The City of Toronto acknowledges that vacation is important to employees’ health and work performance. Employees are entitled to vacation in each calendar year and should be encouraged to use it in the year that it is earned. Vacation carry-over will only be allowed in extenuating circumstances.
Management and non-union employees
The number of vacation days that an employee is entitled to in one calendar year.
To carry over vacation, the approval of the executive director, general manager, division head or designate is necessary.
A maximum of one year’s vacation entitlement may be carried over.
The vacation days that are carried over must be used in the year into which they are carried over.
In unusual circumstances, when vacation that is carried over cannot be used, for example, where an employee has been asked to forego vacation for operational reasons, requests for extension to the following year will be considered on a case by case basis by the divisional executive director, general manager or division head.
Supervisors/managers are responsible for managing vacation schedules to ensure employees use their vacation before year-end. This minimizes the requests for vacation carry-over.
It is the employees’ responsibility to use any vacation days that are carried over before the year-end.
Employees must submit their requests to carry over vacation in writing or e-mail to their supervisors/managers for approval by the executive director, general manager, division head or designate. Each individual request must be balanced with the operational impact of that employee taking additional vacation the following year.
To facilitate vacation planning, requests to carry over less than four weeks vacation must be submitted by November 1st. Requests to carry over more than four weeks vacation must be submitted by September 1st.
Senior Management Team
December 11, 1998