Cyber resiliency and cyber intelligence are keys to success in helping to secure the City of Toronto against emerging threats. In an ever-changing cyber threat environment, cyber resiliency will allow the City to explore and onboard new technologies rapidly in a safe manner.

Established in 2020, the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is dedicated to safeguarding the City against cyber threats, protecting sensitive information, and fortifying critical infrastructure through a multifaceted approach to cyber security.

The team supports City initiatives, technologies, products, and services by working to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats and enhance overall cyber security posture.

Why We Do It

  • To minimize the impact of cyber incidents that result in financials loss, reputational damage, service disruption, legal liability and loss of life through the delivery of relevant cyber governance
  • To support the City’s strategic priorities of keeping Toronto moving and building resilience by contributing to improvement initiatives
  • To promote financial sustainability by containing costs through automated, efficient and/or streamlined processes.

Chief Information Security Officer

Maneesh Agnihotri

Deputy Chief Information Security Officer

Andree Noel

Staff Directory