Policy Statement

This policy, along with its associated training standard, is intended to provide direction for the development of effective divisional traffic control programs.


Adherence to this policy is intended to protect all workers and the public:

  1. in work zones where City work is conducted in and amongst live lanes of vehicle traffic that may endanger motorists, workers, cyclists or pedestrian safety
  2. in roadway allowances, allowing work to proceed safely and efficiently, and/or
  3. during movement of vehicles and equipment in and around work zones (including access/egress), which may include off-road sites


This policy applies to all City of Toronto employees where anyone may be at risk from roadway hazards. It applies with modification to Emergency Services.


Competent Worker*

in relation to specific work, means a worker who:

  • Is qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to perform the work
  • Is familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and with the provisions of the regulations that apply to the work, and
  • Has knowledge of all potential or actual danger to health or safety in the work

Traffic Control Plan

also referred to as a Traffic Protection Plan, means an approved City of Toronto Traffic Control Plan. This plan is required by Ontario Regulation 213/91 Construction Projects and/or the Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 7 Temporary Conditions, Office and Field Edition, for the protection of workers and the public in and around roadway work zones. The plan must contain a written description of the traffic hazards to which workers and the public may be exposed, and measures used to protect them.


Divisions shall ensure:

  • Traffic control work is performed in compliance with the provisions of:
    • City of Toronto Policy and Safety Procedures
    • Most recent version of Ontario Regulation 213/91 Construction Projects (Sections 66-69,104-106, and 186-187)
    • Most recent version of Ontario Regulation 851 Industrial Establishments (Section 20)
    • Most recent version of OTM-Book 7 Temporary Conditions – Office and Field Edition
    • Most recent version of the Handbook for Construction Traffic Control Persons
  • Appropriate processes are in place for communication/notification of work to be performed
  • All staff are aware of the permits, approvals and notifications required prior to the commencement of work
  • Division-specific safety procedures are created

Senior Management shall:

  • Ensure resources and funds are made available so that work can be carried out in accordance with legislative requirements, corporate policy and divisional safety procedures
  • Develop a process for evaluating work operations to determine where traffic control procedures are needed
  • Ensure approved City of Toronto Traffic Control Plans and procedures are used
  • Provide appropriate machinery, equipment and protective devices required to carry out work in accordance with legislative requirements
  • Provide and maintain division-specific written safety procedures
  • Ensure all high-visibility safety clothing complies with the CSA-Z96 standard and section 69.1 of Ontario Regulation 213/91 Construction Projects
  • Provide general and specific training to all workers involved in work that requires traffic control measures to be used
  • Regularly review the Traffic Control program
  • Ensure that the Traffic Control program is evaluated in consultation with the joint health and safety committee

Staff who have supervisory duties or persons in charge of work areas shall:

  • Be familiar with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Highway Traffic Act, applicable regulations and standards that apply to the work, including:
    • City of Toronto Policy and Safety Procedures
    • Ontario Regulation 213/91 Construction Projects (Sections 66-69,104-106, and 186-187)
    • Ontario Regulation 851 Industrial Establishments (Section 20)
    • OTM-Book 7 Temporary Conditions – Office and Field Edition
  • Be familiar with all aspects of the City Traffic Control policy and divisional traffic control procedures and equipment
  • Identify hazards related to the specific work zone conditions
  • Implement effective traffic control measures for the protection of workers and the public
  • Evaluate and document work operations to determine where traffic control procedures, devices and training is required
  • Ensure an approved City of Toronto Traffic Control Plan is completed prior to work in and amongst live lanes of traffic and work zones
  • For short and long duration work on a public roadway, Transportation Services must be contacted (see Appendix A) to determine appropriate work restrictions and ensure coordination with other potential work
  • Ensure police assistance is used for controlling traffic in keeping with OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions, Office and Field Editions, or when the traffic safety measures available to workers are not adequate for the protection of the workers and the public
  • Ensure necessary permits and approvals are obtained prior to the commencement of work
  • Ensure that a copy of the plan remains on site
  • Ensure all workers are familiar with the requirements of the plan
  • Ensure all workers under their supervision have the knowledge, skills, training and experience to do the assigned work
  • Ensure all workers are provided with both oral and written instructions (in a language they understand) prior to being assigned traffic control duties
  • In conjunction with Human Resources, maintain training records
  • Consult with health and safety staff as necessary
  • Supervise workers to ensure procedures are followed
  • Take appropriate action if violations occur
  • Ensure that all workers use or wear required personal protective equipment and/or devices
  • Ensure workers have the machinery, equipment and/or devices needed to carry out work, and in good working condition
  • Ensure that operators of vehicles, machines and/or equipment are appropriately trained and qualified
  • Ensure there is appropriate communication/notification of work to be performed.

Emergency First Responders shall:

  • Refer to OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office and Field Editions for the temporary traffic control for unplanned events

Workers shall:

  • Not work in a work zone unless they’ve been appropriately trained
  • Take all appropriate traffic training before working on roadways
  • Work in accordance with divisional safety procedures and specific traffic control plans
  • Use all equipment and wear all personal protective equipment required to safely perform traffic control activities
  • Immediately report any violations, hazards or deficiencies in equipment to your supervisor
  • Assist supervisory staff in developing a traffic control plan for the specific work assignment and work duration
  • Follow established procedures in the event of an injury, incident or emergency

Occupational Health & Safety Staff shall:

  • Assist divisions in the development and review of generic safety procedures, in consultation with JHSCs, for divisions to reference
  • Provide assistance to divisions in identifying health and safety risks associated with vehicular traffic
  • Review the divisions’ evaluation of safety risks, as requested, to determine the need for division specific traffic control plans and/or procedures
  • Consult with divisions, as required, in the purchasing of personal protective equipment for workers, traffic control signs and equipment for traffic control
  • Develop and deliver generic traffic control training, Part 1-A, to Toronto Public Service staff as required

Joint Health and Safety Committees shall:

  • Assist supervisory staff in developing safe traffic control plans or procedures for specific tasks, where applicable
  • Assist management in the annual review of traffic control equipment and/or devices
  • Conduct investigations of serious incidents involving traffic control procedures or training, and which involve City workers, for the purpose of making recommendations for the improvement of traffic control plans, procedures and/or training

The Occupational Health and Safety Co-ordinating Committee shall:

  • Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of this policy
  • Review the policy, procedures and training standard on a regular basis

Traffic Control Training Standards

Traffic Control Training Standard

Human Resource Safety Consultants and the joint health and safety committees shall:

  • Review existing traffic control training programs to ensure they meet the intent of the revised Traffic Control Policy, procedures, applicable legislation and standards
  • Where necessary, develop or revise training

All supervisors and workers who are required to set-up and/or remove traffic control measures, direct traffic, act as a signaller, act as a traffic control person, or work in a work zone where there is a danger from vehicular traffic shall:

  • Take part in traffic control training
  • Attend a full training program every three (3) years
  • Undergo a field evaluation by a supervisory staff member who is familiar with traffic control requirements and has practical experience in supervising work that involves traffic control, when a supervisor or worker has not engaged in traffic control activities for a period of 6 months or longer

Training shall consist of 2 parts

Part 1-A

Shall be a classroom session including, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • An overview of the City of Toronto Traffic Control Policy, procedures and training standard
  • An overview of legislative requirements as outlined in Ontario Regulation 213/91Construction Projects, Sections 65-69
  • Calculating traffic volume
  • Specific traffic control measures and procedures
  • How to create traffic control plans
  • Protective equipment to be used
  • Conditions of use for traffic control elements
  • Component areas of a temporary work zone
  • Responsibilities of the traffic control person
  • An overview of the Handbook for Construction Traffic Control Persons published by the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA)
  • Group activity in setting-up various traffic control scenarios using the OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions, Field Edition.
  • A written test which must be successfully completed before the worker undertakes Part 1-B

Part 1-B

Shall be an out-door evaluation, in a controlled safe environment.

The following criteria must be met:

  • Must be conducted by the worker’s supervisor
  • Must evaluate the worker’s successful demonstration of traffic control competency consistent with training, before proceeding to part 2
  • Uses the Practical Exercise Evaluation Recording Sheet to evaluate workers
  • Ensure key safety protocols are understood and re-train as required
  • Must successfully complete Part 1-B before participating in Part 2
  • Supervisor must review evaluation results with worker(s)

Part 2

Shall be an out-door field evaluation conducted in an actual work zone under real conditions. The following criteria must be met:

  • Must be conducted by the worker’s supervisor
  • Must evaluate the worker’s successful demonstration of traffic control competency consistent with training
  • Uses the Safety Procedure 18c, Traffic Control Field Evaluation form to record the evaluation results
  • Ensure key safety protocols are understood and re-train as required
  • Assessments must be kept with all worker training records for a minimum of three (3) years

Appendix A

Transportation Services Contacts for short or long term occupation of the roadway

In an emergency:

Transportation Services Dispatch:

Prior to start of work:

North York District
Etobicoke York District(Wards 7, 11, 12, 13 & 17)
Etobicoke York District(Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6)
Scarborough District
Toronto East York District
Phone: 416-392-9836

Previous versions

February 20, 2003
November 26, 2008
Occupational Health & Safety Co-ordinating Commmittee (OHSCC) endorsed


Occupational Health and Safety Act
O. Reg. 213/91 Construction Projects
R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 851 Industrial Establishments
Highway Traffic Act
Ministry of Transportation, Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7 Temporary Conditions, Office and Field Edition
Handbook for Construction Traffic Control Persons (IHSA)

Approved by

Executive Management Team (EMT)

Date Approved

June 6, 2003

Reviewed and re-approved by OHSCC

February 10, 2016