Policy Statement

The City of Toronto supports employees who want to participate in the military reserve force and allows them to take a leave of absence to fulfill their reserve duties.


All employees listed below are eligible for Military Service leave.

  • Non-union employees
  • CUPE local 416 employees
  • CUPE local 79 employees


Employees can take a leave of absence with pay, for the two week period of absence, to attend the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve Training Program.

The maximum period of absence is two weeks in a calendar year.

Employees applying for leave must provide their executive director/general manager/division head or designate with a letter of support from their commanding officer.

Salary & Benefits

Employees are paid their regular pay provided they submit any compensation received for military service to the city treasurer, unless this compensation is paid for days they are not scheduled to work.

Compensation received for travelling expenses and meal allowance does not have to be returned to the city.

All benefits continue during the leave.

An employee’s service is not affected by the leave. An employee’s vacation entitlement, and pension credit do not change.

Approved by

Senior Management Team

Date Approved

July 29, 1999


September 30, 2005