To deliver efficient and effective customer service, Toronto Fire Services will conduct itself in the following manner:
- Tiered Emergency Response: A quarterly review, assessment or action will be conducted with actions taken as necessary on matters arising from tiered response. If there is a need for immediate action, a review will be conducted as needed.
- Operations and Emergency Response: Operations and Emergency Response – Review, assessment or action of general operations and response matters at regular senior staff meetings. If there is a need for immediate action, a review will be conducted as needed.
- Nuisance and Malicious False Alarm review: A review will be conducted at the request of homeowners. Investigation time to completion shall be 30 days.
- Complaint Process: Each complaint received will be investigated and action taken as necessary. These steps reflect the City’s complaint handling procedure of informal resolution, log, assess, investigate, resolve. Response time targets will be prioritized based on the severity, seriousness and complexity of the complaint.
- Quality Assurance/Business Intelligence: An ongoing monitoring, review, assessment of the Communications Centre and Operations Division, such as response protocols, dispatch and response times will be conducted and action taken as necessary.