Toronto Public Health’s (TPH) is excited to share the new Strategic Plan 2024-2028. This plan serves as the guiding blueprint for the public health unit as it strategically navigates key priorities, and ensures the continued delivery of impactful programs and services to the diverse population of more than three million residents in Canada’s most multicultural city.

The development of the Strategic Plan 2024-2028 was led by the Board of Health – Strategic Plan Development Committee and informed by extensive consultation with the public, partners, City divisions and Toronto Public Health staff. We thank those who contributed feedback as part of this process.

Strategic Plan 2024-2028 [PDF]

Strategic Plan One Pager [PDF]


A city where all people can be healthy and thrive.


Toronto Public Health protects and improves health at a population level while reducing health inequities.


  • Accountable and transparent
  • Community engaged and connected
  • Equitable and inclusive
  • Credible and evidence-informed
  • Innovative leadership

1. Strengthen health protection, disease prevention and emergency preparedness.

a. Prepare for and respond to outbreaks and public health emergencies informed by best evidence and lessons learned from previous responses.
b. Enhance emergency preparedness and response infrastructure.
c. Effectively communicate with the public about how they can protect their health.
d. Monitor and prepare for climate change and collaborate with partners to address its impacts.

2. Promote health and well-being across the lifespan.

a. Reduce the burden of chronic and infectious diseases across the lifespan.
b. Prioritize effective interventions for children and youth to meet their changing needs.
c. Advise on aging in place and age-friendly communities.
d. Advocate for healthy social, natural, and built environments and collaborate with partners on initiatives that advance these goals.

3. Promote the conditions to support positive mental health and reduce the harms of substance use.

a. Deliver public health interventions that respond to the drug toxicity epidemic.
b. Reduce harms associated with the use of alcohol, cannabis, tobacco and vapour products.
c. Strengthen public health services that are trauma-informed and reduce stigma.
d. Deliver public health interventions that promote mental health.

4. Advocate to advance health equity.

a. Assess and report on health inequities and population health needs.
b. Collaborate with partners across multiple sectors to address local health needs.
c. Share evidence, advocate and collaborate to influence actions that impact population health.

5. Nurture a positive workplace culture.

a. Foster a culture of innovation, continuous improvement and learning.
b. Develop and retain a skilled and diverse workforce.
c. Foster a welcoming and inclusive work environment.
d. Optimize collaboration across Toronto Public Health for greater impact.

Defining Public Health

  • Works to protect and improve health by using science, evidence and best practices.
  • Focuses on the health of groups, not just individuals.
  • Helps promote the factors that improve health and prevent causes of illness and injuries.
  • Monitors data about infections and diseases, and uses this information to respond to outbreaks and other public health emergencies.

Social Determinants of Health

  • Describes the social factors that shape our health, such as where we are born, live, learn, play, worship and work. Other factors include housing, education, gender, race, income and employment.
  • Health inequities or health disparities are differences in health that are avoidable and created by unfair social policies and systems.
  • Health equity seeks to reduce health inequities and increase access to opportunities that support the entire population’s health.
  • Local public health units like Toronto Public Health work with partners to reduce inequities through programs, services and the creation of health policies.

Adapted from: National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health 

About Toronto Public Health

  • Works to maintain and improve the health of the population, reduce health inequities and prepare for and respond to health emergencies.
  • Services and programs provided by Toronto Public Health include:
    • Food safety inspections
    • Tobacco control and enforcement
    • Community vaccinations
    • Nutrition promotion
    • Mental health promotion
    • Surveillance, epidemiology and health information
    • Sexual health promotion & clinics
    • Dental and oral health clinics
    • Harm reduction programs
    • School health
    • Child health and development
    • And more

Throughout February and March 2024, Toronto Public Health provided a range of opportunities to receive public input to help shape its new strategic plan. Public feedback was an important part of the process.

The following opportunities were provided:

  • An online survey and email address
  • Deputations to the Board of Health’s Strategic Planning Committee
  • Public consultation session
  • Community conversations resource