Subsection 2.8.2. Fire Safety Plan) for the facilities for which they have responsibility. The Fire Safety Plan shall be approved by the Chief Fire Official.
  • Ensuring that the fire safety plan is stored in a fire safety plan box in the approved location on the premises (Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 470, Fire Safety Boxes).
  • Reviewing the fire safety plan at least once every 12 months and obtaining approval from Chief Fire Official if changes are made.
  • Appointing, establishing and organizing supervisory staff as required by the Fire Safety Plan.
  • Providing supervisory staff including fire wardens with training and written fire emergency procedures and duties as identified in the fire safety plan.
  • Posting at least one copy of the fire emergency procedures on each floor area or as required by the Ontario Fire Code (Subsection Posting Fire Emergency Procedures).
  • Conducting fire drills for supervisory staff in accordance with the Ontario Fire Code (Subsection Frequency).

Divisions are responsible for:

  • Selecting/appointing an appropriate number of fire wardens for their area of responsibility.
  • Ensuring supervisory staff and fire wardens are available on notification of a fire emergency to fulfill their obligations in the fire safety plan.
  • Providing supervisory staff and fire wardens authority consistent with their assigned duties under the fire safety plan.
  • Providing supervisory staff and fire wardens with any equipment necessary to carry out their assigned responsibilities.
  • Ensuring supervisory staff, including fire wardens, receive instructions in the fire emergency procedures as described in the fire safety plan before they are given any responsibility for fire safety.
  • Providing a list of the names and locations of fire wardens to the owner.
  • Ensuring all staff have received instructions pertaining to fire and evacuations procedures for their work area.
  • Providing the Chief Fire Warden and supervisory staff, including fire wardens, a current list of those individuals who may require assistance to evacuate.
  • Ensuring that a specific plan is developed for individuals who may require assistance to evacuate. The Individualized Employee Emergency Evacuation Plan Guide may be used in developing the plan.
  • Conducting fire drills for supervisory staff in accordance with the Ontario Fire Code (Subsection Frequency).

Fire Wardens are responsible for:

  • Carrying out their duties as indicated in the fire safety plan.
  • Being familiar with the requirements of the fire safety plan, their work areas, exits and the locations of fire hoses/extinguishers and pull stations.
  • Becoming familiar with persons requiring assistance in their assigned area.
  • Reporting fire hazards to supervisory staff and/or the Chief Fire Warden.
  • Attending meetings and debriefings with supervisory staff in relation to fire evacuation and/or fire drills.
  • Attending and participating in fire drills and training.

Workers are responsible for:

  • Following the direction of Supervisory Staff and/or Fire Wardens during an evacuation.
  • Participating in required fire safety training.
  • Participating in fire drills when required.
  • Reporting to their supervisor any fire hazards.
  • Becoming familiar with location of emergency exits and evacuation meeting area.
  • Notifying their Supervisor if assistance during a building evacuation is required. The Individualized Employee Emergency Evacuation Plan Guide may be used in developing the evacuation plan.

The Occupational Health and Safety Coordinating Committee is responsible for:

  • Monitoring the level of compliance with these roles and responsibilities.
  • Reporting any significant compliance concerns, with recommendations to address these concerns, to the Senior Management Team.

The Corporate Real Estate Management, Fire & Life Safety Program Office is responsible for:

  • Publishing an approved Master Fire Program for all City buildings.
  • Developing and delivering specific fire safety training identified in the Master Fire Program.
  • Ensuring this policy is reviewed and updated as required.


O. Reg. 213/07: Fire Code under Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 4

Endorsed by

Fire and Life Safety Program Office (FLSO), December 8, 2022
FLSO Reviewed: December 8, 2022

Occupational Health and Safety Coordinating Committee (OHSCC), November 26, 2008

Approved by

City Manager

Date Approved

February 2, 2009

Reviewed by OHSCC

September 29, 2015, April 26, 2016, December 8, 2022

Most Recent Revision and re-endorsement by OHSCC

December 8, 2022