The City of Toronto recognizes that some non-union employees are required to work shifts and should be compensated to recognize the hours.
This policy applies to non-union employees excluding non-union staff in Toronto Fire Services.
An amount paid in addition to an employee’s standard hourly rate to compensate employees who work other than regular daytime hours.
Shift bonus is paid for hours of work performed that are not compensated by other types of premium or bonus pay such as overtime, standby or call-in pay.
An employee who, as part of a regularly scheduled work week, works on a shift, where the majority of hours falls within the hours of 7:00 p.m. of any day and 6:00 a.m. of the following day, is paid a shift bonus of ninety-eight cents (98 ¢) per hour (effective January 1, 2008) for all hours worked on that shift.
An employee who works on a regularly scheduled rotating shift as part of a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day per week rotating shift schedule, is paid a shift bonus of ninety-eight cents (98 ¢) per hour (effective January 1, 2008), for each day, afternoon or night shift.
An employee who works a regularly scheduled day shift on a Saturday and/or Sunday is paid a shift bonus of ninety-eight cents (98 ¢) per hour (effective January 1, 2008) for all regular hours worked on that Saturday and/or Sunday.
An employee who, as a part of a regularly scheduled work week, works on the afternoon and/or night shift ending on a Saturday and/or Sunday, is paid a weekend/shift bonus of one dollar and sixty-six cents ($1.66) per hour (effective January 1, 2008) for all regular hours worked on those scheduled shifts. The weekend/shift bonus is paid in place of other shift bonus provisions.
Divisions must identify all employees who are entitled to shift bonus and inform the appropriate time entry staff of this entitlement so that the information is conveyed to Payroll.
The shift bonus rate will be adjusted to ensure dollar value parity with collective agreements.
City Council (Clause 1a, Report No. 4 Administration Committee)
July 22, 2003
May 16, 2011