1. Promote the safety of buildings with reference to public health, fire protection, structural sufficiency, conservation and environmental integrity, and barrier-free accessibility.
The Ontario Building Code states that:
“The Code is essentially a set of minimum provisions respecting the safety of buildings with reference to public health, fire protection, structural sufficiency, conservation and environmental integrity, and barrier-free accessibility. Its primary purpose is the promotion of public safety through the application of appropriate uniform building standards.”
The CBO and the Inspectors are expected to:
a) act in the public interest with respect to health and safety issues related to buildings, and
b) take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of the public, City staff and themselves.
2. Apply the Building Code Act and the Building Code impartially, without influence and in accordance with all applicable legislation.
The CBO and the Inspectors are expected to perform duties:
a) in a manner that maintains and promotes public safety at all times,
b) with integrity, objectivity and impartiality,
c) without any influence from anyone,
d) in a fair and consistent manner, and
e) efficiently and in a timely manner.
3. Act within the area of qualification obtained under the Building Code Act.
The CBO and the Inspectors are expected to:
a) act within the area of qualification obtained under the Building Code Act,
b) seek assistance when required, and
c) participate in training as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Building Code Act and other legislation.
4. Perform duties with due diligence, honesty and integrity.
The CBO and the Inspectors are expected to:
a) conduct themselves with the highest degree of ethical behaviour and integrity,
b) ensure public confidence and trust are maintained at all times,
c) protect and promote the best interests of the City,
d) ensure the protection and appropriate use of the City’s resources and assets, and
e) perform duties without misleading the public.
5. Extend courtesy to everyone and adhere to the City’s Vision Statement on Access, Equity and Diversity.
The CBO and the Inspectors are expected to:
a) be ambassadors and reflect a professional image at all times,
b) treat the public and each other with respect all the time,
c) be reasonable and fair in their expectations of each other,
d) resolve conflict(s) in a professional manner,
e) be courteous and considerate to all through language and actions,
f) recognize the barriers of discrimination and disadvantage faced by human rights protected groups, and
g) recognize the dignity of all people by equitable treatment of communities and employee
6. Keep up to date on current building practices through continuous education.
The CBO and the Inspectors are expected to:
a) obtain qualifications as required to be appointed and to remain appointed under the Building Code Act,
b) maintain qualifications as requirements evolve and/or change,
c) keep current on construction practices and standards through continuous education and
training, and
d) be mentors to each other at all times.
7. Comply with the City of Toronto’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
The CBO and the Inspectors are expected to abide with the City of Toronto’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
8. Manage confidential and sensitive information according to the City’s guidelines and relevant legislation.
The CBO and the Inspectors are expected to:
a) maintain confidentiality regarding City business,
b) disclose information in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act “MFIPPA”,
c) refer to Building Division Policy A-11 – “Permit Document Security” for details, and
d) ensure that no information collected, produced or obtained in the course of duties, whether reports, memos, verbal/written/electronic communication is disclosed without proper approval.
The Building Code Act prescribes that the conduct of the CBO and the Inspectors will be measured against this Code. Contravention of this Code is a serious matter to the Building Division and the public, and will be treated as such.
The CBO, in consultation with the Directors, will review any allegations of breaches of this Code made against an Inspector. The CBO shall direct an investigation, if justified, and where appropriate, recommend disciplinary action against the Inspector who fails to comply with this Code.
Where the allegations are against the CBO, the City senior management will evaluate and investigate the allegations, where necessary, and make recommendations to Council for appropriate action.
Disciplinary action arising from violations of the Code is the responsibility of the City of Toronto and the CBO, and will be based on the severity and frequency of the violation in accordance with employment laws and standards, and relevant collective agreements.
The Building Code Act states that the Code must be brought to the attention of the public.