Image of the cover page of a Roll of Honour book
The “Dominion of Canada: Roll of Honor of The City of Toronto” published in 1919.

The City’s Great War Book of Remembrance pays tribute to more than 6,272 people who died during service in the First World War with links to Toronto.  They died either having lived here, were enlisted here, had next of kin in Toronto or were members of Toronto-based regiments.

The names of the war dead from the Great War were first published by a private directory company in 1919.

The title page featuring two flags and three badges was created by Mark Lurz, President of Calligraphic Arts Guild of Toronto. The flags are the Royal Union Flag and Red Ensign (1871-1921). The three badges include maple leaves that would have appeared on soldiers cap badges and buttons and identified them as Canadian soldiers.



Last Name First and Middle Name
Abbey Clarence Muirhead
Abbey George
Abbey Lt. Edwin Austin
Abbey Thomas
Abbot David
Abnett Alfred
Abram L/ Cpl. Richard P
Ackers James
Adair L/ Cpl. John
Adair Wilbert
Adams Albert Ernest
Adams Arthur Fredk
Adams Charles Frederick
Adams Charles Henry
Adams Edward
Adams Frederick George Arthur
Adams John Charles
Adams Robert E
Adams William
Adamson George
Adamson James
Adare Alexander Frank
Addison Frank Gibson
Addison Walter George
Addy William James
Agar Joseph
Agassiz Henry R
Aggett William Harvey
Agnew David
Agnew Edward Murville
Agnew Robert
Aiken James Douglas
Aikin Melville Lorne
Aikins Joseph Russell
Airey Frederick Charles
Aitken George Vallance
Aitken John Robert
Aitken James
Alberts John
Albright Frederick Stanley
Aldcroft George
Alexander James Morrow
Alexander William
Alexander James
Alford Robert Azoff
Algie Lt. Wallace Lloyd
Alken Lt. James Douglas
Allan John Henry
Allan Leonard Stephen
Allan Robert James
Allan William Donald
Allard Thomas C
Allard Thomas Edward
Allen Alexander
Allen Ben
Allen Bdr. Arthur Thomas
Allen E W
Allen Ernest Alfred
Allen Frank James
Allen James Avon
Allen James Waterhouse
Allen John
Allen Leonard
Allen Lt. Samuel Hall
Allen Newton George
Allen Sidney
Allman Thomas
Allport Alfred Thomas
Alport Jean Ogilvie
Alward Wilfrid Forsyth
Amos James
Amsden William
Anderaon David Hampton
Anderson Albert
Anderson Alexander Mckinnon
Anderson Bud
Anderson Daniel
Anderson David S
Anderson Frank
Anderson Fred Fitzgerald
Anderson Frederick Henry
Anderson George A
Anderson Gordon Alexr
Anderson Henry Baldwin
Anderson Henry James
Anderson James Farquhar
Anderson Joseph
Anderson Lou Donald
Anderson Louis
Anderson Thomas
Anderson William
Andre George E
Andrews David
Andrews Frederick Charles
Andrews Gerhardt Heintzman
Andrews Gordon Stewart
Andrews Joseph William
Andrews Lt. Gordon Stewart
Andrews Reginald Sydney
Andrews Sidney Basil
Angel Manley
Angus James John Theodore Thomson
Annan Archibald McT
Annette Henry A  J
Annis Lt. Wilbur Fawcett
Anthony James Fredk
Applegarh Lt. Gordon Henry
Appleton Hubert Ernest
Appleton William Charles
Appleyard William Byecroft
Apps Lt. Charles
Archer Charles Henry
Archer George
Archibald George Drummond
Archibald Henry
Ardagh Lt. Arthur H
Arkell Eric
Arkell Sgt. Edward
Armes Frederick
Armes William Philips
Armour Charles John
Armstrong Alexander
Armstrong Arthur James Douglas
Armstrong Clifford Emmons
Armstrong David
Armstrong Ethelbert
Armstrong Frederick Carr
Armstrong George
Armstrong Gordon Cecil
Armstrong John William
Armstrong Lt. George Powell
Armstrong Ralph William
Armstrong Sidney H
Arnett Albert Ira
Arno Henry F
Arnold Cecil
Arnold Thomas
Arnold William Edward
Arnott Harold Dwight
Arnott Herbert Millington
Arrowsmith Fredk William
Arthur Andrew Frank
Arthur Lt. Thos A
Arthur William (Jr )
Ash John
Ashdown Albert Henry
Ashford William Robert
Ashlee Allan
Ashley George
Ashton William
Ashworth Sgt. James Herbert
Ashworth Thomas G
Askers James
Aspinwall Joseph E
Astill Leonard
Atchison George Milton
Atkin William Norman
Atkins John
Atkins Joseph
Atkins L/ Cpl. Thomas Percy
Atkins Walter
Atkinson Andrew
Atkinson John William
Atkinson Thomas Smith
Atley Fred
Attfield William
Attree Benjamin Rupert
Attree Ernest James
Audsley William Arthur
Aulagnon Jean
Austin Charles Fauntleroy
Austin Frederick Orvel
Austin Henry D
Austin Norman
Auty Richard Hall
Averill William
Avery Charles Edward
Avery George Gladstone
Avis Charles John Albert
Axbey Henry William
Axhorn William
Ayles William James
Ayres Albert
Bach Edward Lambert
Backshall Cecil Herbert
Bacon Harry John
Bacon Percy William
Bagnall Harry Warren
Bagshaw Walter
Bagsley Harry Edmond
Bailey Albert Howard
Bailey Arthur
Bailey Edward George
Bailey Frederick
Bailey George James
Bailey George Wesley
Bailey Harry Edward
Bailey Walter Murray
Baillie James
Baillie Walter Grant
Bain George
Bain James
Bain Ralph Neill
Baine John English
Baines Egerton Bancks
Baird Alexander
Baird Alexander Watson
Baird Andrew
Baird David
Baird James John
Baird James T
Baird W E
Bake John Raymond
Baker Bertram Wm
Baker Charles Henry
Baker Charles William
Baker Flt. Lt. Harold C
Baker Frederick
Baker George Wesley
Baker Harold Carl
Baker James
Baker Margaret Elisa
Baker Walter Allen
Baker William George
Baker Wm Bert
Baldie John
Baldock George
Baldwin Dorothy Mary Yarwood
Baldwin Charles W
Baldwin John
Baldwin Sgt. Edward
Baldwin Stanley
Bale Sidney John
Ball Charles Frederick
Ball Charles Herbert
Ball Dalton
Ball Edward Clarence
Ball George Beverley
Ball Percy Edward
Ball Thomas
Ball William Henry
Ball Frank N
Ballantine William
Ballantyne Ellwyne Arthur
Ballard Frederick A
Ballinger George
Balmer John Frederick
Bamblett Frederick Joseph
Bamblett Henry Walter
Band Harry
Bandur Robert Elmer
Bangay Edward Albert
Banks Daniel
Banks George Henry
Banks John Wilfred
Bannister Quintin Wolstenholme
Bannon John Maxel
Banton Frank Bernard
Baraneck Joseph
Barber John Alexander
Barber Percy Louis
Barber Walter Everald
Barclay Charles Andrew
Barclay Norman Eddy
Barclay William
Barcroft Frank Mercer
Bardell A/L/Cpl. Harold
Bark A/2Lt. Robt Chas
Barker Albert
Barker Arthur
Barker James
Barker John Sidney
Barker Thomas Essington
Barker L/ Sgt. Thomas James
Barker Thomas F
Barker William Albert
Barker William John
Barling Thomas James John
Barlow Carl
Barlow John Noble
Barnard Arthur
Barnard Carl K
Barnard Carl Montford
Barnard Cyril F
Barnard George Henry
Barnes Charles Edward
Barnes John
Barnes Richard Hales
Barnes William Thomas
Barnes William Elijah
Barnett Allan George
Barnsby Frederick
Baron Lawson
Baron Robert
Barr David
Barr Peter
Barr Thomas
Barr William Tassie
Barratt George Albert
Barrett Alfred Jones
Barrett Charles Joseph
Barrett Harry John
Barrett James
Barrington Albert
Barron Thomas
Barry Albert Ernest
Barry David
Barry Henry W
Bartholomew Nathaniel
Bartle Francis John
Barton Alfred Tennyson
Barton Frank George
Barton Frederick William
Basenach Frank
Bassett Albert Edward
Bassett Harry
Bastedo Alfred Carbert
Bastedo Roy Harold
Batch Herbert Ernest
Bate Eric James
Bateman Frederick Lloyd
Bateman Lewis Jutson
Bateman Russell Albert
Bateman William Francis
Bates Albert
Bates Albert Russel
Bates David Clement
Bates Harold Brigham
Bates James
Bateson William Henry
Batten Joseph Richard
Batty Frank Sanderson
Baxter Allan Ross
Baxter Joseph Alexander
Bazley Thomas Peter
Beamish Herbert Melville
Bean Edward Roy
Beardwood Wilfred
Beaton Hector Blake
Beattie Albert Neville
Beattie James Joseph
Beatty Francis Henry
Beaumont Admiral George
Beaumont L/ Cpl. George F
Beaumont Lt. George J
Bebbington Alfred
Beck Ernest Robert
Beck Lt. Guy Armstrong
Beckett Charles Alfred
Beckett Lt. Col. S G
Beckett Samuel Gustavus
Beckley William Frank
Beckwith John Albert
Beddow Frank
Bedford Ernest Wilfrid
Beeby Percy
Beech Gunner John
Beeching William John
Beer Harold Russell
Beesley John
Begg William
Belch Ernest
Belfrey Elwood James
Bell A/ Sgt. James Hodgson
Bell Alexander W R
Bell Andrew
Bell Andrew Leslie
Bell Cecil Austin
Bell Charles Arthur
Bell William
Bell Harold
Bell L/ Cpl. Charles R
Bell Lt. Andrew Leslie
Bell Ralph
Bell Robert James
Bell Sgt. Richard
Bell Thomas Lyle
Bell William John
Bellamy Arthur
Bellas Sgt. Robert
Bellas William Graham
Belt James Edwin Devey
Belton Alexander Kirkwood
Belton Harry
Belton Lt. Norman Creighton
Bembridge Alfred
Ben Charles Arthur
Ben Lt. William D
Bender Charles James
Bender James George
Benjamin Arthur
Bennett Allen Dudley
Bennett Churchill Edward
Bennett Frederick
Bennett George W
Bennett Hector McDonald
Bennett John Samuel
Bennett L/ Cpl. Percy F
Bennett Russell
Bennett Walter Clement
Bentley Francis Albert
Benville Norman Joseph
Berkovitz Israel Morrie
Berman Morris
Berrington Arthur
Berry Erin Danby
Berry Ewart Gladstone
Berry George Herbert Bert
Berry Reginald Alexander
Berry William Henry
Berryman Henry Alfred
Bertram William Geo
Best Robert Follett
Best Thomas Farms
Best Walter
Bethune Henry Ewart
Bethune Sgt. David
Betts L/ Cpl. Ernest G
Betty Roland J
Bevan Fred
Bevel Thomas
Beverley Ralph Edward
Beverly George
Bewley Stanley Crothers
Bewsey Benjamin
Bexon Frank
Beynon Frank Percival
Bibby Flt. Lt. John Richard
Bibby William George
Bickell Flt. Lt. William Herbert
Bickell George Thomas
Bicker Henry Raymond
Bickerstaff Everard M
Bickle George Berry
Bicknell Sgt. A J B
Biggs Sgt. Major Arthur George
Biggs John
Biggs William J
Bigham William John
Bigland Sgt. Richard Knott
Bigwood Lt. Paul Herrick
Bilbie Norman
Bilbie William
Bilham Ernest
Billingham L/ Cpl. Alfred
Billinghurst Robert Henry
Billings Flt. Lt. David Kitto
Billings George Arnold
Billington William George
Bilton Lt. Norman Creighton
Bimce William
Binkley J. Ross
Binkley Norman
Binks J A S
Binnion Thomas
Binns Fred
Binns Percy Vere
Binsley Ernest
Birch Edward Albert
Birch Reginald Ernest
Birchenough Sgt. Benjamin
Bird George Wesley
Bird Lt. Montagu Herbert
Bird William Henry
Birkett Walter George
Birks Joseph
Birmingham Lt. Herbert Fredk
Birns Cyril Garnet
Birrell William K
Bisaney Louis Francis
Bishop Cyril
Bishop Henry Cecil
Bissell Edward Arthur
Bisset Peter
Bissett Thomas
Bittle Charles William
Bittle Robert Norman
Blac Peter
Black Frederick Samuel
Black George
Black James
Black John Irving
Black Patrick D
Black Richard
Black Thomas
Black William
Black C S
Blackball Joseph
Blackburn Ernest
Blackburn George
Blackburn James
Blackburn Joseph
Blackford Leslie Borthwick
Blackford Sgt. Lester B
Blackhall Joseph
Blackham Archie E
Blacklock Frederick A
Blackman Sgt. Sidney Charles
Blackwell C D
Blackwell Harry
Blagg Cpl. John
Blagg James
Blair Alexander
Blair James
Blake Charles Herbert
Blake Lt. Gerald Edward
Blake Edward
Blake Frank
Blake L/ Cpl. John
Blake Leonard
Blake Louis
Blakey Frederick James
Blakey George Miller
Blanchard William Hutchinson
Blanche John H
Bland Arthur Alfred
Bland John
Blaney Norman
Bleakley John
Bleasdell Harold Tyldsley
Bleil Albert Edward
Bleil Charles Oscar
Blenkhorn Garnet
Blenkhorn William Hesmonhalgh
Blenkin A/ Cpl. James Stephenson
Bligh Charles Hubert
Bliss Thomas William
Blomfield Edward Valentine Strickland
Blood Frank
Bloomfield Cpl. Henry Walter
Blore Walter
Blowing Thomas
Blows Cpl. Arthur
Blyth Ross Allison
Boag Walter
Boardmore Private
Boddy Andrew John
Bodycomb Arthur G
Bogie Duncan
Boite Lt. Felix Olivier
Bolan Arthur Charles
Boland Sidney
Bole Lt. James Gordon
Bolger Lawrence
Bolte Felix Olivier
Bolton James Roy
Bolton Maurice Richard
Bond Alphonse Rennyson
Bond Frederick James
Bond George Clifford
Bond Hadleigh St. George
Bond Herbert James
Bond Sgt. Frank
Boorman James Richard
Booth Albert Joseph
Booth Alfred
Booth Charles William
Booth Clarence Joseph
Booth Cleveland Melville
Booth Edward Borgfeldt
Booth George Vincent
Booth Henry Maxwell
Booth Howard
Booth John Thomas
Booth Lawrence Howard
Borchard Harry
Boreham Reginald Harold
Borthwick George Bruce
Boswell Ernest Beverley
Botsford Chauncey Albert
Botterill Edward Simpson
Boucher Henry
Boucher Patrick Laurence
Boughton Frederick
Boughton Richard Edgar
Bouldry William
Boulter Lt. Harry S
Boulton Henry
Boulton Thomas
Bourne Alfred
Bourne William
Bouskill James E
Bovaird Cpl. Cecil Johnstone
Bovall George Alfred
Bovill George Stanley
Boville James
Boville Robert
Bowen Brinley Treharne
Bowen David
Bowen Gilbert Homer
Bowen Laurance Grant
Bowen Ralph Edward
Bowes Alexander
Bowman J E
Bowman Leslie W
Boyce Albert
Boyce Arthur Cecil
Boyce Christopher Jacob
Boyce QMS George Frederick
Boyce Edward Francis
Boyce Walter Herbert
Boyd Clarence Verne
Boyd CSM Thomas Lance
Boyd James William
Boyd Joseph Henry
Boyd Matthew
Boyd Philip Bentinck
Boyd Robert
Boyd Thomas Ripley
Bradbury Louis
Bradford James H
Bradley George
Bradley Herbert Dominic
Bradley Norman Wilfred
Bradley William
Bradshaw Albert Ernest
Bradshaw Frederick W
Bradshaw Joseph
Bradshaw Robert Edward
Bradt Louis Wellesley
Bragg Albert Rufus
Bragg Walter Henry
Brandon Mathew Giles
Brasell Edward
Brash Edward Charles
Brash Harry Brooks
Brassey Lt. William L
Bray William Oliver
Brazier Frederick George
Brazier George
Brazier Thomas
Breadon Joseph
Breakwell Milne Henry
Bream Robert Wm
Brebner George White
Breckles Fred Wm
Breckles Frederick James
Breen Maurice William
Bremner Stuart Donald
Brennan Albert
Brennan William Henry
Brennand Thomas William
Brent Alfred James
Brett Frederick Samuel
Brett William Leight
Brettingham George Arthur
Brewster George
Brick Daniel
Bricker Geo G
Bridge Arthur Beauchamp
Bridges Henry Bertram
Bridgett Henry Sewell
Brigaitis Charlie
Brigdcen Sgt. Major Percy
Briggs Thomas
Bright Lt. Albert Edward
Bright William
Brimer Charles Torryburn
Brimer Lt. Charles T
Brimicombe Eric Evelyn
Brimmell Albert M
Brine Herbert
Brinkworth Frederick George
Brinscombo Eric Evelyn
Briscoe Alfred
Briscoe Philip H
Bristow Philip
Bristow Victor
Britnell Wilfrid Thomas
Brittle Alfred
Britton Cpl. Leonard Frank
Britton John A
Britton Lewis Fraser
Britton Russel Hubert
Broadbrldge Barnabas
Broadrib Sgt. Sydney Haines
Brock Alfred William
Brock Herbert Alfred
Brock Victor Leo
Brocklebank Capt. Stanley H
Broddy Robert S
Brodie Capt. Thomas Gregor
Brokenshire James Carl
Brook Sgt.G E
Brookfield George D
Brookman Albert Edwin
Brooks Augusta
Brooks Edwin A
Brooks George
Brooks Lt. Walter James
Brooks Robert Grenville
Brooks Walter
Brooks Wilbur J
Brooks William John
Broomer William
Broomhead Robert M
Brough John
Broughton Norman
Brown Alan
Brown Albert Gordon
Brown Arthur
Brown Benjamin Joseph
Brown Bernal Benjamin
Brown Charles
Brown Cpl. Walter Gordon
Brown Cpl. William Alfred
Brown Cpl. Edward William
Brown David L
Brown Duncan
Brown Edgar John
Brown Frank
Brown Frederick
Brown George Herbert
Brown George Thomas
Brown Gordon Andrew
Brown Harold Joseph
Brown Herbert Frederick
Brown Herman C
Brown Hugh Percival
Brown James Michael
Brown John C
Brown John Donaldson
Brown John Howard
Brown John Percival
Brown John Preston
Brown John Smith
Brown L/ Cpl. Henry James
Brown Lt. A Norman
Brown Lt. Percy Llewellyn
Brown Nathaniel C
Brown Norman Jackson
Brown Oliver Perry
Brown QMS John Thomas
Brown Richard Austin
Brown Samuel Bertram
Brown Samuel Forsyth
Brown Walter Everard Alway
Brown Walter Gordon
Brown Wilfred Ewart
Brown William Eberts
Brown William Joseph
Brown William Smith
Brown William Sutherland
Brown William Taylor
Browne Lt. John Sandfield Macdonald
Browne William Vincent
Brownell Charles Henry
Browning N W
Brownlee George
Brubacher Lloyd
Bruce Albert
Bruce Alexander
Bruce George William
Brunton George William
Brunton Samuel
Bryan Alfred W
Bryans Sub Lt. Fraser McP
Bryant Frederick William
Bryson James Robertson
Buchan James Andrew
Buchanan George
Buchanan Leo
Buck Ernest
Buck Harry
Buckles Robert
Buckley Edward
Buckley Everett
Buckman Walter
Buik James Rodger
Buist Kenneth Watson
Bulger William Robert
Bull Major Jeffrey C
Bull William Arthur
Bullock Arthur Dudley
Bullock John
Bullock L/ Cpl. William Edward
Bullock Walter
Bullock William Percival James
Bullough Alfred Thomas
Bunce Ernest John
Bunker George
Bunston Melvin
Bunting William George
Burberry Alfred
Burchall John
Burchell Thomas Edward
Burden Charles Elbridge
Burdette Francis
Burford Edward Swift
Burgar Robert James
Burger Lt. Fred
Burgess Capt. Roswell Morris
Burgess Charles Dykes
Burgess Clifford
Burke Charles A
Burket Frank
Burleigh William Harold
Burley George
Burman Flt. Lt. Jack William
Burman John William
Burnett George
Burnett Roy
Burnham Capt. Sidney Smith
Burns Angus Burns
Burns Harold George
Burns John Aiken
Burns Thomas Henry
Burns William James Gordon
Burns William Robert
Burnside Alexander
Burritt Alfred Carroll
Burrows Bruce Hosmer Acton
Burrows Charles Stuart
Burt George Edward
Burt John
Burton Albert S
Burton James Lindsay
Burton Major Frank
Burton Sidney
Buseck Albert Edwin
Bush William J
Bushell Edmund
Bushey George Edward
Buss Arthur Robert
Bussell Frank
Bussell William
Busst Leonard William
Butcher Albert
Butchers Albert Edward
Butler Allan
Butler Joseph Herbert
Butler L/ Cpl. Wilfred
Butler William
Buttivant Joseph Edwin
Button Herbert William
Byers Albert
Byron John Joseph
Cade Walter
Cain Frederick
Cain George William
Cairns Alexander
Cairns George
Cairns William Hugh
Calder Adam
Calder Alexander Douglas M
Calder James Alexander Bruce
Caldwell Clelland
Cahill Thomas Joseph
Calladine Charles Henry
Callaghan Thomas Hugh
Callan Gordon Robert
Callender Ross Earl
Callingham William Charles
Calver Alexander Dick
Cameron Allan Starr
Cameron Alexander
Cameron Capt. Oliver Lorne
Cameron Charles Coutts
Cameron David
Cameron Hugh Charles
Cameron John
Cameron L/ Cpl. William Jabez
Cameron Robert B
Campbell Alexander
Campbell Cecil
Campbell Duncan Frederick
Campbell Edward
Campbell Frank
Campbell Hugh
Campbell John James
Campbell Lt. Colin St.George
Campbell Roy Edmund
Campbell Russell
Campbell Thomas J
Campbell Warren Knight
Canfer Richard Jas
Cann John Alfred
Cannon Ernest Harold
Cannon Ernest N
Cantlon Fred Henry
Cantwell William
Capel William
Capewell James Thomas
Capreol Reginald Hewitt
Capstick G
Carway Patrick John
Cardwell Edgar Caffyn
Carey Earl
Carling William Thomas
Carlyle Lt. William Mackay
Carlyle Walter Andrew
Carman Charles
Caroline A A
Caron Thomas David
Carr Charles Clifton
Carr Frederick George
Carr James Ewart
Carr Roy Reginald
Carr Stephen
Carradus Maurice Cecil
Carroll James
Carruthers Sgt. Christopher
Carson George
Carson James Brown
Carson Thomas David
Carss William
Carswell Sgt. Alexander Hannay
Carter Albert Edward
Carter Charles D’Arcy
Carter David
Carter Frank
Carter Frederick
Carter Frederick Arthur
Carter Harold George
Carter Henry James
Carter Herbert
Carter Leslie H
Carter Sidney C
Carter Theodore
Carveth William
Carway Patrick John
Case Edward Henry
Casey John J
Cashman William
Cass Percy
Cassidy Anthony
Castledine Joseph
Cather Robert
Caulfield Samuel James
Caunce Edward
Cavanagh Frederick
Caven Walter John
Cavers James Pomeroy
Cavill Richard
Chadwick Flt. Lt. Arnold J
Chadwick Frederick L
Chadwick Norman Francis
Chadwick Percy E
Chadwick Thomas
Chalk William
Challenger Reginald William
Chalmers Alexander
Chalmers Capt. Adam P
Chalmers Edward Lindsay
Chalmers William
Chalue Joseph Gonzague
Chamberlain Charles Edgar
Chamberlain L/ Cpl. George Oliver
Chamberlin Arthur Walter
Chamberlin James Russell
Chambers CSM Charles
Chambers Frederick
Chambers Percy Wilmot
Chambers Samuel
Chambers William Henry
Champ Frederick George
Chandler George Alfred
Chandler Thomas
Chaney J
Chantier A/ L/ Cpl. Randal
Chapell Charles
Chapell William John
Chapman Beatty Leonard
Chapman Ernest Charles
Chapman George Grenville Garfield
Chapman James Hartwell
Chapman Mosley Summerville
Chapman William
Chappell Evan James
Chapple Leonard Charles Fredk
Charles Edward Arthur
Chesney Samuel
Checkley Albert
Chedzey Harry
Chedzey Henry Charles
Cheeseman Roy Brompton
Cheesewright John Patrick
Cherry Herbert Meade
Chesnut Arthur Willoughby
Chick Arthur Matravers
Chidderton Albert Henry
Chidley Philip F
Chipman Lt/ Cpl. John D
Chisholm Christopher
Chisholm Reginald B
Chisholm Reginald Gladstone
Chisholm William Alexander
Chivas E J
Chormann Peter John
Chowns Ronald
Christie Andrew Allan
Christie Ernest
Christie Frederick Samuel
Christopher William
Chubb Philip
Church Arthur Barker
Churchward Sydney
Clairmont Charles David
Clanfield Leonard
Clapperton William
Clare William
Claridge Thomas Arthur
Clark Albert
Clark Bruce
Clark Douglas
Clark Edward William
Clark Eric Henry
Clark Ernest
Clark Frank Keith
Clark George Arthur
Clark James
Clark John
Clark Milton Orville
Clark Peter
Clark William Henry
Clark William T
Clarke Alfred George
Clarke Andrew Walker
Clarke Ernest
Clarke Frank William
Clarke Frederick William
Clarke George B
Clarke George Frederick
Clarke Henry
Clarke James F
Clarke L/ Sgt. Horace James
Clarke Lt. Paul Brooks
Clarke Lionel Esmonde
Clarke Milton
Clarke Norman Frederick
Clarke Paul Brooks
Clarke Warring Kennedy
Clarke William Bentley
Clarke William Horace
Clarke William Winter
Clarkson Lt. Maurice Arundel
Clarkson Reginald Douglas
Clay Nelson Chaplin
Clayson James Alfred
Clayton Edward Alfred
Clayton Thomas Edward Milton
Cleal George Hugh
Cleale George A
Clegg William
Cleghorn William Fulton
Clement James Henry
Clements James
Clements Joseph
Clendenning William James
Cleuientson Jack
Cleverdon Albert Leon
Cleverdon Ernest Norton
Cliff Norman Victor
Clifford George
Clifford Walter
Clifton Lt. William Powell
Cline Frank
Clinhard Harold
Clive William
Clogg William Glanville
Clow Charles
Clute Victor Maxwell
Cobb Sidney Frederick
Cobban James
Cockburn George Angus
Cockburn George Doig
Cockburn Hugh
Cockburn Lt. Gordon Allan
Cocker William Ernest
Cockott John
Coe Ardagh
Coghlan George Haughton
Coghlan Lt. Haughton
Cohen Lt. Myer Tutzer
Cohn Leonard L
Cokell William
Cokes E R
Cokes Gunner E
Cole Arnold Carlton
Cole Clifford
Cole John Joseph
Cole Percy Ellwood
Cole Thomas Alfred
Cole William Frederick
Cole Charles Edward
Colegrave Lt. Arthur Phillip
Coleman Arthur Leonard
Coleman Sgt. Albert
Coles Ernest C
Colgan Mathew
Collard Charles H
Collie William
Collier Ernest
Collin George Raymond
Collin George Rowland
Collingridge Russell Lewis
Collins Richard Henry
Collins Charles
Collins Daniel John
Collins Frederick Rupert
Collins George Frederick
Collins Ivan James
Collins John
Collins Lewis Bain
Collins William
Colmor Charles H
Colquohoun Alexander McW
Colquohoun Charles
Colquohoun John
Colton George
Colvin Andrew
Combes Matthew Edward
Combes Matthew Ernest
Commins Capt. Chester Francis
Commins Capt. William K
Compton Charles Duncan
Compton Harold
Conklin Robert James Davidson
Conlan Michael Patrick
Connacher Sydney
Connaty James
Connell Alexander Marshall
Connell Eric N
Connell Robert Walker
Connelly Alfred Jack
Connery Francis Courtney
Connolly C M
Connor Charles William
Connor John
Connor William Joseph Sanderson
Connor William Robertson
Conroy Edward
Constable G M
Constable George Nicoll
Constable Harold
Conway Fred
Conway Herbert Augustus
Conway Michael
Conway William
Cook Harold Thomas
Cook A F
Cook Clarence Herbert
Cook Ernest Benjamin
Cook Frederick James
Cook George
Cook Harry
Cook Herbert Henry
Cook John
Cook Lt. James Drue
Cook Robert J
Cook Robert Mackenzie
Cook Sgt. Wm Charles
Cook William Harold
Cook William Henry
Cook William Joseph James
Cooke Collins Alexander
Cooke Frederick William
Cooke Harry
Cooke L/ Sgt. John
Cooke Wilfred Levering
Cookson Francis Armitage
Coomb William J
Coombe Alfred John
Coombs Charles
Cooney James Mitchell
Cooney James Tone
Cooney John Lane
Coons John Walter
Coopeer Ernest William
Cooper Charles Edwin
Cooper Edward
Cooper Ernest George
Cooper Gavin
Cooper Herbert Arthur
Cooper Hugh S
Cooper James Calderwood
Cooper James Russell
Cooper Joseph
Cooper Mark
Cooper Robert David
Cooper Robert Henry Leslie
Cooper Roy Percival
Cooper Sgt. Walter Henry
Cooper William James
Copp Harold William Walter
Corbett James Frederick
Corbett John
Corbett Samuel
Corbold Flt. Lt. Henry Maurice
Corbott James
Cordie William Ernest
Cordner Thomas Henry
Corin Charles William Archibald
Corin Norman James
Cornish Angus
Cornish Ernest Alfred
Cornish Stanley
Cornwith George Cameron
Corp Charles Nelson
Correll Herbert Greville
Corrigan Robert
Corson Archibald Wilson
Cosh H J
Cossey H M
Cotterell Thomas
Cotterill Ernest F
Cotton Thomas
Cottrell Henry Edward
Cottrill Albert
Couchman George Beresford
Coulson Arthur C
Coulter Allan Alexander
Coulter Cpl. William
Coulter Douglas Johnstone
Coulter George B
Coulter John Francis Mckay
Coulter John James
Coulter John Mckay
Coulton Jowatt
Couper James White
Couper Roger Aytown Whyte
Court Gilbert William
Courtney Gordon
Courtney Herbert George
Courtney William
Cousins Eric Whitnee
Coutts Lt. Walter Gordon
Coutts Milton Reid
Covill Arthur
Cowan Andrew Forsyth Crawford
Cowan John
Cowler William
Cowleshaw Henry Albert
Cowper L/ Cpl. Francis J
Cox Alexander
Cox Edgar Charles
Cox Edwin Bingham
Cox Ernest George
Cox Henry J
Cox Ivor John Henry
Cox John Herbert
Cox John J Lockwood
Cox Lorne Douglas
Cox Prank
Cox Thomas Henry
Cox William John
Coyde A/ Cpl. Charles
Crabbe Howard Bridle
Cracknell Benjamin
Cracknell Richard Norman Craddock
Cragg Russell Alexander
Crago Percel Le Roy
Craig Alexander
Craig Curtis Billings
Craig David Robert
Craig George Alexander
Craig John
Craig Lt. Lorne Bean
Craig William
Craigie A S
Craigie Lewis
Craigie William
Craik James Mair
Cram William Anderson
Crane John Edward
Crane John Wilmer
Crane William
Craven Ernest H
Crawford Albert Andrew
Crawford Frederick Harley
Crawford Frederick John
Crawford James Clark
Crawford James Currie
Crawford Joseph Benjamin
Crawford Lt. Thomas
Crawford Major James Philip
Crawford Melville Sealy
Crawford Robert
Crawley A/ Sgt. Harry
Creasy Leopold J
Creighton James Lawrence
Creighton James Owen
Creighton Lt. Ernest
Creighton Maurice
Creser William Hilliard
Cresswell George
Cribbes Thomas
Crich Enoch
Crick Albert Victor
Cripps George William
Crisp Gordon Wray
Crisp Sgt. Charles George
Crockford Alfred William
Crofoot Charles Paul
Crombie Mitchell
Crombie Vincent Robert Alexander
Crompton Sgt. William
Cronk Bruce Perry
Crook John
Crook Richard John
Crook Sgt. Arthur James
Crook William
Crooks James
Crooks Matthew
Crosby Emerson
Crosby John Albert
Crosby Norman
Crosier Robert John
Cross Alfred
Cross Percy
Cross Peter
Cross Russell Andrew
Cross Stanley
Crossland Ernest Ford
Crossley Henry
Crothers Robert
Croucher Robert
Crowe Albert Arthur
Crowe George Rennie
Crowe Harry Laurence
Crowe Sub Lt. Harry L
Crowley William
Crowther Stanley Lorne
Crowther William Beverley
Croxford Joseph
Cruickshank Alexander
Cruickshank George
Crummey Francis Cyprian
Cruxton John Patrick
Culham Hubert Anthony
Cullum John Arthur
Culver Harold John
Culver John
Cumming David Alexander
Cumming Herbert William Mackarsie
Cumming John Dean
Cumpston Basil Lancelot
Cunliffe Herbert
Cunningham 2nd Lt. James Nelson
Cunningham John
Cunningham William Greig
Curran Charles
Currell William George
Currie Wm J
Curry Francis Samuel
Curry Lt. Walter Howard
Curry Major Walter Eyre
Curtain Edward
Curtin Jamos
Curtis Bert
Curtis Cyril Francis
Curtis Fredk Walter
Curtis Herbert Charles
Curtis Henry
Curtis Lt. Frank Warren
Cuss Albert George
Cuthbert David
Cuthbort Milton Luther
Cutting Arthur
Cuyler Charles Henry Oliver
Da We William Goorge
Dack Robert Jaraca
Dagg George
Daines Cecil Charles
Dakers Robert Duncan
Dale Cecil Edgar
Dale Gordon
Dale John William
Dale Sgt. Edward
Daley A
Dallen Donald
Dalrymple Oliver Gordon
Dalton Charles William
Dalton Harold Woodsworth
Daly Frank
Dalzell George
Dando Percy
Daniel George
Daniel Lt. Floetwood Earnscliffe
Daniels Frederick Bernard
Daniels Reginald
Danks Sidney
Danore Frank
Darby Ernest Page
Darcy De Vere Edward
Dare Charles
Darke Christopher Leslie
Darling Oswald Gilbert
Darling Robert Clifford
Darmody Michael Joseph
Darrell William
Dart George
Dashwood Capt. John Lovell
Daubert Alexander D
Davail Claude
Davenport James A
Davey Hector
Davey John Ainger
Davey John Melville
Davey Robert
Davey Samuel John
David Gumming
Davidson Allan
Davidson Andrew
Davidson Bryce Thomas
Davidson George
Davidson Gordon Parsons
Davidson James
Davidson Lt. George Thorold
Davidson Robert Francis
Davidson Robert P
Davidson Samuel
Davidson Sgt. Robert L
Davidson William
Davie Alexander
Davie F J
Davie Floyd Ellwood
Davie Francis William
Davies Bdr. David W
Davies Charles
Davies Frank Redfern
Davis Albert Edward
Davis Arthur Henry
Davis Arthur S
Davis Capt. E M R
Davis Charles Walker
Davis Cpl. Richard Ernest
Davis Edward A
Davis Ernest Herbert
Davis Frederick
Davis Harold
Davis John Charles
Davis Joseph
Davis Joseph Steele
Davis Lawrence Frederick
Davis Nursing Sister Lena A
Davis Reginald N C
Davis Thomas M
Davis W R
Davis William
Davis Harold V V
Davison Charles William
Davison Hugh
Davison W N
Davison Walter William
Dawe William James Stephen
Dawson Alfred Simmonds
Dawson Ernest Charles
Dawson L/ Cpl. Alfred William
Dawson Mandel James
Dawson Robert John
Dawson William
Day Arthur
Day George Ernest
Day George Frederick
Day William James
De Cole Charles Francois
De Good William A
De La Corneuve Sgt. Montagu Thos
De La Sabliere Emmanuel
Deacon Frederick
Dean Levi Stanley
Dean Thomas
Dean William Robert
Deayton Sidney Pryor
Decole Charles Francis
Dedman William
Deer James
Deer Lt. Herbert Edward
Deeves J H
Defoe Vincent Laurent
Defoe William Augustus
Defriez Forbes Elliott
Degeer Carl Wallace
Delaine Capt. Frederick J
Delaney John Joseph
Delaney Thomas
Delavigne Frank
Dell James
Delves John
Dempster Alexander
Denison Edgar Street
Dennett Ernest Edward
Dennison Capt. George T
Denovan Allan Macnab
Denyes Lindsay Garfield
Derbyshire Frank
Deusbury Charles W
Devall Russell
Devereaux J
Deverell George Howard
Devine Edward John
Devitt Bertram
Devlin Henry Lyman
Dewar James
Dewes Lister
Dibble Lt. Harry
Dick James Hamilton
Dick Lt. George Macdonald
Dicker Walter James
Dickinson Vernon Samuel
Dickson Alex Hart
Dickson Edward
Dickson S
Dillon David John
Dillon Thomas Edward
Dilnot Kenneth
Dimond Reginald
Dinnen L/ Cpl. Robert J
Dismore H J
Disney Horace
Dissette Arthur Clarke
Diver Cpl. John Walter
Diver Lt. Frederick George
Dixon Capt. Thomas Baylis
Dixon Cpl. Joseph
Dixon H E
Dixon James
Dixon Lt. John Warren
Dixon Samuel James
Dixon Thomas William
Dobbins James
Dobell Frederick Marshall
Dobson Louis
Dobson W J
Dock Robert James
Dodd James John
Dodd Robert Charles
Dodds Edward Milton
Dodgson Cecil Edgar
Dodson Thomas
Doheny Lt. John E
Doherty John Duncan
Doidge Arthur J
Dolan Joseph Aloysius
Dolby William
Domaille Charles
Donaghy James Charles
Donahue Earl Donreith
Donaldson Alexander
Donaldson John
Donlan Patrick
Donnell John Irving
Donnelly Douglas Eugene
Donoghue John Joseph
Donovani John
Dorby Thomas
Dornan Benjamin
Doublet Maurice
Dougherty E
Dougherty Harold Vinton
Dougherty Joseph
Doughty John Henry Aiton
Douglas Charles
Douglas Donald
Douglas Edgar Samuel
Douglas Ernest Edward Roger
Douglas Frederick William
Douglas Gordon Frederick
Douglas Grant
Douglas James
Douglas John Gordon
Douglas L/ Cpl. Grantham
Douglas Lt. Fredk Wm
Douglas Norman George
Douglass Bdr. Gilbert
Douglass John
Dowding Albert Wood
Dowling James Joseph
Down Joseph Henry
Down William George
Downes George
Downey John Winfield
Downey Richard
Doyle James
Doyle Maurice Henry
Doyle Maxwell Charles Patrick
Drake Reginald Ezra
Drake Reginald Robert
Drew Oliver Cecil
Dring L/ Cpl. S W
Drinkwater Elmer Mcready
Drinkwater William
Driscoll Dennis
Driscoll L/ Cpl. Henry
Drozdovsky Keith
Drum Nelson H
Drummond Lt. Lindsay
Drury Bertie Edward
Drury Edgar C
Dryden John Patterson
Drysdale James
Duddy Herbert James
Dudgeon David
Dudley Harold
Dudley Morgan
Dudley William Howard
Duff Harold Dickson
Duff Harry David
Duff Robert Hunter
Duffield Frederick William
Duggan George Wilfold
Duggan Herrick Stevenson
Duggan Timothy Augustus
Dugit Robert Louis
Duguid James
Duke Gordon Ezra
Dun Ford Sydney
Dunbar A M
Dunbar Bertie Mitchell
Dunbar John
Dunbar Talbot Clyde
Duncan Arthur Jackson
Duncan Charles Edward
Duncan George Ford
Duncan James
Duncan John
Duncan Lt. Alan Barrie
Duncan Robert
Dundas George W
Dundas Robert
Dunlop CSM Arthur Hamilton
Dunlop Joseph Sproule
Dunmore Sgt. George
Dunn James Sidney Herbert
Dunn Jeremiah
Dunning Robert
Dunstan Guy Peirce
Dunvean Arthur Jackson
Durham Stephen
Durie William Arthur Peel
Durnford Ernest Wellington
Durrant George Joseph
Durst Jack William
Durst John William Tinewell
Durward Quentin
Duthie Alexander
Duthie Gilbert Mason
Duthie Wilfrid Alexander
Dutton Horace
Dutton James
Dwyer Ray Michael
Dyer Charles
Dymock John Ernest
Dynes Norman Oliver
Dyson Arthur
Dyson James
Dyson Reginald Threadingham
Eades William H
Eadie Nelson Burns
Eagle Eric Rodolph
Eagle Leslie Fenton
Eames George William
Eardley Joseph William
Earl Thomas George
Earls James G
Earnshaw Herbert
Earwicker Alfred Stewart
Eastland William Henry
Eastman George L
Easton John
Easton Lt. Thomas A
Eaton Charles
Eaton Frederick Peter
Eaton Lt. Thomas
Eaton Major Jaffray
Eaton Robert
Eaton Thomas Alden
Eddis Lt. Arthur George Edge
Ede Arthur James
Edgar Leslie William
Edgson Arnold G
Edmanson Thomas Dewson
Edmiston William Harold
Edmondson Frederick George
Edwards Arthur
Edwards Harry
Edwards Henry Thomas
Edwards Herbert Samuel Wesley
Edwards James
Edwards Percy
Edwards Richard
Edwards William James
Eedy Gerald Dewitt
Egan Stanley Michael
Egglestone Charles Alfred Eldridge
Eiford S
Eilet Thomas
Eldridge George
Elford Albert Edward
Elliot Howard Hollingshead
Elliott Claude Elsden
Ellis Arthur William
Ellis Douglas Quirk
Ellis George Clemens
Ellis Harry Cecil
Ellis Percy Ernest
Ellis Peter
Ellis Robert M
Ellis Sidney Gibson
Ellis Walter Edwin
Ellison Sgt. John William
Ellsworth Frederick
Elmer Ernest
Elmsley Remy Bazil
Elphick Cpl. Henry
Elson Arthur
Elton Harold
Emery A
Emery Charles
Emlow Harold
Emmitt George Richard
Emsley Albert
Enderby Arthur
English Peter
English Thomas
Enright Albert Edward
Enright Cornelius Joseph
Enright Patrick
Enright William Joseph
Enright William T
Epps Cecil Hubert
Errington Frederick Wilmer
Erskine Alexander
Ervine Arthur Wisdon
Erwin Frank W
Erwood John William
Esten Gerald Philip
Etchells Joseph
Evans Charles
Evans Edward James
Evans George Cerswell
Evans Harry Hubert
Evans Harry Walter
Evans John Clow
Evans Kenneth George Ogle
Evans Richard Fredk
Evans Samuel
Evans William Laurence
Eve Walter Richard
Evenden Jesse T
Eversfleld Thomas Henry
Eveson Frederick Thomas
Ewens Grenville Henry
Ewing John Connell
Ewing William Arthur
Eyles Charles Daniel
Eyller Hans
Facer Herbert
Fairbairn A F
Fairclough Ewing R
Fairley Archd Glendenning
Fairley Cpl. James F
Fairweather Arthur William
Falkiner George Kingsley
Falkner Allan Crawford
Fallis Samuel Edward
Falney James Joseph
Fanning Stephen
Faragher William Edward
Farmer A
Farndon Henry
Farquharson James MacDonald
Farr Joseph Frederick
Farrell Henry John
Farries Thomas
Farthing Arthur Daniel
Faughnan Michael Thomas
Faulkner Freeman
Faultless W E
Fay QMS Charles Henry
Fearnley Albert Smith
Feathers James
Fee William
Feeney John Cecil
Fell William George Arthur
Fell W G
Fenton George E
Fenton William Ramsay
Ferguson Albert
Ferguson Alexander
Ferguson Archibald
Ferguson Benjamin
Ferguson Calvin
Ferguson Cpl. Robert
Ferguson Donald Garnet
Ferguson Ernest Robert John
Ferguson James
Ferguson John Alvin Arthur
Ferguson Lawrence
Ferguson Robert John
Ferguson Thomas
Ferguson William
Ferriday Cpl. Joseph Henry
Ferrier George Watt
Ferrier Victor Archibald
Ferries Herbert
Ferry Howard Thomas
Fetterby Silas
Fick Walter
Fickling Albert
Fidler Henry Albert
Field Arthur F
Field Arthur Thomas
Field Edward James
Field Maurice
Fielder John Armstrong
Fielding Thomas
Fieldwick Cpl. F
Fin Nie W J
Finch Arthur Claude
Findlay L/ Cpl. Gordon Curnming
Finegan Geoffrey H
Finlay Wallace Meldrum
Finn John
Finnie Colin
Firth Arthur
Firth Frederick Walter
Fish Frank Hamilton
Fish Fred
Fisher Bruce Fitzgerald
Fisher Daniel Wear
Fisher Fredk George
Fisher Herbert Oliver
Fisher James Henry
Fisher John
Fisher Lt. George H
Fisher Roland Ed
Fitton George
Fitzgerald Charles Harold
Fitzgerald John Richard
Fitzgerald William Ernest
Fitzpatrick James
Flanagan Ambrose
Flanagan William James Ernest
Flatt Ronald V
Flaxman Reuben
Fleming Flt. Lt. George Rivers Sanderson
Fleming Grant Wilkin
Fleming James Stephenson
Fletcher Albert Joseph
Fletcher Benjamin
Fletcher Edgar
Fletcher Joseph
Flett Frederick Robert
Fleury Hugo Valentine
Flint Harold Roy
Flint William Cornwall
Flood Martin James
Floyde Frank
Fluker James Kenneth
Foden Herbert Ralph
Foley Eugene Francis
Foley John Howard
Foley William
Folliott John Henry Harry
Footerensky David
Forbes Benjamin
Forbes James
Forbes John
Ford Archibald Edward
Ford Frederick George
Ford John Lane
Ford Walter
Ford William James
Foreman David Mcdonald
Forgie Hugh
Forgie Thomas
Forgrave Thomas Jas
Forrest Percy Alfred
Forrester F J
Forsdike F
Forsey George
Forsey Percy Henry
Forster Frederick
Forster George
Forsyth Lt. Gordon Oliver
Forsyth Robert
Forsyth Roy Anderson
Forsythe Donald Kenneth
Fortner Edwin
Foster Edward J
Foster Frederick
Foster George
Foster George Samuel
Foster John
Foster Joseph Percy
Foster Leonard
Foster Robert Stewart
Fothergill Cuthbert Richard Page
Foulston Frederick
Fouracre William John Thomas
Fowle William Owen
Fowler Percy
Fowler William Joseph
Fox Charles Henry
Fox David B
Fox Thomas
Foxlee Cecil H
Fradley William
Frame Harold Joseph
Frame James Ross
Frame William Henry
Francis George
Francis Herbert Frankland
Francis Percival A
Francis Russell Frederick
Franeey George
Franklin Charles Albert
Franks Arthur John Fredk Hayward
Franks John S
Fraser Alexander Gordon
Fraser Charles B
Fraser David Clayton
Fraser Donald
Fraser Duncan Moir
Fraser John Samuel
Fraser Norton Mcdonald
Fraser Sgt. Robert
Fredenburg Percy Le Roy
Freebairn Thomas S
Freeland Alexander
Freeland John Buchan
Freeman Douglas
Freeman Lt. Harry Percival
Freestone Arthur Herbert George
French Charles
French A/ Lt. Gordon Rae
Fretwell L/ Cpl. George W
Friend George Spencer
Frisken George William
Frith Walter James
Frizzell John
Frizzell Norman Stanley
Frost Frank
Frost William Francis
Frost William George
Fry Flt. Lt. John L
Fry William Edmund
Fryday Nicholas Neville
Fryer Albert
Fryers Ernest Albert
Fulford William Ira
Fuller Norman William
Fulton Morden Jay
Furby Herbert
Furlong Arthur Francis
Furze Frank
Fussell George Henry
Fyfe Frank Moir Robb
Fyle Jack
Gabbott Cpl. Thomas R
Gaffikin William Bertram
Gage John Benjamin
Gage Reginald
Gage Sgt. John R
Gailer Frederick Charles
Gaina John
Gair Alexander
Gairns Robert
Gaisford Frederick
Gale Norman Carlyle
Gall John Thomas
Gallagher Bernard C
Gallaugher John Willis
Galloway Alexander
Galloway George Gordon
Galloway James
Galt James Henry
Galt Lt. Gerald
Gamble James Albert
Gammack James
Gammage Roy Leonard
Garbett Ernest G
Garbutt Charles
Garbutt Cpl. John Thomas
Garbutt George Roy
Garbutt Percy
Gard Ernest Alfred
Garde John Edward
Garden Clarence Scott
Gardener Clifford Oliver
Gardiner Cpl. Benjamin Walter
Gardiner Harry William
Gardiner James
Gardiner Justus
Gardiner W George
Gardiner William Jabez
Gardner John Spencer
Gardner Russell Thomas
Garfunkel Harold
Garner Archibald Stewart
Garner Clarence
Garrett Guy Wray
Garrett Sidney Murray
Garrow Lt. John Ure
Garside Bertram
Garston Sgt. Major James
Garvie James Alexander
Gate William Hayden
Gatenby Walter
Gates James Frederick
Gates John Archibald
Gaudens Charles Joseph
Gauld Lt. Gordon S M
Gauvin Leon Bertram
Gavine Archibald
Gaw Adam
Gazey Thomas Henry
Geall John
Gear John D
Geckie David
Geddes James Jarvie
Geddes James Murray
Geddes Percy Mannering
Gedge Herbert
Geggie William Miller
Gell Martin
Gellotty Alexander
George Louis W
Germain Lt. Henry Edgar
German George Frederick
German Robert Wedell
Gerrard Fredk William
Gerrard William Fraser
Gerrie Hugh
Gerry Frank Stewart
Geudens Charles Joseph
Gibb George Murray
Gibb Robert
Gibbons G W
Gibbons Redmond Joseph
Gibbs Ernest
Gibbs George Henry
Gibbs Orman Thaddeus
Gibbs Saddler William Elijah
Gibson Abram Lawson
Gibson Albert
Gibson Charles George
Gibson Donald
Gibson Ernest
Gibson Franklin Reginald
Gibson John Hall
Gibson Laurence Percival Kennedy
Gibson Lt. John Alexr
Gibson Robert Jas
Giddings John
Giddins George Frederick
Giffin Thomas Alexr
Gifford Allan Scott
Gilbert Albert
Gilbert Charles Morris
Gilbert Sgt. Gordon Stephen
Gilbert Sydney
Gilbo Floyd William
Gilbo William Floyd
Gilchrist George Haney
Gilchrist Hugh Milroy
Giles Albert Booth
Giles Charles Innis
Giles Lt. Charles A
Gilflllen John
Gill Joseph
Gill Thomas R
Gill William
Gillen Charles
Gillespie Archibald James
Gillespie Francis
Gillespie Major Gordon
Gillespie Maurice
Gillespie Norman
Gillespie Thomas
Gillespie William
Gillies Robert Clarence
Gillmore Stephen Arthur
Gillon Edward
Gilmer Lt. Ernest R
Gilmore Albert James
Gilmore George Albert
Gilmore L/ Cpl. W R
Gilmore Robert
Gilmour Hugh
Gilpin Fredk George
Gilroy John
Gilyeart Thomas
Gingell Francis William
Gingell Lawson Thomas
Girvin George
Gist Henry James Jewell
Gladman William George
Glasgow Flt. Lt. Theodore Linscott
Glass Thomas
Glass T
Gleed Harry
Gleed James Jarvis
Glegg John
Glen John Frame
Glen Roy William
Glendinning Lt. Stanley N
Glocking Peter J
Glossop Edward
Glover Albert Lawrence Darling
Glover Carl Frederick
Glover Henry Edward
Glover Ira Leonard
Glover James Leonard
Glover John Frederick
Gloyns George
Goble George
Goddard A P
Godding Alfred V
Godfrey Charles Reginald
Godman Walter William
Godwin Bertram Henry
Goff Frank
Goheen Walter William
Golay Harold Hugh
Goldie John
Goldstone Edwin William
Gomeau Oliver
Gomme Percy Cecil
Gonneau Oliver
Gooch Lt. Fredk John
Goodall Ernest
Goodall Harry
Goodall William R
Goodfellow J
Goodger William Arthur
Goodier Alfred
Gooding Cpl. William G
Goodman Ambrose Harold
Goodman Harold Victor
Goodrich Capt. F E
Goodwin Harry H
Goodwin William John
Gorback John (Jack)
Gordon Albert
Gordon Charles
Gordon Cpl. John
Gordon Cpl. Peter
Gordon David
Gordon Elmer
Gordon Ernest Franklin
Gordon George
Gordon George Boyd
Gordon Henry Hartley
Gordon Henry Russell
Gordon Herbert
Gordon James
Gordon James Mitchell
Gordon John
Gordon Lt. Henry Andrew
Gordon Lt. Col Andrew Robertson
Gordon Maitland Lockhart
Gordon Thomas Seton
Gordon Walter Leslie Lockhart
Gordon William
Gordon William Gordon
Gordon William Hunter
Gordon William James
Goring Maitland Harold
Gorman Sgt. Francis James
Gorrell Harry
Goslin Claude Ellwood
Goudie James Alexander
Gough Bernard Joseph
Gould Harry William Richard
Gould John Barker
Gould Norman
Gould Walter
Gourlie James Howard Keith
Gowdy Richard Trevor
Gracey William John
Gracie Robert
Grady John James
Graham Arthur William
Graham Charles
Graham Daniel
Graham David
Graham George Foster
Graham George Joseph
Graham Herbert B
Graham James
Graham John Reginald
Graham John Wesley
Graham Joseph Henry
Graham L/ Cpl. Wm T
Graham Robert Henry
Graham RQMS Thomas Robert
Graham Thomas M
Graham Thomas Robert
Grand Charles Griffin
Grandin John Hamar
Grange James Burness
Grange Preston
Grant Alexander
Grant Archibald
Grant Cecil John
Grant Douglas
Grant George
Grant James Albert
Grant Malcolm Reid
Grant Oswald Wetherald
Grant Thomas Pringle
Grassick Robert Frederick
Gray Alfred Judge
Gray Angus Douglas
Gray Charles Robert
Gray Frederick
Gray George A
Gray George H
Gray George Kirkpatrick
Gray Gilbert Arthur
Gray J S
Gray Leslie Phillip
Gray Walter
Gray William
Graydon John Alexander
Green Albert Edward
Green Arthur Reginald
Green Austin
Green Emerson
Green Francis Henry Price
Green Frank William
Green Frederick John
Green George Frederick
Green Henry A
Green Henry Barnaby
Green Henry George
Green Herbert James
Green Herman
Green James
Green Rowland
Green Sgt. Percy V
Green Tom Albert
Green William H
Green William Joseph Childs
Green William Robert
Greenaway James
Greenbury Charles Mervin
Greengrass Edwin
Greening Augustus Ralph
Greenwell Matthew
Greenwood Cpl. Matthew H
Greer George
Greer James
Greer Lt. Thomas Boles
Greetham Frank
Gregg John
Gregory James
Gregory Lt. William Henderson
Gregory Luke
Gregory Thomas
Gregory William
Greig Arthur Andrew
Greig Norman
Gribben Alexander
Gridley William Ernest
Grieves George Raywood
Griffin Arthur Henry James
Griffin Charles M
Griffin George
Griffin Randle Newcombe
Griffin Victor Ernest
Griffin William
Griffiths John Norman
Grigg Alfred George
Grigsby Charles Thomas
Grimes Matthew
Grimsey Sydney Richard
Grimshaw Samuel
Grinley Richard
Groom Charles
Groom John Wesley
Grossier Robert John
Groves Albert
Groves Harold Morton
Groves Herbert Leonard
Groves Sgt. William John
Guest Harry Jordon
Guilfoyle Sgt. John Vincent
Gunn 2nd Lt. Edmond Allen
Gunn Flt. Lt. Murray Grant
Gunn W Morley
Gunning A
Gurney Bert Arthur
Guthrie John Robert
Guy Herbert
Guy Samuel
Gyatt Charles James
Hackett Alfred
Hackett Charles Edward
Hackett Raymond George William
Hackett Thomas
Hackett William Andrew
Hackshaw Charles William
Hackshaw Josiah
Hadden George
Hadden William James
Haddon George Arthur
Haden Edward
Hadley Harry A
Hadley John
Hagarty Lt. Daniel Galer
Hagen Thomas Kerr
Haig David E
Haig Sgt. William M
Hain Chester Joseph
Hain Norman Claude
Haining Sgt. Adam
Hains William Worth
Halbert Samuel Frederick Taylor
Haldane John
Haldane Thomas
Hale Corrie
Hale George
Hale John
Hale William Henry
Haley Sgt. Albert
Hall Alfred
Hall Arnold Rossiter
Hall Capt. George Osborne
Hall Cpl. Noel B
Hall Flt. Cmdr William Tisdale
Hall Frank Dudley
Hall Gordon Stanley
Hall James
Hall John Albert
Hall Thomas
Hall Thomas Kerr
Hall Wilfred Brown
Hall William Teasdale
Hall William Titus
Hallas Richard H
Halliday Andrew
Halliday George William
Halpin Wilfred
Halward James Joseph
Hamblin Ebenezer S
Hamer William
Hamilton Alexander
Hamilton Archibald George
Hamilton Arthur Edgar
Hamilton Arthur Samuel
Hamilton Charles
Hamilton Edwin
Hamilton George Joseph
Hamilton James
Hamilton John S
Hamilton Lt. Douglas K
Hamilton Lt. Robert G
Hamilton Robert Douglas
Hamilton Robert Hector
Hamilton Sgt. James H
Hamilton Sgt. James Joseph
Hamilton Victor
Hamilton William
Hamilton William Albert
Hamlin Arthur J
Hamlin William Latham Blacker
Hampton Norman Guy
Hamre Helge
Hancox Sgt. George
Hanington William H
Hanlan Edward Gordon
Hanley John
Hanna Ephraim Wesley
Hanna Hugh
Hanna Roy Franklin
Hannaford Ida Durant
Hannaford John Henry
Hannaford L/ Cpl. Wm James
Hannah David
Hannah Douglas
Hannah James
Hannah John D
Hannah Walter
Hannan Lt. Sylvester
Hannawin Edward
Hanney William
Hannibal Lt. Francis J
Hanniman Charles Wakefield
Hanson Ernest George
Hanson Joseph
Hanson William
Harbord Lionel
Hardacre Arthur
Hardesty William Henry
Harding Frank
Harding John William
Harding L/ Sgt. Leonard
Harding Sgt. Thomas George
Hardingham Francis G
Hards James B
Hardy Abraham
Hardy Harry
Hardy John
Hardy Matthew
Hardy William James
Hare Arthur Joseph
Hare Walter James
Harfleld George F
Harford Ernest
Harford Frank
Harford Joseph
Hargrave George Franklin
Harkness Lewis Dixon
Harling Thomas Leslie
Harlow Francis William
Harlow RQMS Charles Claude
Harman Arthur H
Harman Robert Charles
Harman Roy Vincent
Harniman Charles Wakefield
Harper Edgar
Harper John Parker
Harper Stanley William
Harper Thomas Hamilton
Harran John Wesley
Harries John S
Harrigan Alfred Benley
Harrington William Jackson
Harris Capt. Hamilton S
Harris Capt. Howard Kilbourne
Harris Charles Lyon
Harris Charles Victor
Harris Edward Charles
Harris Francis Errington
Harris George
Harris James Robert
Harris John Lindsay
Harris Lt. Dermot Alan
Harris Walter S
Harris William Rupert
Harrison Arthur Raymond
Harrison Charles
Harrison Frank
Harrison Fred James
Harrison Geo Stanley
Harrison James
Harrison James Christopher
Harrison John William
Harrison Richard
Harrison Robert H
Harrold Alexander
Harrop Robert
Hart Andrew
Hart Harry Richard
Hart Henry William
Hart John
Hart Victor Oliver Augustus
Hart William Cecil
Hart William Henry Russell
Hartney Capt. James C
Hartrick Frederick James
Hartt Jack Thomas Herman
Hartup Frederick
Harvey 2nd Lt. Charles A
Harvey Benjamin Gladstone
Harvey Frederick John
Harvey Harold
Harvey Harry
Harvey Urbane John
Haslam Edwin Franklin
Haslam William H
Hasledon George Beverley
Hassard John
Hastings James Lindsay
Hatcher Herbert James Oxley
Hately John
Hately William
Hathaway Ira William
Hatton Arthur
Hatton George William
Hatton Thomas Birch
Hawke Herbert
Hawkes Francis D P
Hawkes Henry Ernest
Hawkey William James
Hawkins James
Hawkins William Thomas Charlton
Hay Cpl. John
Hay Robert Wallace
Hayden George Frederick Stone
Hayes Dr. Ivan D
Hayes Frederick
Hayes John
Hayes Royal
Hayes Sgt. Henry Stewart
Haylett Henry
Haylock George E
Haynes Cpl. William Henry
Hayward Arthur Harold
Hayward Fred
Hayward John Frederick
Hayward William Thomas
Hazeldine Cliff
Hazen Charles Thomas
Head Charles Richard
Heal William Albert
Heald Walter
Healey David Patrick
Heard Sydney
Hearn Richard
Heaslip David
Heath Bernard Stanley
Heath Thomas
Heatley Alexander Mclennan
Hedderson Harry
Heebner Carl Hastings
Hefner Charles F
Heighington Lt. Geoffrey
Heighway Henry
Heintzman Thomas Herman
Helliwell Capt. Joseph Grant
Helm George Robert
Helmer Elton Williams
Hemmings Albert Ernest
Hemmings Alfred H
Hemmings William Jas
Henderson Alexander A
Henderson Arthur Mearns
Henderson Elmes Pollock
Henderson George
Henderson Glenn William
Henderson Herbert
Henderson James
Hendron John Joseph
Henderson Joseph
Henderson Raymond Fraser
Henderson Stuart L
Henderson Wesley
Hendry Petty Officer Hugh
Henfrey Alfred
Henfrey George
Henry Alexr Donald
Henry Lt. William
Henry Samuel George
Hentig John Gordon
Hepburn William
Herat William
Herbert Harry
Herd John
Herd L/ Sgt. Samuel
Herdman Bertram
Heresey John Adolphus
Heron Geo Ross
Herrington George
Herron John
Herron Thomas Arnold
Hewetson Gerald J Robert
Hewett James Patrick
Hewitt James Thomas
Hewitt Percy Douglas
Hewlett Charles Timothy William
Hewlett Raymond Claude
Hewlett Robert Birket
Hewson Albert Arthur
Hewson Charles Douglas
Hewson Cpl. Charles Ernest
Heyes John Eden
Hibbard Hartley
Hibbard Thomas
Hibbert George Kenneth Bradfield
Hickey Adolphus
Hickey Thomas Francis
Hicks Edward William
Hicks Victor
Higginbottom George M
Higgins Harry
Higgins John Maurice
Higgins Joseph Patrick
Higgins Michael Joseph
Higgs Albert James
High L/ Cpl. Robert
Higinbotham George M
Higton George Lawrence
Hill Angus Joseph
Hill Charles Meredith
Hill Cpl. Sydney W
Hill Cyril
Hill Edgar Lewis
Hill Frederick George
Hill Frederick R
Hill George
Hill Gordon Stanley
Hill Herbert Franklin
Hill John Emerson
Hill John Goodison
Hill L/ Cpl. Charles Hannaford
Hill Robert George
Hill Roland H
Hill William Earl
Hill William Frank
Hill William Le L
Hillard Albert
Hillary Robert Stuart
Hillier William Ernest
Hillis Charles Russell
Hillock Charles Alexander
Hilton Harold
Hind David Gladstone
Hinde Arthur R
Hinkley Albert James
Hinshaw L/ Sgt. Richard
Hipkiss Charles Henry
Hipkiss Roy Joseph
Hird William John
Hiscock Arthur Henry
Hiscock Henry
Hiscocks William Duncan
Hitchcock Albert Edward Joseph
Hoag Samuel Henry
Hoath Frederick Jos
Hobkirk Charles Hamilton
Hobley Edward William
Hockaday Thos Wm
Hocken Richard Henry
Hockney Arthur
Hockridge George P
Hoddon Geo A
Hodge Bert
Hodge L/ Cpl. Henry Boyd
Hodge William Henry
Hodgkinson Albert
Hodgson John Eastwood
Hodgson Watson Brunskill
Hogarth Albert Eldon
Hogarth Andrew
Hogarth James
Hogg George
Hogg Lawrence Walter
Hoile John
Holcroft Lt. Herbert Spencer
Holden A/ Bdr. Harry
Holder Charles Percy
Holder Thomas
Holdsworth C H
Holland Harold Richard
Holland Joseph Samuel
Holland R  J
Holleron George
Hollgerson Sidney Thomas
Holliday Herbert Augustus
Hollinger William James
Hollingsworth Henry Alexander
Holloway Robert Palfrey
Holmes Arthur William
Holmes Austin
Holmes Harry
Holmes Henry Arnold
Holmes Sgt. Austin
Holtby Arthur W
Holtum Walter C
Holyoak Charles P
Home Robert
Honeyford Ernest Donaldson
Honoy Cpl. Frank Kirtley
Honoyman William Locheed
Honsberger Thomas
Hood George
Hood John Douglas
Hood Robert Alexander
Hood Samuel
Hooey Edward
Hook Archie
Hooker Albert Edward
Hooker Arthur
Hooker George Sydney
Hooper Ernest
Hooper Thomas Charles
Hopcroft Edward William
Hope John
Hopkins Austin Clarence Warren
Hopkins Charles Walter
Hopkins Ernest Eames
Hopkins Sgt. Joseph
Hopkinson Mervyn MacDonald
Hopley Harry
Hopwood George
Horgan Timothy A
Horkins Capt. R E
Horn Harold C
Horne Barron Walter
Horne David
Horne Lewis Henry
Horner Chas E
Horner Lt. Asa Miton
Hornibrook Charles Edward
Horrell Alfred Augustus
Horrell William Peter
Horton Andrew Allison
Horton George F
Hosken 2nd Lt. Ernest
Hoskins Clifford H
Hoskinson Lue Ernest
Hotchkin Albert Ezekiel
Hough George Stuart Wright
Houghton Frank
Houghton Fred
Houghton George Richard
Houghton Frank
Houlihan Frank
Hounsell Harry W
House Ernest
House George
House Walter James Norcutt
Houser John James
Houston John
Houston Lt. Thomas Cyril
Howard Ernest Arthur
Howard Frank  Lacey
Howard George Edwy Caldwell
Howard Lt. Francis Carl
Howard Lt. John Turner
Howard Norman Scott
Howard Stanley Thomas
Howard Walter Thompson
Howarth John William
Howartlh William Riley
Howe George
Howe John Edward
Howe William J
Howell A/ Sgt. Alfred Ernest
Howell Gladstone
Howes Hugh James
Howie Albert Victor
Hoyland Arthur
Hoyland Charles Henry
Hubbard Albert
Hubbard Frederick
Hubbard Judson Josiah
Hubbard Walter
Hudson John G
Hudson Russell James
Huelin J H
Hueston Thomas George
Hugh George Stuart Wright
Hughes Charles
Hughes Chester
Hughes David
Hughes Earl Russell
Hughes Edward
Hughes Fred
Hughes James
Hughes L/ Cpl. Geo Alex
Hughes Leslie Jas
Hughes Lt. Chester
Hughes Percy
Hughes Robert Eben
Hughes Ross Stanley
Hughes William Henry
Hughes William Roy
Hulett Walter Ernest
Hulley Franklin
Hulme Edward Reginald
Hulme Samuel Philip
Hulse John
Humble Thomas
Hume Jack
Hume Peter
Humphrey Albert E
Humphrey Frank Henry
Humphrey Phillip
Humphreys John
Hunsley Everard C
Hunt Albert Henry
Hunt Edward James
Hunt Edwin C
Hunt Ernest Wendover
Hunt George Henry
Hunt Harry
Hunt Henry
Hunt Norman Sidney
Hunt Roy
Hunt Samuel Edward
Hunt Stephen H
Hunt Thomas George
Hunt Verner Kingsborough
Hunt Walter F
Hunt Wilbert Alexander
Hunt William Edward
Hunt William Frederick
Hunt William Jarman
Hunter Archibald C
Hunter Gordon
Hunter Isaac Dickson
Hunter L/ Cpl. Thomas
Hunter Robert
Hunter Wilfred Laurier
Huntley Cecil John
Hurley Charles William
Hurley Patrick Maximus
Hurley William
Hurst Lt. Aubrey Clive
Husband David Bonthrone
Husband James
Hussey Harry
Hutcheson Charles
Hutcheson A/ 2nd Lt. James Mcleod
Hutchings William Charles
Hutchinson Frederick Mellor
Hutchinson Milton
Hutchinson Walter Thomas
Hutchison Alexander
Hutchison Charles
Hutchison Donald Mcleod
Hutchison Thomas Wilson
Hutchison William Fredk
Hutson William Cecil
Hutty Alfred Irving
Hyde David
Hyde Harry
Hyde Leslie Arthur
Hyde William George
Hyder Alfred William
Hynes Andrew Caswell
Iceton James Harold Vincent
Iceton William Jackson
Ilcken Frederick
Illingsworth James
Ince Hugh Ethelred McCarthy
Ince William Campbell
Ineson Dick
Ingham Joshua Martin
Ingham Robert Kenyon
Inglis Capt. George Leycester
Ingram Adam
Ingram Alexander
Ingram John W
Ingram William Walter
Ings John Walter
Inman Sgt. Robert
Ireland James Henry
Ireland Lewis
Ireland Richard Alfred
Ireland Thomas
Irish David Earl
Ironside James Paul
Ironside Robertson Perry
Irvin Capt. Gordon Budd
Irvine William Peter
Irving Archibald Pettigrew
Irving Gordon Budd
Irving Thomas Craik
Irving J
Irwin De Witt Oscar
Irwin Henry
Irwin Herman Julian
Irwin James Carter
Irwin James Norman
Irwin John
Irwin Robert
Irwin Sgt. Arthur Percy
Irwin James Bruce
Isaac Frederick Charles Babington
Isherwood George William
Ives Percy
Ivory Dennis
Izzard L/ Cpl. Bertram John
Jack George
Jacks William
Jackson Alfred
Jackson Charles Rowland
Jackson Edwin
Jackson Frederick Stubbs
Jackson Harry Reginald
Jackson James Harvey
Jackson John William
Jackson Oswald Goulding
Jackson Robert Henry
Jackson Robert N
Jackson Sgt. Robert Moore
Jackson Thomas
Jackson Walter
Jackson William
Jacques Archd L
James Harold Stanley
James John Arthur
James Robert Gladstone
James Samuel H
James Walter
James William Phillip
Jamieson Albert James
Jamieson Ernest D
Jamieson George
Jamieson James L
Jamieson John Donald
Jamieson Robert C
Jamieson Walter Hyatt
Jardine Robert Gordon
Jarrett Frank
Jarvis Capt. Ralph H
Jarvis Edmund Raymond
Jarvis Flt. Lt. Eric M
Jarvis Sgt. Albert John
Jarvis William Dummer Powell
Jasper Dudley Moncrief
Jaynes Edmond Hayward
Jefferies Albert Edgar
Jeffers Norman Wilbert
Jefford A/ Bdr. Leslie Arthur
Jeffrey A/ Sgt. Walter Rutherford
Jeffrey James
Jeffries Albert Edgar
Jemmett George William E
Jenkins A
Jenkins Thomas Richard
Jenkins William John
Jenkinson Thomas
Jenner Oron Alfred
Jennings Clarence John
Jennings Clifford
Jennings Frederick Leo
Jennings James
Jennings John C
Jennings L/ Sgt. William
Jerred Samuel
Jillings Ronald
Joffre Charles
Johns Edward Samuel
Johns Harry
Johns Lewis Davis
Johnson Alexander Stewart
Johnson Arthur
Johnson Cecil Harold
Johnson James
Johnson John Thomas
Johnson Joseph
Johnson Robert James Sidney
Johnson Robert Richard
Johnson Sgt. Andrew
Johnson Sgt. David H
Johnson Sgt. Michael
Johnson Stanley
Johnson Thomas A
Johnston Alexander
Johnston Alexander Bartholomew
Johnston Capt. Edwin Le Vergne
Johnston Capt. Eric F
Johnston Charles Milton
Johnston Cpl. Albert E
Johnston Donald Graham
Johnston Eric Franklin
Johnston George Edward
Johnston George William
Johnston James Thomas
Johnston Robert Thomas
Johnston Samuel
Johnston Sinclair Beatty
Johnston Sydney
Johnston Walter Reginald
Johnston Walter Verner
Johnston William H
Johnstone David
Johnstone George
Johnstone Harry
Johnstone Henry
Johnstone Robert Sutherland
Joiner Lt. Kenneth W
Jolliffe Lt. Reginald K M
Jolly William James
Jolly Driver Geo
Jolly Driver W
Jonas Edward W
Jones Wilfred John
Jones Albert Lloyd
Jones Albert Wilson
Jones Alfred William
Jones Carol Hillery
Jones Cecil Charles
Jones Charles
Jones Charles W
Jones Claud S
Jones Eric Gerrard
Jones Ernest
Jones George
Jones George Robert
Jones Harry George
Jones Harvey James
Jones Herbert F
Jones James Walter
Jones John Herbert
Jones Lt. Henry Charles
Jones Patrick Ambrose
Jones Richard A
Jones Richard Elmer
Jones Roy Victor
Jones Shadrach
Jones Trafford
Jones Wilfred John
Jones William
Jones William David
Jones William Norman
Jordan Charles Amos
Jordan George Henry Joseph
Jordan Gilbert Keith
Jordan Robert D
Joss Alexander Lewis
Jourdan Albert Caton
Journeaux Henry
Joy Harry
Joyce Albert Adams
Joyce Frederick William
Joyce Harry C
Joyce John
Judd Henry Alfred
Judge Frederick Nicholas
Jukes Hayden
Junor Kenneth William
Kaelin Clarence D
Kalihar Dennis
Kallar Roy
Kane James
Kane L/ Cpl. Henry Montague
Kane Peter Leo
Kappele Lt. Ernest Reese
Kargul Felix A
Karksoff Basil Cyril
Karlsom E
Kay John
Kay Sgt. Hugh Reid
Kayes Samuel
Kean Gordon Jackson
Kean Joseph Mckay
Kearsley Frederick
Kearsley Walter Hewlett
Keating Thomas
Keating William Edward
Kee William
Keech Reginald
Keeler Joseph
Keemle Charles Edmund
Keen Albert
Keen Edwin
Keen Percy
Keenan Harry
Keenan James
Keenan William
Keene Gordon Fennimore
Keene Harry William
Kehoe Michael
Keiller James
Keiller William Alldritt
Keir Alexander Edmund
Kellar William Bentley
Kelleher Henry
Keller Harvey Alexander
Kellett Arthur
Kelly Alexander
Kelly Alphonse Patrick
Kelly Charles Henry
Kelly James Patrick
Kelly John James
Kelly Reginald Alexander
Kelly Thomas E
Kelly William
Kelso John
Kemp Alfred F
Kemp Christian
Kemp William Henry
Kemp Reginald
Kemphead Leslie
Kempton Edward
Kemshead Leslie Ivor
Kennedy Albert
Kennedy Harry Millan
Kennedy Hugh Cameron
Kennedy James
Kennedy John Roche
Kennedy Lt. Henry A T
Kennedy Richard Robert
Kennedy William K
Kenney Harry Wesley
Kensett Arthur Henry
Kensett Harry Thomas
Kensett Sgt. George James
Kensett Sydney Herbert
Kent Percy
Kentner Reuben
Kenty Edward Harold
Keogh John Joseph
Keogh Vincent Augustus
Keown Frank
Kerr David James
Kerr Frederick
Kerr Hayden Douglas
Kerr Herbert G
Kerr James B
Kerr Louis
Kerr Raymond
Kerr Roy Wesley
Kerr Stephenson
Kerr Walter Teale
Kerrigan Charles
Kerrigan Stuart Frederick
Kewley L/ Cpl. John Arthur
Keys Nurse Tilly Denton
Keyworth William
Kidd Capt. Clarence C
Kidd William
Kidman Edward
Kidney William Henry
Kilford Sgt. Thomas
Kilgour Arthur Wilson
Killin John
Killin William
Kimber Richard
Kimpston Allen
Kinchin Harold Goldsmith
Kindree William Carl Leroy
King Alfred William
King Cpl. George
King Henry
King James McCulloch
King John Cameron
King John D
King William John
Kingan Alexander
Kinghorn James
Kinghorn John
Kingston Charles
Kingston Edward
Kinkaid Andrew
Kinnear Arthur Jolly
Kinninmouth Thomas
Kinrade Ralph Anderson
Kinton Lt. Clarence
Kippen Arnold Aglen
Kirby John Richard
Kirby Richard Goodlass
Kirby Robert W
Kirk Albert
Kirk Andrew
Kirk Lawrence Frederick
Kirkby John Brower
Kirkconnell Lt. Walter A
Kirknoas Charles
Kirkpatrick Alexander Douglas
Kirkwood Fred
Kirkwood Sgt. Major A
Kisby Levi
Kitchen John James
Kittega Joseph
Klatz Herbert N
Klees Roman
Klotz Lt. Herbert Norman
Kneen Alfred
Knibbs Alfred Malcolm
Knight Bdr. William C
Knight Charles Albert
Knight Charles Thomas
Knight Frank William
Knight Henry Gorringe
Knight Lt. Arthur Gerald
Knight Norman C
Knight William H
Knight Sgt. B R
Knox John Harry
Kolodziej Adam
Kynaston Hampden Algernon
Labrecque Joseph Arthur
Lackey Emerson William
Lafferty Cpl. William Fleming
Laflin Frank
Laidlaw David
Laing George Gordon
Laird John
Lake Mark
Lalor Patrick Ewart
Lamb Albert
Lambert Charles Harry
Lambert John Percy
Lambert John Wilfred
Lambie Andrew A
Lambie Cpl. John R
Lambie Jared
Lancaster Henry Richard
Lancaster Richard Bracewell
Lanchetti Frank
Lane Allan Charles
Lane Thomas
Lang Henry Drummond
Lang John Bertram
Lang Sidney Albert
Langley Sgt. Major Hugh A
Langmuir Lt. Gavin T
Langstaff Frederick  William
Langstaff James Miles
Langstone Lt. Fredk H
Lankin Lt. Cyril Godfrey
Lansdell Albert Waters
Lantz Fred
Lapp Austin Ross
Lapp Goldwin
Lappin Frederick
Larcombe Charles Percy
Laricks George Warren
Larkin Arthur
Larkin George Thomas Stephen
Larkin James
Larmour John Graham
Larter Flt. Sub Lt. Norman Ivan
Lashman Jonas
Latham William
Latimer Hugh
Latornell Capt. Arthur Joseph
Laudeer William
Lauder William Norman
Laurie John Clark
Laurie L/ Cpl. William
Laverty Alexander
Law Gunner Clifford Johnston
Law James Edmund
Law John Crawford
Law Stephen
Law William Thomas
Lawless Norman
Lawrason Lloyd Ellis
Lawrence Alexander
Lawrence Arthur Leo
Lawrence John William
Lawrence L C Henry
Lawrie John
Lawson A/ Sgt. Andrew
Lawson George Robert
Lawson Joseph
Lawson Robert
Lawson Thomas Wallace
Lawton Alfred E
Laycock John Scatcherd
Lazenby Arthur Blake
Le Ballister James Henry
Le Bas Cpl. Edward
Le Drew Frederick
Le Maitre Walter Edgar
Le Mesurier Henry Vernon
Lea Clarence
Lea Peter Christopher
Leach Burt Albert Roy
Leach Cpl. George A
Leach Fred
Leach John
Leader George Waldon
Leal Archibald
Learmouth James Colston
Learn Gerald Alfred
Leathern Hugh
Leavens Ernest Lorne
Leaver L/ Cpl. Geo Henry
Leckie Andrew
Lee Albert Charles
Lee Alexander
Lee Harry Erland
Lee John
Lee L/ Cpl. Ralph D
Lee Lt. Charles John Nairn
Lee Thomas
Leech George Bertram
Lees Andrew Greig
Lefroy Lt. Frazer Keith
Legate L/ Cpl. Thomas G
Legg Robert Neilson
Leggatt L/ Cpl. George
Leggott Harrison
Leicester Jos Henry
Leishman Edwin
Leitch Robert
Leland Sgt. Bert
Lemaitre Walter Edgar
Lemoine Lt. Claude
Lemoine G A
Lemon John
Lemyre Louis James
Lenehan Thomas A J
Lennie Lewis Fredrick
Lennon Wm
Lennox John H
Lennox Sgt. Charles S
Leonard Capt. Arthur Vincent
Leonard Lt. John
Lepper Basil Roy
Leslie Harry Edmond
Leslie James Albert
Leslie Robert George
Leslie William Grant
Lester John William
Levack Clare Abbs
Leviston John
Levoir Robert
Lewinton Lt. Ronald W
Lewis Arthur Charles
Lewis Frank
Lewis Frederick Henry
Lewis Frederick J
Lewis Harold Alfred James
Lewis John Anson
Lewis John Boyd
Lewis L/ Cpl. Arthur
Lewis Robert John
Lewis Robert Stanley
Lewis Samuel
Lewis Sydney George
Lewis William James
Libby Alfred Henry
Lickert Charles
Light William Arthur
Lightwood Alfred
Likens Charles Gordon
Lillew Harold Bruce
Lilly Augustus Henry
Lincoln L/ Cpl. J
Lind Kenneth
Lindner William Mclean
Lindsay Henry Lockhart
Lindsay Maurice D
Lindsay Max
Lindsay Richard Manson
Lindsay Robert
Lindsay William
Lindsey Henry Lockhart
Ling Arthur
Ling George Merriam
Ling Wilson Norman
Lingard Edward Herbert
Lingard Sgt. Frank
Linnington Alfred
Linton Joseph
Liscoumb Warren
Litchfield Reginald Charles
Litchfield Thomas William
Litherland Alfred Osborn Hopwood
Little Capt. Neville Hall
Little William Edgar
Little Private
Littlejohn Arthur
Littlewood Benjamin
Littlewood George
Livesey George
Livingstone Andrew Forsyth
Lloyd Sgt. William Henry
Lloyd William Edward
Loan Richard Harcourt
Lobb Alexander Brent
Lobb L/ Cpl. Melville Elliott
Lochead Thomas
Locheed Ralph William
Lock Edward J
Lock Henry Noble
Lock L/ Cpl. Richard
Lock William Valentine
Lockhart Fred James
Lockhart Norman Burritt
Lockhart William Cooper
Lockwood Edwin
Locock William M
Lodge Harold Edward James
Loftus Francis R M
Logan James Leo
Logan John
Lomas Ernest
Lomas Henry Frost
Lomax Frank
Lomax L/ Cpl. Harry
Lomer Charles Arthur
Loney John Joseph
Long Arthur
Long Ernest
Long Harold James
Long Harry
Long Silas James
Long William Henry
Longmoor L/ Cpl. Stanley Herbert
Longstreet Lt. Selby B
Lonie William
Lord Ernest Frederick
Lorimer Robert
Loudon Albert
Loudon Brian Melville
Loudon Walter John
Lougheed George
Lovatt Reginald
Love Andrew
Love John
Lovekyn Vivian T
Lovett William Patrick
Low James
Lowcock Edward
Lowe Harry Bernard
Lowe Havelock
Lowe Joseph Albert
Lowe William Henry
Lownie William Nicholson
Lowrie Roy Frederick
Lowrie Stuart Alexander
Lubar Gordon
Luck Edward T
Luck Lewis E
Luck Sidney James
Ludford Frederick Albert Thomas
Lugger Ross Hubert
Lumsden David Low
Lumsden L/ Cpl. John G
Lunan L/ Cpl. Wilbert Gordon
Luney John
Luney Thomas William
Lupson John Herbert
Lush Alfred William
Lush Frederick J
Lusty Arthur Edward
Luther William Thornas
Luttrell Egerton Charles
Lyall Richard Lawton
Lydiatt Herbert James
Lyle Walter Frederick
Lymburner William Horace
Lynch James
Lynch Mike T
Lynge Edward Trevor
Lynn Ronald Alexander
Lyon Edwin Percy
Lyon Ivan Courtney
Lyon Lloyd Diets
Lyon William Campbell
Lyons Michael
Lyons Thomas Robert
Lythe Harry
Lyttle Alfred
Mabbott Charles William
Macarthur Donald Joseph
Macarthur Lt. James Macpherson
Macaulay John Robert
Macauley William Henry
Macbeth Robert Edward Andrew
Macbeth William Macfarlane
Maccallum Malcolm Whyte
Macdonald John Brown
Macdonald Archibald Mckay
Macdonald Bdr. Kenneth McL
Macdonald Claude William
Macdonald David
Macdonald Donald Ryerson
Macdonald Edgar Ernest
Macdonald Frederick
Macdonald Horace
Macdonald John Brown
Macdonald Kenneth Macleod
Macdonald Malcolm
Macdonell John George
Macdonell Joseph Kennedy
Macdougall Edward
Macfarlane George
Macfarlane William Lamb
Macfie John McKenzie
Macgowan Sgt. Samuel Henry
Macgregor Archibald R
Macgregor Donald E
Macgregor Donald Silas
Machell Maurice Irving
Machin James Edward
Mack Fred
Mack James A
Mackay Donald Roy
Mackay Eric
Mackay Jerry
Mackay John
Mackay Thomas
Mackay William Allan Cameron
Mackendrick Lt. Gordon King
Mackenzie 2nd Lt. Douglas F
Mackenzie Alister Munro
Mackenzie Clarence
Mackenzie Cpl. John
Mackenzie Cortlandt Graham Gordon
Mackenzie George Lawrence Bisset
Mackenzie Gordon Alexander
Mackenzie Sgt. Roderick
Mackinnon Ronald
Mackintosh John Whyte
Macklem Phillip Wilfred
Maclachlan Charles Reid
Maclean Alan Pratt
Maclean Dugald Black
Maclean Henry Sandfield
Maclennan George Gordon
Maclennan John
Maclennan Roderick Ward
Macleod D
Macleod John
Maclurg L/ Cpl. William
Macmillan CSM Alexr Chisholm
Macmillan William
Macmurchy William Crozier
Macnevin William Gordon
Macpherson Ralph
Macritchie John
Madden 2nd Lt. W H
Madden Albert Edward
Madden Frederick
Maddock Samuel
Madeley Cpl. Ashton Bernard
Maden James Thomas
Madget Wilbert
Madill Ralph Mackenzie
Mager Edward Elmer
Magill Robert
Maginn John Mitchell
Maguire Lt. John Reginald
Maher John Joseph
Mahon Leslie Walter
Mahoney Thomas
Maidlow Harry
Maidlow Henry James
Main Archie
Maindonald Percy
Maines Albert Edward
Maines Wilbert Henry
Mains Mark Lorne
Maioni Louis Robert
Mair William George
Major John William
Makepeace Lionel Edgar
Malcolm Charles Secor
Malcolm Orley Landon
Maley Henry John
Mallaby Sgt. G P
Mallett Benjamin F
Malloch John Ogilvie
Mallough Ian Cameron
Malone Lt. Maurice Edward
Malsbury Charles George
Manders Sgt. Henry John
Mangan Robert Russell
Maniex David
Manley William Thomas
Mann George A
Mann Herbert
Mannel Alexander
Manning Cpl. Leonard
Manning William George
Manser George
Mansfield Cpl. Charles Fred
Mansfield Harvey G
Mansfield John
Manson David
Manson Frank
Manson William Alexander
Mara James
Marion Robert Jamieson
Marks Arthur William
Marks Charles A
Marks Daniel
Markus Harry
Marler Norman Wesley
Maroney James D A
Marr John Joseph
Marriott John Alfred
Marsden John
Marsh Cpl. Frederick
Marsh George
Marsh Robert J
Marshall Albert John
Marshall Cpl. Clarence
Marshall Guy Luis
Marshall Henry
Marshall John
Marshall Roy Emerson
Marshall Sidney H
Marshall William R
Martin Albert
Martin Angus Livingston
Martin Charles
Martin David George
Martin Edward
Martin Harry Eustace
Martin James William
Martin John Alfred Robert
Martin John William
Martin Joseph
Martin L/ Cpl. Harold Eustace
Martin Maurice James
Martin Robert Samuel
Martin Sgt. Charles
Martin William Henry
Martingale Ernest John
Marty Ivan Bernard
Maskell Peter
Mason Francis Mason
Mason Garfield
Mason John Henry
Mason John W
Massam John Thomas
Massey George H
Masson Harold Grant
Masson William Stanley
Mathers Thomas James
Mathers Wm James
Matheson Benjamin
Matheson John
Mathews James Wilson
Mathews L/ Cpl. Walter F
Matthews Adam
Matthews George
Matthews Harold Owen
Matthews Harold Stratton
Matthews James Wilson
Matthews Sgt. Harold
Matthews Walter Franklin
Matthewsoh Charles Gordon
Mattison Albert Charles
Mattock Cpl. Robert C
Mattocks Roderick Joseph
Maw Edward
Mawson William Ewart
Maxwell James Ward
Maxwell William
May Charles Percy
May James Montague
May John T
May Sgt. Wm M
May Theodore Charles
May William J
Maynard Frederick
Mayne Capt. George R T
Mayne Cyril Joseph
Mctaggert Lt. Harry J
Mcvicker Lt. Edgar H
Mcvittie James
Mcadam Robert
Mcallister Robert
Mcallister Samuel
Mcallister Alfred Wallace
Mcallister Thomas Graham
Mcallum George Leigh Athelstan
Mcaree Thomas
Mcarthur Alan
Mcarthur William Angus
Mcavoy John Harold
Mcbride Andrew Alliston
Mcbride John Norman
Mcbride Walter Campbell
Mcburney James
Mcburnie Charles S
Mccabe Earl Franklin
Mccabe Joseph
Mccaig Allan
Mccalden Joseph
Mccall Duncan
Mccall Edward
Mccall John D
Mccallum John Ross Robert Gordon
Mccallum William
Mccann James Joseph
Mccann James Louis
Mccann John
Mccarten Robert John
Mccarthy George Edward
Mccartney Harry Matthew
Mccauley James
Mccaw Joseph
Mccleary William
Mccleery John
Mcclellan James
Mcclelland James Herbert
Mcclelland Richard
Mcclinton QMS David
Mcclure David
Mcclure Thomas Joseph
Mccoll Duncan
Mccombie John
Mcconnachie John
Mcconnachie Peter
Mcconnell Harold Graham
Mcconnell Harry Aldridge
Mcconnell Sidney Earl
Mccormac Sgt. Frank
Mccormick John Patrick
Mccosh William Geoffrey
Mccoss Frederick S R
Mccracken William
Mccraw Joseph Herbert Wilmot
Mccreary Frederick William
Mccreedy Daniel
Mccreedy Howard Charles Pretoria
Mccreedy Howard M
Mccrum Harvey Milburn
Mccuaig John
Mccuaig Robert Ernest
Mccuaig Russell
Mcculloch George
Mcculloch Norman
Mccullock Wm A
Mccullogh Gunner J F
Mccullough Allen Neil
Mccullough Sgt. William
Mccurdie William
Mccutcheon 2nd Lt. H E
Mccutcheon John
Mcdade John
Mcdermott Sgt. Thomas
Mcdiarmid Lt. John Heron
Mcdonald Alexander
Mcdonald Alexander Falconer
Mcdonald Archie Allan
Mcdonald Bryce
Mcdonald Cpl. David
Mcdonald George Clifton Thomas
Mcdonald Robert
Mcdonald Ronald
Mcdonald Thomas Henry
Mcdonald Thomas Vincent
Mcdonald William
Mcdonnell Joseph John
Mcdonough John Joseph
Mcdougall Allen
Mcdougall Hector
Mcdowell Edward
Mcdowell John
Mceachern Douglas
Mceldon Alfred John
Mcelhinney John
Mcelroy Thomas
Mcelwain William Arnold
Mcevay Leo James
Mcevoy John Harold
Mcewan James Livesay
Mcewen John Millar
Mcewen William H
Mcfarland Walter
Mcfarlane John Ratcliff
Mcfarlane William
Mcfaul Leonard Lawrence
Mcgaffin James
Mcgaffin Robert Stone
Mcgarry A/ Lt Sgt. James
Mcgavin Flt. Lt. Peter L
Mcgee Eustace
Mcgiffin George Allan
Mcgillicuddy Arthur Daniel
Mcgillicuddy Arthur David
Mcgillivray Richard
Mcgorman Albert
Mcgrath Hugh Patrick
Mcgrath James
Mcgraw Cpl. Harry Austin
Mcgraw Edward George
Mcgregor Alexander
Mcgregor Cpl. Robert
Mcgregor Henry
Mcgregor John Lorne
Mcgregor Lewis
Mcgregor William
Mcgrogan Thomas
Mcguffin James G
Mcguire David
Mcguire Lt. Robert Blayney
Mcharg George
Mchenry Charles Frederick
Mchugh Edward
Mcilree John Wallace
Mcilwaine Samuel
Mcilwham Alfred
Mcilwraith Thomas
Mcintosh Colin
Mcintosh Harry
Mcintosh James
Mcintosh Robert
Mcintosh Victor Brown
Mcintyre Archie
Mcintyre Duncan C S
Mcintyre Edward Hutson
Mcintyre Hugh
Mcisaac David
Mcivor Donald Alexander
Mciwraith Thomas
Mckay Donald
Mckay Douglas
Mckay John J
Mckay John Wilfred
Mckay Norman
Mckean Gordon William
Mckean James
Mckee George Richard
Mckegney William E
Mckellar Donald Bromley
Mckellar Donald Roy
Mckellar James
Mckenna William Dominick
Mckenzie Alexander
Mckenzie Allister M
Mckenzie Capt. Walter Wake
Mckenzie Mary Agnes
Mckenzie Norman Lyon
Mckenzie Robert Hood
Mckenzie William
Mckeough Capt.A/ Major William S
Mckeown William John
Mcketrick John James
Mckibbon CQMS Gordon
Mckie Frank
Mckim James
Mckim Walter
Mckimmie Alfred
Mckinlay Archibald Franklin
Mckinley Clifton Howard
Mckinley Richard
Mckinley Sgt. James
Mckinnon Angus Stuart
Mckinnon Donald Lachlan
Mckinnon Ronald
Mckinnon Stewart A
Mckinnon Thomas
Mckinstry James George
Mckinstry L
Mckissock Wilfred Earl
Mclachlan John Lachlan
Mclaren James Milne
Mclaren Lt. John Ferguson
Mclaren William Humphrey
Mclauchlin Robert
Mclaughlin Paul
Mclean Daniel Sinclair
Mclean Frederick James
Mclean George Albert
Mclean Lt. William John
Mclean Thomas
Mclean William John
Mcleish Alexander N
Mclennan Donald M
Mclennan Farquhar
Mcleod Alexander
Mcleod Cpl. Robert K
Mcleod David Scott
Mcleod Donald
Mcleod Malcolm
Mclintock John Lawrie
Mclonney William
Mcluckie Robert Fountain
Mclusky Charles
Mcmahon Samuel
Mcmanus John Patrick
Mcmanus William Johnstone
Mcmechan Arthur
Mcmeekin James
Mcmillan Charles
Mcmillan Daniel Thompson
Mcmillan Hugh R
Mcmillan John
Mcmillan Sgt. John
Mcmullen Charles
Mcmullen Ernest Arthur
Mcmurchy William Crozier
Mcmurdy Frank Davidson
Mcmurray William
Mcmurrich John Dewar
Mcmurtry Lt. Burney
Mcmurtry Roy Fothergill
Mcnair George Orme
Mcnair Walter Cameron
Mcnaughton John
Mcneil Percy Gordon
Mcneill Edmund Vincent
Mcnerlan Joseph
Mcniven Archibald
Mcphail John
Mcphee Alexander
Mcphee David Little John
Mcpherson Allan Ross
Mcpherson James
Mcqueen Hugh Murray
Mcqueen William Foy
Mcrae Charles
Mcrae Claude Forbes
Mcrae Donald
Mcrae John
Mcrae Ronald Gwynnd Montague
Mctavish Douglas Ashburn
Mctighe Patrick
Mcvean CSM Alexander
Mcvicker Edgar Harold
Mcwhinney Sydney Mercer
Mead George
Mead Vernon William
Meade George
Meagher Wilfred
Mears Charles Joseph
Meddings Thomas
Medhurst George H
Medland Frederick Ross
Meek Herbert H
Megan Lt. Gerald T W
Meier Joseph
Meighen James Eric
Meikle Alex
Mein Ernest
Melarkey Hugh
Mellen Victor
Melling Samuel
Mellish Roy Thompson
Mellody Albert James
Mellor David
Mellor Ernest
Mellor Fred
Melville Hugh
Melvin John William Peter
Mennie L/ Cpl. Leslie Anderson
Menzies Daniel Jackson
Mepham Percy Henry
Mercer Alfred J
Mercer Major General Malcolm S
Mercer Flt. Lt. Frank Edwin
Merchant Wallace
Meredith Herbert Rice
Meredith Major John Redmond
Meridew James
Merrick George E
Merriman William Charles
Merrin Cyril Scott
Merson Edmund Alexander
Metcalf Sgt. C.
Methuen Charles
Methven Joseph Paton
Metivier William James
Mews Robert Malcolm
Michel Alfred James
Michell Albert Charles
Middleton Alfred
Middleton David Nell
Middleton Isaac William
Middleton John
Middleton Walter James
Middlmiss Rupert Henry
Mildenhall Cecil John
Miles Alfred Albert
Miles Arthur Henry
Miles Cecil Norman
Miles Ezra William
Miles Frederick Harvey
Millar Arthur Graemesly
Millar David M
Millar Lt. Arthur G
Millar Robert Edward
Millard Arthur G
Millard William H
Miller Charles
Miller David
Miller Fraser Robert
Miller Frederick Lorenzo
Miller George Smith
Miller George White
Miller Harold
Miller James
Miller Joseph John
Miller Major Armour Adamson
Miller Marcus M
Miller Nigel
Miller Percy Herbert
Miller Robert
Miller William Budge
Millership Leonard Oliver
Millichamp Charles Samuel
Milligan Andrew
Milligan Edward Thomas
Million George Edward
Mills Alexander
Mills Alfred
Mills Arthur M
Mills Charles W
Mills Charles William
Mills Harry
Mills Henry
Mills James William
Mills Norman Frederick
Mills Robert Sydney
Millyard Lt. Reuben De Lemme
Miln Major Alexander
Milne George Cecil
Milne Herbert C
Milne William
Milton Alfred Ernest
Milton Sgt. Major John Edgar
Milvain Charles E F
Minard Lt. Asa Raymond
Minns Lt. Alan Gurney
Minor Arthur
Mishaw Victor Harold
Mitchell Albert Victor
Mitchell Charles
Mitchell CSM Frederick P
Mitchell Daniel
Mitchell Douglas Gordon
Mitchell Gordon Ashford
Mitchell Harold Bertram
Mitchell Herbert
Mitchell James A
Mitchell John Howard
Mitchell L/ Cpl. John A
Mitchell Richard A
Mitchell Sgt. James
Mitchell William Henry
Mitchener John Roy
Mitcheson John Percival
Moads Ernest G
Moffat Gordon
Moffatt Charles Reginald
Moffatt William Henry
Mohun Frederick Edward
Moller Theodore
Moncur David
Monds Edward Geo
Monk Capt. Wm
Monk Donald William
Monk James
Monk William Mulock Carleton
Monkman John Wesley
Monkman Walter
Montgomery A/ Sgt. Glyde Gregory
Montgomery Bruce
Montgomery Clark Cairnforth Stitzel
Montgomery Clyde Gregory
Montgomery Cpl. Wm E
Montgomery Edward John
Montgomery John Edwin
Montgomery L/ Cpl. William F
Montgomery Samuel Percy
Montgomery William John Wesley
Montizambert Clement Trevor
Moody Stanley
Mooney Charles Wesley
Moorcroft Arthur Albert
Moore Albert James
Moore Alfred Charles
Moore Cpl. Cecil Douglas
Moore George Herbert
Moore Harvey Campbell
Moore Herbert Edward
Moore Herbert W
Moore James Edward
Moore James Gorden
Moore John L
Moore John T
Moore Joseph G
Moore L/ Cpl. William
Moore Lt. Herbert Edward
Moore Sgt. George Herbert
Moore Walter Henry
Moore William Francis
Moore William Henry
Moorley George
Morang George Heaven
Morfitt Thomas William Henry
Morgan Albert Norton
Morgan Charles Wood
Morgan Edward Clarence
Morgan Frederick J
Morgan Frederick William Lord
Morgan Gordon Bennett
Morgan L/ Cpl. Walter J
Morgan Walter Ingram
Morgan Walter Osborne
Morkill Francis C
Morland Dennis
Morrall Walter Griffin
Morris Albert
Morris Arthur E
Morris Basil Menzies
Morris Charles S
Morris Edward David
Morris Ernest
Morris George
Morris Harry
Morris Leonard
Morris Robert Cochrane
Morris Thomas
Morris William
Morris Wm Henry
Morrison Capt. T E
Morrison Charles Sangster Mcleod
Morrison Donald Whitcombe
Morrison George
Morrison George G
Morrison James
Morrison James Allen
Morrison John William
Morrison Leonard Lynwood
Morrison Robert
Morrison William
Morrison William Lister
Morrow Andrew Johnston
Morrow John Doole
Morrow Russell William
Mortimer Charles Norman
Mortimere Thomas C
Morton Alexander Smith
Morton Francis Vivian
Morton Grant Melvin
Morton Kenneth Edward
Morton Robert Pooley
Morton Thomas
Mortson Alexander
Mose William Henry James
Moser Geo Wm
Moses Cpl. Wm
Moss Charles Alexander
Moss Edward Charles
Moss John
Moss Larry H
Moss Major Charles A
Moss Thomas
Mote Sgt. Major George
Mott Edgar Andrew
Mougenal Charles
Moulds John Robert
Moulds Lt. Thos J
Mousley Oscar Oliver
Mowat George G
Mowat James Sinclair
Moyes Alexander
Moyes Jay Batiste
Moylan Joseph Edward
Moyle Sidney
Muckleston William Henry
Muir A E
Muir Archibald
Muir Capt. Robert Stewart
Muir David Patterson
Muir Walter
Muir William
Mulcahey Richard
Mulhern Frank
Mullaley John Thomas
Mulligan William Hamilton
Mulliss Sidney William
Mulloy Edward Harold
Munday Edward Richard
Mundon Walter
Munn George Basil
Munro Cpl. James
Munro William
Munro William Alexander
Munro William Francis
Munro William McClain
Munroe Thomas Maxwell
Muntz Capt. Harold G
Murcott Arthur
Murdoch Harry Tindale
Murdock James
Murdock William
Muringer Francis Christian William
Murison Charles W
Murless George Harold
Murney L/ Cpl. Henry James
Murphy Capt. Francis Michael
Murphy Francis Pardee
Murphy Frank P
Murphy Fred Lawrence
Murphy George
Murphy Harry Joseph
Murphy James Thomas
Murphy John Frederick Faber
Murphy John Joseph
Murphy Major Sterndale Joseph
Murphy Robert Alexander
Murray Charles
Murray Edward Joseph
Murray Francis J
Murray Frank
Murray Lt. Harold Gladstone
Murray Harry
Murray Herbert
Murray Huson Grand
Murray James M
Murray James Watson
Murray John
Murray Ronald Stewart
Murray Sgt. Charles
Murray William
Murrell Ernest L
Musgrove Frederick
Mustchin Harold
Myers Frank William
Myers George Alvin
Myers Robert Patterson
Myles Frank
Naden William
Narbonne Lorenzo
Nash Charles
Nash John Graham
Nash L/ Cpl. R J Kingsley
Nash Orman Almerin
Nash Richard John Kingsley
Naum Christopher
Naylor Lewis
Neale Thomas Jones
Nealon Lt. Mortimer A
Neals Albert
Needham John Crozzier
Negus Frederick
Neil James Shearer
Neil John
Neill Charles Alexander
Neill David Cuthbert
Neill George Alexander
Nelligan John
Nelson Gregory Vincent
Nelson J H
Nesbitt Ernest William
Nesbitt Stanley Mckay
Ness Herbert James
Nethercott William John
Nevett H B
Neville Sgt. Alfred Thomas
Newby Albert Victor
Newby John
Newby Walter Henry
Newcombe John Carr
Newell Charles Hussey
Newell Joseph
Newell Samuel
Newell William Robert
Newman Capt. Frank Ross
Newman George W B
Newman James George
Newman John T K
Newson Charles Reginald
Newson Harry
Newton Ernest Dwyer
Newton James
Newton Ralph
Newton William Cecil
Nicely Charles Edward
Nicholl William
Nicholls George
Nicholls Herbert
Nicholls William Joseph
Nichols Norman
Nicholson Albert William
Nicholson Allen William James
Nicholson Andrew G
Nicholson Edward Charles
Nicol Alexander Stuartson
Nicol John
Niddery Edward J
Nightingale Sylvester
Nightingale William
Nisbett Smith
Niven Thomas Munro
Nixon Lt. Stanley
Nixon Percival
Noble Alexander
Noble Charles Gordon
Noble Nelson A
Noble Thomas
Noble William Christopher
Noble William James
Nordheimer Albert Victor Seymour
Norman William Charles
Norris Bert
Norris Frederick H
Norris Lt. Armine F G
Norris Sgt. Major Thomas
Norton L/ Cpl. James Hedley
Norton William
Notley John
Notman Cpl. William Thompson
Nottingham Joseph Howard
Noverre Philip Walter
Nown Herbert Lowe
Nugent Alfred George
Nugent Francis Anthony Jerome
Nunn John
Nunn William Penstone
Nutall Harry
Nutter Charles
Nutter Ernest
Nutter Joseph
Nye Charles
Oag John
Oakes Albert
Oakley James
Oakley Leonard
Oates Robert
O’Brien Lt. Wilfred John
Oconnor Charles L
Odd Frank
Odd Thomas
O’Donohoe William Augustus
Offenburger Henry Fredk
Ogg George William
Ogier William Verner
Ogilvie James MacDonald
Ogle Charles T
Ogle Josias Johnston
O’Hanley CSM Thomas
O’Hara Cpl. Harold Robert
O’Hara Joseph
O’Hare William
Oke William Roy
O’Keefe Harry
O’Keefe William John
Oldfield Franklin J
Oldfield William Albert
Oldham Capt. James Henry
Oldham L/ Sgt. Alexander
O’Leary Hugh Barker
O’Leary Sgt. Michael
O’Leary William Joseph
Oliver Arthur
Oliver Arthur Stanley
Oliver Harry
Oliver John
Oliver Lorne Gould
Oliver Wilfred
Olsen Ray Nelson
Omerod James
O’Neill Jerry
O’Neill Verner Scott
O’Reilly Capt. Fleming P
O’Reilly Phillip
Ormerod James Arthur
Ormsby John Anthony Ninian
O’Rourke Michael
Orr Thomas John
Orr William John
Orrett Adolph A
Osborn Edward Stanley
Osborn Sgt. William George
Osborne William
O’Shea Cornelius
O’Shea Jeremiah
Otley James Murray
Ouderkirk William Lloyd
Ouimet Philip Andrew
Ouimet Phillipe Adolph
Outhwaite John Henry
Outhwaite William Frederick
Owen Capt. Malcolm De Brissac
Owen John
Owens Charles R
Owens Isaac
Owens John
Owlett William John
Oxland William Charles
Packenham Sgt.Charles R
Page Charles John
Page Frank
Page Frederick Arnold
Page George Charles
Page Reginald
Paige Archibald Thomas
Paine Charles Raymond
Painter John Randall
Painter William James
Pakenham Charles
Palin Thomas
Palmer Alan
Palmer Frederick Edward
Palmer Henry
Palmer Herbert John
Palmer Lt. Archibald Welsh
Palmer Lt. Balfour Malcolm
Palmer Samuel Henry
Palmer Sgt. Albert E
Palmer William
Pancott Henry Alfred
Pannell William H
Pape Percival John
Paramore William
Pardoe Alfred James
Parfitt Thomas William
Park Edmund James
Park Lloyd Clair
Parke Charles William
Parke George
Parke William Johns
Parker Albert
Parker Andrew
Parker Benjamin
Parker Ernest
Parker Frederick James
Parker Frederick Norris
Parker Frederick Victor
Parker George
Parker George Albert
Parker George Charles
Parker Harold
Parker Hilton
Parker Robert
Parker Samuel
Parker Sydney Victor
Parker Walter
Parker William Henry
Parker William Hunter
Parkin Ernest William
Parkin George R
Parkin John Willie
Parkinson John H
Parkinson Oliver James
Parkinson Oscar M
Parks Harry
Parliament Orin D
Parm Cpl. Charles
Parm James
Parnell Harold
Parrett George
Parsons Arthur H
Parsons Wilfred Evans
Partlett Frederick Arthur
Partridge W C
Passmore William John
Paterson Alexander
Paterson Cpl. George C
Paterson Howard W
Paterson John Warnock
Paterson Lt. Murray H
Paterson William James
Paton Henry Forsyth
Patten Eli Harris
Patten Lt. Edgar Wm
Patten Thomas
Patterson A/ Cpl. Moses
Patterson Alexander H
Patterson Alfred Lloyd
Patterson Andrew
Patterson Charles Forrest
Patterson Harold Kenneth
Patterson Roy Elmer
Pattison Lt. Hugh M
Patton George Harold
Patton Norman Edwin
Pattulo Reginald B
Paul Arthur Clare
Paul Harley
Paul John H
Paul Sgt. Thomas
Paul William R
Paxton L/Cpl. Samuel
Payne Alexander Richard
Payne Arthur Stacy
Payne Cecil McKenzie
Payne Charles Frederick
Payne Charles Ronald
Payne Harold
Payne Jocelyn Maynard
Payne John William
Payne Wilfred William
Payne William James
Paynter Christopher John
Peace Ernest
Peacock James
Peacock Richard Ellis
Peacock Thomas Alfred
Pearce George
Pearce Gordon Mackenzie
Pearce Harry Norman
Pearce James Thomas
Pearce Walter King
Pearen George Burton
Pearen Wilfrid Ferguson
Pears William
Pearsall Harold William
Pearson Charles W
Pearson Harry Brown
Pearson John William
Pearson Norman Charles
Pearson Samuel
Pearson William David
Peasley Frederick
Peasley John H
Peddie James
Peddie William
Pedley George
Pedrick Richard Albert William
Peers Harry
Peers Lt. Charles Thompson
Pegler William Ernest
Peirce Edward
Peirce George Felix
Pell Harry Saxon
Pell Willard Augustus
Pelletier Emmanuel
Penberthy John James
Penfold Amos
Penfold Richard
Penford Albert
Penington Thomas
Penn Frank M
Pennal Howard Laurence
Penny William
Pennylegion William Edward
Pentecost Norman Ashton
Penton John
Pepker Stanley James
Pepler Roger Crook
Pepper Edward Herbert
Pepper Reuben John
Pepperell William C
Peppiatt Frederick Charles
Percy Thomas James
Perkins Arthur Henry
Perkins George Henry
Perkins Harry
Perkins John William
Perkis Harry W S
Perrin Arthur James
Perry Bertie Reginald
Perry Cecil Victor
Perry George
Perry Herbert Holloway
Perry Lt. Cullen
Perry Sgt. Benjamin
Perry Walter William
Pert George
Pert James
Peters Burton
Peters Herbert
Pett Cpl. Charles H
Pettigrew Cpl. James
Pettit Earl Sylvester
Pettit John Sire
Pettit Martin
Pettit Paul Weagant
Pettit William Henry
Phelps James Spencer
Philip Robert Mackey
Philips James Dean
Phillips Frank
Phillips Frederick John
Phillips George D
Phillips Harold Walter
Phillips Harry Marlin
Phillips Henry John
Phillips Jack
Phillips James Edgerton
Phillips James Thompson
Phillips John Doherty
Phillips John F
Phillips Roscoe L
Phillips Thomas Joseph
Phillpotts Sgt. James Christopher
Philpott Thomas H
Philps Edwin Walter
Phippin Frederick Howard
Pick Charles William
Pickens Robert Francis
Pickering Howard Vincent
Pickering Richard James
Pickering William
Pickernell Edward Grant
Pickett Albert E
Pickles George
Picknell Albert Edward
Pickup Thomas
Pierce Bdr. Edward
Pierce Lt. George Felix
Piggott Thomas
Pike Lt. Arthur Wilson
Pillow George Thomas
Pimblett Alfred
Pinkney John E
Pipher Ross
Pipon Lt. John Rutherford
Pirrie Walter
Pitman Albert
Pitman Ernest
Pittam Frederick Henry
Pitts Charles Lewis
Pitts Frederick
Place Vernon Isaac
Platt Henry Errol Beauchamp
Platt Thomas
Plewis Oscar George
Plowright William N
Plumb Herbert
Plummer Elwin John
Plummer Frank
Plummer Harry
Plumridge Frederick
Plumridge Maurice Henry
Pole L/ Sgt. Arthur Leonard
Polk Herbert
Pollard John Ross
Polley Roy Victor
Pollock John H
Pollock Robert
Polson John Henry
Pont John Brown
Pook Robert Weir
Pooley Morton Robert
Pope Alfred George
Popham Capt. Edward H
Porritt John M
Porteous William Fredrick
Porter Alexander
Porter Charles
Porter Handley Ernest Maxwell
Porter Harry Thomas
Porter James Le Roy
Porter Joseph Charles
Porter Ralph Walter
Porter Samuel
Poste Henry Thomas
Postlewaite Frank
Potter Alvin Russell
Potter Sgt. William A O
Potter Sidney
Potter Thomas G
Potter William Henry
Potterton David
Pottle Frederick James
Pottle George Henry
Potts John
Potts Victor Cecil
Poulton Roy Ross
Pound K J
Powell George Herbert
Powell William S
Power Earlby Oswald
Powers Cpl. Edward Joseph
Powless David John
Powrie Henry
Pratt Charles Manley
Pratt Russell V
Pratt William
Presant Bert Arthur
Prescott Lt. Joseph H
Press George Alfred
Preston Albert
Preston Alexander
Preston Capt. Wilfred John
Preston George
Preston Sgt. Walter Edward
Price Arthur William
Price Evan Edward
Price John
Price Stanley Arthur
Price Thomas Henry
Priddell Harry Stephen
Priest Arthur Victor
Priestley Albert
Priestly Orley
Primrose Howard Primrose
Pringle Joseph
Prior Arthur H
Prior Sgt. Major Arthur C
Prisley James
Pritchard Stafford Macklin
Pritchard Victor A
Probin Cyril Frederick
Proctor Cpl. Edward G N
Proctor Herbert
Proctor James Albert
Proctor James Dowthwaite
Proudfoot William
Pugh Harry
Pulleyn Andrew
Purdy Robert John
Purvis Albert Victor
Puterbaugh Alfred Frederick
Putt Thomas Frank
Quail Henry Charles
Quail Thomas
Quayle George
Queenbrough Sydney Hammond
Querrie Harry Walter
Quigley Capt. Francis Grainger
Quinn Gordon William
Quinn Hugh
Quirk Walter
Race George
Radcliffe George
Radcliffe Gilbert
Radvar Wm Jos
Rae Alfred
Rae David
Rae Frederick
Raeside Robert Morris
Raines Henry Edward
Rainford Cpl. Richard
Raison Charles
Raley William Emsley
Ralph Walter
Ralston Earl
Ramer Roy
Ramsay Alexander
Ramsay John
Ramsay Laurence Barclay
Ramsay William Thomas
Ramsden William Frederick
Ramshaw Harold Chisholm
Randall James
Raney Paul Hartley
Rankin James
Rankin William Garfield
Rankin William J
Ranney Charles Norman
Ranney Kenneth Alexander
Ranney Lt. Paul H
Rapson Sidney H
Ratcliffe Churchill
Ratcliffe George Alfred
Ratcliffe Gilbert
Ratcliffe William Henry
Rathbone George Henry
Rathwell Samuel Edward
Ratz John Henry
Raven Dr. Frank
Raven Dr. Sydney
Rawbon William George
Rawlinson Arthur William
Ray Cpl. Ernest John
Raymer Arthur Francis
Raymer Sgt. Robert Gordon
Raynor Joseph William
Raynor William John
Rayson Egerton Henry
Rea Stuart Henry
Rea William
Read Cpl. F G
Read L/Cpl. Harry
Read Walter Douglas
Reade Arnold Baillie
Reade Thomas Harold
Reading Robert
Ready Edward Charles
Reaman John Allen
Redden Edward John
Reddock Samuel Allan
Reddock William Adam
Redman Samuel Edward
Redpath James
Redpath Robert
Redwood James Robinson
Reed Arthur Sydney
Reed Edward Charles
Reed William
Reed William Henry
Reese Robert Ray
Reeve Alan
Reeve Sgt. Frederick
Reeves Albert Edward
Reeves Charles
Reeves Frederick W
Reeves George Edward
Reeves L/ Cpl. John H
Reeves Samuel John
Reeves William John
Regan Daniel
Reid Albert Ernest
Reid Alexander
Reid Brank
Reid Cecil Glenford
Reid Charles
Reid David
Reid David MacDonald
Reid Edward
Reid Gaynor Campbell
Reid Herbert G
Reid John Fenix
Reid John Thos
Reid Joseph
Reid Louis
Reid Peter
Reid Richard
Reid Sub Lt. Ellis Vair
Reid Sydney Arthur
Reid William
Reid William Douglas
Remes William F
Renfrew George Allan
Rennie Edgar William
Rennie Lt. Samuel Gordon
Renshaw Aaron
Renshaw Albert
Repath Albert Edwin
Reside Robert Norris
Restell Arthur Percy
Revell William J
Reynolds David Percy
Reynolds Edward James
Reynolds Howard
Reynolds John Joseph
Rhodes Herbert
Ribchester Albert
Rice Frederick Nelson
Rice Peter Paul
Rice Robert Stacey
Rice William Sydney
Richards Alfred Edward
Richards George
Richards James Henry
Richards L/ Cpl. John Hedley
Richards William Antel
Richardson Alfred Henry
Richardson George Alexander
Richardson George Dunn
Richardson John
Richmond Hugh
Richmond Reginald Arthur Albert
Richmond Stanley Battersby
Ricketts Henry J
Ricketts Neville Hamilton
Riddell Alexander John
Riddell George Alexander
Riddell William Charles
Riddell William Frederick
Riddington Sydney Eric
Riddle Frank Overton
Riddock Samuel Allan
Rider Flt. Lt. Clifford Ernest
Rigg Thomas Joseph
Riggs 2nd Lt. Roy Robertson
Riggs Robert Vincent
Riley John William
Riley Joseph Arthur
Riley Robert Archibald
Riley Thomas
Riley William James Henry
Rimmer Henry Masson
Ringham Ernest
Riordan Michael
Riordan William
Riseley Martin
Ritchie Alexander
Ritchie Clifford
Ritchie George
Ritchie Joseph
Ritchie William Stewart
Rivers Tom Langley
Rix Alfred Savoury
Rizza John
Rizza Vincent
Roach Flt. Lt. Edmond D
Roach John Arthur
Roadhouse James Earl
Robb Alexander
Robb Francis Murray
Robb George
Robb Robert John
Robbins Ernest Victor
Roberts Alex
Roberts Arthur
Roberts Fred B
Roberts Frederick James
Roberts Herbert
Roberts Herbert W
Roberts John W
Roberts Joseph
Roberts Sgt. Meirion
Roberts William H
Roberts Jean Ogilvie
Robertshaw Earl
Robertson Adam
Robertson Andrew Burnette
Robertson Arthur Edward
Robertson Edward
Robertson George
Robertson Herbert
Robertson James Souter
Robertson John C
Robertson L/ Cpl. Norman
Robertson Lt. Thomas J
Robertson William George
Robertson William Gordon
Robertson William Morrison
Robinson Alexander Lewis
Robinson Capt. Charles Bryan
Robinson Frederick Colyer
Robinson George Edward
Robinson George Wilfred
Robinson Harold
Robinson Jack
Robinson Lt. William
Robinson Roy Harold
Robinson Sgt. Alexander L
Robinson Walter A
Robinson William Hartley
Robinson William John
Robson Charles Vipond
Robson Walter Frederick
Roche William Charles
Rochereau de la Sabliere Lt. Charles Em
Rochester Ernest Marshall
Rochester George Harvey
Rochford Charles
Rock George Mcleod
Rockwell Walter Scott
Roddy Hugh
Rodger Andrew Royston
Rodgers Edwin
Roe Alfred C
Roe George Henry
Rogers Alan Stanley Clark
Rogers Clifford Ellis
Rogers Edwin
Rogers Flt. Lt. Clarence Elias
Rogers Frank A
Rogers Frederick James
Rogers George
Rogers Gordon James
Rogers John William
Rogers Samuel
Rogers Stephen
Rogers William Leonard
Rogers Wm
Rolph Francis
Ronaldson John
Rook Lt. Frederick William
Rooke Edward
Rooney Robert
Roper Charles S
Roscoe Joseph
Roscoe William
Rose Alexander
Rose Henry
Rose James Charles
Rose Percy
Rose William Donald
Roseblade Stanley
Ross Carlton Henry W
Ross Cpl. William A
Ross Donald
Ross Elder Burton
Ross Gordon Fraser
Ross Gordon Glen
Ross Harold James
Ross Henry Deary
Ross Hugh
Ross John David
Ross John Hawley
Ross John Smith
Ross Peter
Ross QMS Andrew
Ross Robert James
Ross Robert Wallace
Ross Stephen Albert
Ross Walter
Ross William
Rossiter Samuel James
Rothnie William
Rottier William
Routh Horace Claire
Routledge Charles Francis
Routledge Joseph
Rowat A/ 2nd Lt. Robert
Rowdon Victor Kirby
Rowe Archie
Rowe Arthur Barton
Rowe Bernard John
Rowe D J
Rowe George Sidney
Rowe James Arthur
Rowe Leonard
Rowland John Wesley
Rowland Sgt. John W
Rowley John
Rowlinson Arthur
Rowlinson Ernest
Rowsill Roland W R
Roy Stanley
Royle Carlos
Ruck William Robb
Ruddington A/ Sgt. Thomas
Ruddy Walter Lawson
Rudman Joseph W F
Ruffett Edwin George
Ruffles Ernest David
Rugg William John
Rule Lt. Edgar
Rumsby William Arthur
Rushworth John
Rusling Charles Nelson
Russell Alexander
Russell Harry
Russell James Gordon
Rustige Thomas
Rutherford Albert James
Rutherford Arnold Wadsworth
Rutherford Arthur G
Rutherford Cecil A
Rutledge Charles F
Rutledge L/ Cpl. Grenville Charles
Rutter Sgt. William J
Ryall Charles Edward Henry
Ryan Daniel E
Ryburn David
Ryckman Edward Gurney
Ryde William
Ryerson Capt. George C
Ryerson John Egerton
Rymal William Arthur
Rymill Alfred
Rynehart Joseph Thomas
Ryrie Lt. Evan
Sabin Joseph
Sainsbury Henry William
Sale Dennis
Sale Gordon Nicholson
Sambridge Samuel
Samson William Alfred
Sandall Thomas Henry
Sanders Ernest Lloyd
Sanders Reginald
Sandford Richard
Sandison William Jones
Sands Arthur
Sands Francis
Sanford Charles Edward
Sanford Robert Thomas
Sanford Sgt. Major Richard
Sangster Edgar
Sankey Lt. Thomas
Sargent Frederick
Saul Daniel
Saunders Austin Lyman
Saunders Frederic
Saunders Leonard James
Saunders Richard
Saunders Thomas Brehant
Saunders William
Savage Frank Harold
Savage Lt. Edwin George
Savage William
Sawyer Ernest
Sayers Egerton A
Sayers George V B
Saywell Samuel
Sayyae Fredk Jacob Orvil
Scaife Charles Maxwell
Scandale Peter
Scane Albert Le Roy
Scanlan William Maunsell
Schabacker Fred William
Schadbacker Harry Chadwick
Schell Malcolm Douglas
Schoales John Roderick Montgomery
Schoales Joseph Henry
Schofield John
Schofield William
Scholes John F
Scholfield John Douglas Price
Scholtz Gordon Edward
Schrier Sgt. David John
Schultz Talbot John
Scobie Paul
Scott Alexander Wallace
Scott Alfred William George
Scott Charles B
Scott Cpl. Robert
Scott Douglas Gordon
Scott Ernest James
Scott Flt. Lt. James Garnet
Scott Frank Moore
Scott Frederick Gundy
Scott George Rowland
Scott James Nimmo
Scott John D
Scott L/ Cpl. Douglas W D
Scott Lt. Douglas Gordon
Scott Lt. Ernest J
Scott Lt. George Bertram
Scott Lt. Norman
Scott Milfred
Scott Neil John
Scott Reuben A
Scott Robert Stuart
Scott Walter James
Scott William
Scouse Robert
Scrase Henry Caldwell
Scratchley Leonard Townshend
Scully Ernest
Seaborne Benjamin Minter
Seabourne L/ Sgt. George
Seale Walter George
Sear A/ Sgt. Oliver
Sear Benjamin
Searight Thomas Arthur
Searle Edward Joseph
Searle Frederick Ernest
Searle J Alfred
Searle William John
Searle William Lywnn
Sears Reginald
Sears Richard Roy
Seaton William Fallis
Seden Fred William
Sedgwick Gordon
Seed James
Seeley Le Roy Launcelot
Seers Alexander
Seiler Milton
Selberry Henry
Selby Cpl. Benjamin
Self Thomas William
Senior Harold
Setford Albert D
Sewell Leonard
Shanks Alexander Campbell
Shanly Hon. Capt. Coote Nisbett
Shannon Joseph John
Sharland Thomas
Sharp George
Sharp James Richard
Sharp John Selbourne
Sharp Ralph Samuel
Sharp Thomas William
Sharpe Lancelot W
Sharples John
Shaver Howard Sutton
Shaw Albert Henry
Shaw Charles
Shaw Cunningham
Shaw Henry
Shaw Joseph P
Shaw William
Shaw William Fredereick
Shea George William
Shea John Arthur
Shearer Alex Gibb
Shearer William
Shearman Harold L
Sheets Nelson Rupert
Sheffield Joseph Victor
Sheflin Charles Edward
Sheldon Joseph
Shell William
Shenton Sidney
Shepard L/ Sgt. James
Shephard Cpl. Walter Waddington
Shephard James Ross
Shepherd Charles
Shepherd Cpl. George
Shepherd Edward Edwin
Shepherd Harry
Sheppard Arthur L
Sheppard Henry Bracey
Sheppard Paul B
Sheridan Frank Philip
Sheridan Terrance
Sheriffe Lorne
Sheriffs William
Sherlock Thomas Edward
Sherman Harry
Shewbridge Trayton
Shields Lawrence S
Shier Herman Edgar
Shier Sgt. Wesley G
Shiers Samuel George
Shine Samuel
Shoebottom Stanley Robert
Sholert Frederick William
Short Albert
Short Francis C
Short Robert William
Shorten Charles Thomas
Shrubshall Frank
Shurmer Arthur
Shuttleworth Frederick
Shuttleworth Gershon
Sibbick Frank
Siddle Thomas Edward
Sidey Robert S L
Sidsworth Gordon
Silk Charles James
Silk Walter
Sills John
Silverthorn James Clinton
Silvester Charles H
Sim Alfred
Sime Walter Francis Watson
Simmons Ernest Alfred
Simmons Percy Clarence
Simons Albert
Simons Ernest Newton
Simons Llewellyn Nixon Black
Simpson David
Simpson Edward
Simpson James M
Simpson John Alexander
Simpson Joseph Donaldson
Simpson L/ Cpl. Archibald
Simpson Lt. Ernest Alroy
Simpson Lt. Lorne
Simpson Major Joseph D
Simpson Matthew
Simpson 2nd Lt. Colin
Sims George Henry
Sims John Brightwell
Sims William G
Sinclair Albert H
Sinclair Archibald John
Sinclair Colin Mcleod
Sinclair Donald
Sinclair Hugh
Sinclair Hugh Duncan
Sinclair John Craig
Sinclair Melville
Sinclair Robert Black
Sinclair Ruben
Sinclair Sub Lt. James
Sinclair William John
Sinfield Alfred L
Singleton James
Sisley Arthur Jackson Smith
Sisley Donovan Laurier
Sisley Lt. Arthur J S
Sitwell Lawrence Hurt
Skeaff John Murray
Skelton Alexander De Vere
Skill Albert Thomas
Skilling Edward Donald
Skilton Lloyd
Skimin Garnet Redvers
Skimin Walter Morland
Skinner Ernest Edward
Skuse Martin
Slack Albert
Slack Arthur Clarence
Slade Albert Henry
Slade William
Slater Richard
Slater William Henry
Slater William T
Slaven Joseph Bernard
Sleep Richard
Sloan Lt. Cyril Rennie
Sloan William
Sloane Richard Dallas
Sloane William
Slocombe Robert Frederick
Slough George Albert
Smail Joseph
Smailes John W
Smailes Luke Robson
Smailes Robert
Small William Henry
Smallback William Albert
Smallbeck Charles Richard
Smallett Charles
Smallwood James
Smart Albert Edward
Smith Albert E
Smith Albert Edward
Smith Albert F
Smith Albert Victor
Smith Alex
Smith Alexander
Smith Alexander Findlay Scott
Smith Alfred W
Smith Archie
Smith Arthur Joseph
Smith Benjamin John
Smith Bugler William H
Smith Capt. Harry R
Smith Cecil
Smith Charles
Smith Claude Earl
Smith Claude Goodwin
Smith Edward
Smith Edwin G S
Smith Ernest Crosby
Smith Flt. Lt. Langley F Willard
Smith Frank
Smith Frederick James
Smith George James
Smith George Watt
Smith Hamilton William
Smith Harold A
Smith Harry Lawrence
Smith Harry Roy
Smith Henry George Leslie
Smith Herbert W
Smith Isaac
Smith Jack
Smith James
Smith James A
Smith James Allan
Smith James Henry
Smith Jeffery Filder
Smith John
Smith John Charles
Smith John Edward
Smith John Michael
Smith John William
Smith Joseph
Smith Joseph James
Smith Lawrence
Smith Lt. Donovan L McC
Smith Lt. Harley G
Smith Lt. Richard Langford
Smith Norman Henry
Smith Percival
Smith R J
Smith Rex
Smith Robert
Smith Ronald Gunn
Smith Roscoe
Smith Royal E
Smith Sgt. James L
Smith Stanley
Smith Thomas
Smith Thomas Stanley
Smith Valentine
Smith Walter William
Smith William Arthur
Smith William Harcourt
Smith William Henry
Smithson William
Smitten Samuel
Smollet Charles
Smollett John
Smyth Bernard H
Smyth Charles William Russell
Smyth Marshall
Snashall Leslie Trevapton
Sneath Lt. Thomas Herbert
Sneath Thomas D’Arcy
Snelling Charles
Snelling Frederick T
Snider Miles
Snook Sgt. Henry
Snow Geoffrey Allan
Snow Samuel
Sobota Joseph
Sobota Vor
Solvander Edward Harrison
Somerville Hugh
Somerville Philip
Soulsby Robert
Souter L/ Cpl. James P
Sowden Walter
Spalding Lewis
Spalding R E
Spanner Herbert
Sparks Douglas Earl
Sparling Charles
Sparling Sgt. Thos Vincent
Sparrow Charles Hutchison
Sparrow Robert
Spaul Thomas Henry
Spears George
Spedding John William
Speers Lt. Clifford S
Speight Albert
Speirs Robert
Spence Adam Gordon
Spence Andrew
Spence Francis Robert
Spence Harry
Spence John
Spence Thomas Joseph
Spencer Frank S
Spencer Harold
Speyer Charles Harry
Spicer Frederick James
Spinks John Manley Parrington
Spiroff Jack
Spokes James
Spooner Frank Mathers
Spotten George Arthur
Spraggett Charles
Sprake George H
Spratlin Frederick John
Spratt Henry
Spriggs Albert E
Sprint Thomas Arthur
Sproul James
Sproule Hugh Charles
Sproule Noble
Sproule Robert
Spruit Thomas Arthur
Spry Louis Roy
Squair Thomas Alexander
Squires Jack
Squires William George
Srigley Ceylin Thomas
St. Denis Eugene
Stacey Lt. John Randolph
Stackhouse Thomas James
Stafford Ernest Rowland
Stagg Hedley Charles
Stagg William Fraser
Stainton Elmer S
Stammers John
Stanbridge Charles
Stanford James
Stanley Frederick William
Stanley George Edward
Stanley George James
Stanley Walter Jasper
Stanley William John
Stannage George Brewin
Stanners Robert
Stapleford Howard Chester
Staples Joseph
Staples Richard
Stark Alexander Stanley
Stark Edward A
State Charles H G
Statham William Percival
Staton Stanley N
Stayton Clarence Archie
Stead Thomas Richard
Steadman Harry
Steer Thomas Armstrong
Steers Percival
Stephen Charles Alfred
Stephen James Davidson
Stephen James Gordon
Stephen John Alexander
Stephen Joseph Cyril
Stephenson James Brown
Stephenson Kenneth Douglas
Stephenson Robert John Stewart
Stevens Arthur
Stevens Charles John
Stevens George Chapman
Stevens Harry
Stevenson James Ernest
Stevenson John
Stevenson L/ Cpl. Robert Munro
Stewart 2nd Lt. Archibald Ross
Stewart Alexander
Stewart Andrew
Stewart QMS William Stanley
Stewart Cecil Robert
Stewart Charles Mck
Stewart Cpl. Hiram L
Stewart Fred Sidney
Stewart George Henry
Stewart Howard W
Stewart John Howard
Stewart John Thomas
Stewart Oliver Adrian
Stewart Peter
Stewart Robert C
Stewart Samuel Mcintyre
Stewart Thomas
Stewart William Clarke
Stewart William James
Stewart William Peebles
Stewart William Stanley
Stickland Harry
Stickley Frederick Charles
Still Frederick
Still George
Still William Chester
Stirling Alexander
Stirrett Ernest Zavitz
Stobo Isaac Albert
Stockdale Cpl. Frederick Irwin
Stocker Samuel Thomas
Stockhausen Frederick Hope
Stockil Frederick George
Stockley Levi
Stocks George
Stodart John
Stoddart David Henry
Stoker Frederick
Stokes W
Stone Alfred Bertram
Stone Joseph
Stone Samuel
Stone Sgt. Alfred
Stone Stephen
Stoneman Lt. John Herb Adams
Stoner Albert Walter
Stoney George Briggs
Storey Albert Daniel
Stott Thomas
Stott William Rae
Stout John Pierce
Strachan William
Stradling Harry
Stratford George Stacey
Strathdee John
Strathy Ford Stuart
Street Edmund Rochfort
Street Percy
Streeter Percy
Strickland Fred
Stringer Charles R
Strong Robert
Stronge Alfred
Stroud Frank Henry
Strutt George
Stuart Cpl. James
Stuart Harry
Stuart Lt. Herbert J
Stupart Lt. Frederick Gustavus
Sturdy Charles Walter
Sturgeon Joseph
Sturges James Norman
Sturgess George Carlson
Suggitt Stewart
Sullivan Christopher
Sullivan John
Sullivan William
Sully George Thomas Cade
Summerside James
Sumsion Frederick
Surphlis Charles Edward
Sutcliffe Herbert
Sutherland 2nd Lt. George
Sutherland John Cameron
Sutherland Ronald Lemar
Sutherland William
Sutton Cpl. Arthur Norman
Sutton Ernest William
Sutton John William
Sutton L/ Sgt. Leonard C L
Sutton Robert
Swain Frank Edgar
Swainston William Henry
Swait Frederick Charles
Swale Frederick A
Swan Leonard
Swan Lt. Peter R
Swann Louis Harold Hurvey
Swanson Olof
Swanson Stuart Jeffrey
Sward Hugh Neilson
Sweeney Patrick
Sweenie William Ramsay
Sweetland George Henry
Sweetman Royal Clifford
Sweetzer Robert
Swinnerton Lt. Ayscean Francis R W
Switzer Milford William
Switzer Robert Harcourt
Switzer Roy George
Sykes Henry
Sylvester Charles H
Symington Kenneth Paterson
Symon Frank
Symonds Harry
Symons John Hannaford
Taberner William Henry
Tait Wilfred Burt
Tait William Gordon
Talbot William
Tambling George Thomas
Tamblyn Frank
Tanner Arthur William
Tanner John
Tanton Leonard George
Tantz Lionel John
Tapp Walter Alfred
Tarbutt Fraser Coventry
Tarplee Cpl. Frank George
Tarrant Samuel George
Tarry Walter Edward
Tassie Benjamin Bertchael Eager
Tavener Charles
Taverner Joseph
Tavlor George Edward
Taylor Alexander
Taylor Alfred L
Taylor Alfred Stephen
Taylor Archibald
Taylor Arthur Elgar
Taylor Cpl. Walter Alexander
Taylor Edward Thomas
Taylor Ernest Charles
Taylor Frank
Taylor Frederick Ivanhoe
Taylor Frederick J
Taylor Geoffrey Barron
Taylor George Candlish
Taylor George Edward
Taylor Gordon Campbell
Taylor Harold Leopold
Taylor James
Taylor John Alfred
Taylor Joseph Rollit
Taylor Lt. Geoffrey Barron
Taylor Moses
Taylor Oliver B
Taylor Percy Edward
Taylor Percy Thomas
Taylor Ross Malcolm
Taylor Samuel
Taylor Samuel Baldwin
Taylor Sgt. Rupert Warren
Taylor Stanley James
Taylor Thomas
Taylor Walter
Taylor William Edward
Taylor William Irvine
Taylor William John
Taylor William Thomas
Tayor Frederick Henry
Teasdall Robert Charles
Tegg James Beech
Telford Thomas
Telford William Cuyler
Telford William George
Templeton Charles B
Tennant George
Ternent James A
Terry Arthur
Tew Francis Ernest
Thatcher Richard
Theobald Joseph T
Thom George
Thomas Charles A
Thomas Charles Roy
Thomas Emeyo
Thomas John H
Thomas John S
Thomas Morley George
Thomas Thomas Dillon
Thomas Walter Fred
Thomas William Alfred
Thomas William H
Thompson Albert
Thompson Arthur Bouchette
Thompson Clarence Everton
Thompson Cyril Monsarrat
Thompson Edward
Thompson Ernest
Thompson George Henry
Thompson George John
Thompson Harold C
Thompson John Thomas
Thompson John W
Thompson Lt. Charles Everett
Thompson Peter
Thompson Sgt. Joseph
Thompson Vernon
Thompson Victor
Thompson William David
Thomson David Clark
Thomson Edward Mark
Thomson Eric Bradley
Thomson Frederick Michael
Thomson George
Thomson Gilbert
Thomson Harold Charles
Thomson John
Thomson Medford
Thomson Richard
Thomson Robert
Thomson Stanley Archibald
Thorburn William
Thorn Albert Henry
Thorn Henry Charles
Thorn Richard James
Thorne Arthur Alfred
Thorne L/ Cpl. Alfred Henry
Thorne Major Sidney L
Thorne Peleg
Thorne Sydney Lodge
Thorne William Franklin
Thornhill John Phillip
Thornley L/ Cpl. Henry
Thorns Percy
Thornton John Thomas
Threlfall George
Thrush Frank
Thurston Lt. Arnold M
Tice William
Ticker Douglas B
Tickner Matthew
Tigert Oliver
Timms Charles Robert
Timms George Edward
Timson John Winstanley
Titterson Walter
Todd Allan Switzer
Todd George
Todd James Harvey
Todd Matthew Henry
Tomlin Alfred Hare
Tomlinson Enock Esli
Tomlinson James
Tompsett Frederick
Toms William
Tomsett Percy
Tonkin Sidney Alfred
Topham Sgt. B
Topp John U
Torry John Findlay
Tottle Frank
Touchette Willard Alfred
Tough Lt. William Gordon
Townsend Alan Jarvis Hamilton
Townsend Edward Robert
Townshend Francis Charles
Trachy George Francis
Tracy John Joseph
Traill Henry George
Tranter L/ Cpl. Richard
Tranter Moses
Tranter Thomas
Traynor Edward
Trebilcock Alsey Joseph
Trebilcock John Archibald
Trees Christopher Frank
Tremblett William Henry
Trent Henry Alonzo
Tresidder Thomas Arthur
Tribe John Henry
Trimbee Walter E
Trimble Sgt. Samuel John
Tripp William Samuel John
Trotter Edward Burton
Trotter 2nd Lt. Bernard Freeman
Troy John William
Troyer William Stanley
Truax Everett Ashbury
Trudell Thomas
Trull Thomas E
Truss Peter Garfield
Trute Sydney John
Tuck Archibald
Tuck Capt. William S
Tuck H Herbert
Tuck Leslie Knight
Tucker George A
Tucker Louis Allen
Tucker Robert
Tucker Thomas Richard
Tufford Edward
Tully Norman
Tully Norman John
Tupper Frederick J
Turley Ernest George
Turley George E H
Turley William
Turnbull John R
Turnbull Reginald David
Turnbull Robert Carson
Turner John Kelly
Turner Richard
Turner Walter
Turner William Arthur
Turney Cecil
Turquand L / Cpl Aubrey De Vere Arnold
Tutty Charles
Twaddle James
Twatt William
Tweedale George Archibald
Twigg Richard Axley
Twitt George H
Tyler Clement
Tyler George Edward
Tyler John W
Tyler William Alfred
Tyrer Robert
Tyrrell William Gordon
Tyson James Henry
Uden Arthur
Underhill Harry Alfred
Underhill William Robert
Underwood Walter George
Unthank Richard Peter
Unwin Harry Wallace
Unwin William David
Upshall Charles William
Upton Lt. H M
Upton William F
Urwin Alexander
Usher John Johnson
Utlev Edwin H
Valin Michael Leslie
Vallis Clifford George
Van Allen Lt. Kenneth M
Van Der Hout Joseph
Van Ryn A
Van Settart Major George E
Van Straubenzee Charles Turner
Vander Smissen William Henry Victor
Vanderhout Joseph
Vandersmisson Wm H V
Vandervoort Stanley Willis
Vandervoort Wilbur Charles
Vanduzen Hugh
Varder Leslie Brown
Varley Herbert
Varney Walter Harry George
Vass John
Vassler Frank
Vaughan Edgar Thomas Alfred
Veals George
Veitch Archibald Fleming
Veitch George Henry
Ventrise Frank Eden
Verity Harry
Vernon Capt. William
Vignale Raymond
Vincent Eugene Patrick
Vincent Russell
Vine Charles William
Vine George
Vohmann William Robert
Von Zuben Frank Fredrick
Wade Allan
Wade Harold
Wadham Elmer
Wadsworth Darcy Rein
Wain George Elmer
Waite Frank
Waite Herbert Tracey
Waites A/ Cpl. Charles Henry
Wake Clayson
Wakefeld William
Wakefield Charles Townsley
Wakelam Lawrence Bernard Osborne
Waldie Walter Scott
Waldon Thomas Vernal
Waldorf Herbert
Waldrum Daniel Dewar Kay
Wales Alexander
Walke Frank Joseph
Walker Arthur Stanley
Walker Charles
Walker Donald Henry Anderson
Walker Ephraim
Walker Ewart Leonard
Walker Fredrick Thomas
Walker George Henry
Walker Harry Valmond
Walker James Franklin
Walker John Alex
Walker John Todd
Walker Joseph
Walker Joseph Tackaberry
Walker Lt. Norman Eden
Walker Lt. Stanley Arthur
Walker Lt. William Earling
Walker Lt. Harry Valmond
Walker Reginald Henry
Walker Richard C
Walker Robert Thomas
Walker William
Walker William Henry
Walker William John
Walker L F
Walker S M
Wall Columbus Joseph
Wall Edward
Wall James
Wallace Alexander
Wallace Avard Austin
Wallace Charles Boyd
Wallace James Lewis
Wallace Joseph McMurray
Wallace Matthew Maurice
Wallbridge John
Waller Jack
Walls George
Walls Wilfred Clark
Walmsley Adolph William
Walmsley William John
Walpole Stanley George Saunders
Walsh Edward
Walsh Frederick William
Walsh Richard
Walsh Robert
Walsh William Joseph
Walt Charles A
Walter Sidney
Walters Ernest Clifford
Walters Norman Arthur
Walters William
Waltho Frank
Waltho George Thomas
Waltire Henry
Walton Leonard
Walton William Henry
Wansborough A/ Major. Charles V
Wansbrough William Roland
Ward Henry
Ward Herbert William
Ward James Albert
Ward Percy William
Ward Reginald Francis Hastings
Ward Roy
Ward Walter Russell
Ward William
Ward Henry Glassford
Wardell Edwin
Wardell Harry Thomas
Warden Ernest Alfred
Warden Robert
Wardle Frederick William
Wardle Henry
Wardle John Laurence
Wardle Percy William
Wardsley-Wilmot Fred L
Wareham Stanley B
Waring Robert
Warner Frederick Elias
Warner John
Warner William James
Warnes Alfred
Warnica Thomas Ernest
Warrander Albert Robert
Warrander George Alexander
Warren Capt. Trumbull
Warren Edward Harold
Warren Roy
Warrender Albert Robert
Warrender George Alexander
Warrington Arthur Henry
Warrington Henry William
Warwick George Charles
Washington George
Waterfield Albert
Waters John Sutherland
Watkin Flt. Lt. Loudon Pierce
Watkins Frederick
Watson Alexander Scott
Watson Basil Morris
Watson Charles Joseph
Watson Frederick Henry
Watson George William
Watson Hugh Jarman
Watson James Cameron
Watson John George
Watson Lt. Charles H
Watson Lt. Hugh J
Watson Robert Leonard
Watson Sgt. William Neil
Watson William Edgar
Watson William Henry
Watson William Watson
Watt Charles Crawford
Watt Robert D
Watt William
Watters James
Watters Robert Cecil
Watterson James
Watthews John
Wattie James
Watts Christopher
Watts Fred W
Watts George Albert
Watts Joshua
Watts Lt. Wilfred J
Watts Sidney
Watts Walter Hoult
Watts Wilfred John
Wauchope William
Waywell George Alexander
Weatherall John Lawrence
Weatherill Clair George Pitfield
Weatherill Cpl. Bertrand Peter
Weatherston William Selwyn
Weatherup Harold R
Weaver Cecil Vivian Rupert
Weaver James
Weaymouth Ardagh
Webb Albert
Webb A/ Sgt. William Adolphus
Webb Edward Alfred
Webb Frederick
Webb James Herbert
Webster Alexander
Webster David
Webster Fred
Webster James Edward
Webster John A
Webster Robert
Webster William H
Webster William Joseph
Wedgewood Ronald Moore
Weekes Ernest
Weeks James Chadwick
Weese Milton Edward
Wehrle Charles Ernest
Weiderhold Rengaw Daniel
Weir Arthur
Weir Elgin Frederick
Welch James Stanley Lightfoot
Welch Robert James
Weld Frederick George
Weld Reginald
Welham Ernest Henry
Wells Albert
Wells Arthur S
Wells Harry W
Wells Robert
Wells William Henry
Welsford John Roy
Welsh John
Welsh William Henry
Wesley Frederick John
West Albert Reginald
West Edmund Alfred
West Herbert John
West Lawrence C
Westaway John
Weston Frank
Weston Frederick William
Westover Arthur Emerson
Wetmore Hastings Deblois
Whale Thomas Lloyd
Wharrad James
Whately George Alfred
Wheadon Norman Arthur
Wheeler Edwin Edward
Wheeler George
Wheeler Samuel Richard
Wheeler Thomas J A
Whinsett Albert George
Whitaker Raymond Broomfield
Whitby Sydney
White Arthur Charles
White Charles Frederick
White Charles Henry
White Edward William
White Ernest Griffith
White George Henry
White Henry
White James Andrew
White John Andrew
White John Arthur
White John Bland
White Norman D
White Robert Henry
White Robert William
White Sidney John
White Thomas Barney
White Walter
White William Howard
White William John
White William Joseph Osborne
Whiteside Moses
Whitley Marcel Henry
Whitney Bertram Macdougall
Whittam Edward
Whittingstall Alfred W
Whittlesea William George
Whyles Joseph William
Whyte Archibald Mcleod
Whyte George Ernest
Whyte James Irving
Wickens Herbert Gourlay
Wicker Edwin William
Wicksey Edgar Gideon
Wickson Capt. Edward Arthur
Widdicombe A/ Bdr. Chas Lionel
Wideman Ernest Freeman
Widger William Howard
Wiederhold Rengaw Daniel
Wiggins Robert Dalziel
Wigmore Albert Edward
Wilcox George Sims Angus
Wilcox James
Wilcox Orlando
Wilcox Phillip
Wilcox Thomas Charles Jonathan
Wilcox William Henry
Wilder Edward John Absalom
Wildgoose Richard
Wiley Alfred
Wilford Ralph Austin
Wilgress George Kortright Kesteven
Wilkes Maurice Fisken
Wilkes Percy
Wilkie Albert Hart
Wilkins Frank
Wilkinson Arthur
Wilkinson Charles
Wilkinson Ernest Joseph
Wilkinson Fred
Wilkinson Harold Marsh
Wilkinson John Earl
Wilkinson Lt. Harold Reid
Wilkinson Reuben
Wilkinson Thomas William
Wilkinson William James
Wilks Harold
Willard Lt. William Hartley
Willerton Arthur
Willett Edward
Willett Walter Alec
Willey Chester Matthew
Williams Arthur Harold
Williams Alfred
Williams Arthur Courtenay
Williams Arthur Henry
Williams Cecil Horace
Williams Charles Gower
Williams Cpl. George Robert
Williams David
Williams Frank
Williams Fred E
Williams Frederick Washington
Williams George Ernest
Williams George Robert
Williams Harry
Williams John W
Williams Lt. Charles Emanuel
Williams Philip Edward
Williams Roger Dickinson
Williams Sgt. Earl Tennyson
Williams Sub Lt. George Knox
Williams Thomas
Williams Walter William
Williams William Arthur
Williamson Alex
Williamson Arthur Harold
Williamson George
Willis Albert A
Willis Edward
Willis Lionel Arthur
Willison Anton
Willison Lt. William Taylor
Wills Frederick
Willy James
Wilson Alexander
Wilson Alfred James
Wilson Arthur Patrick
Wilson Capt. William James
Wilson Cecil Kidd
Wilson Clement Beck
Wilson Cpl. John
Wilson Ernest Alexander
Wilson Frank
Wilson Frederick
Wilson Henry
Wilson Hugh Harold St Clair
Wilson Humphrey
Wilson Jardine Turner
Wilson John
Wilson John W
Wilson Lt. Harold Mackenzie
Wilson Melvin
Wilson Phillip Hamilton
Wilson Reginald
Wilson Robert Harold
Wilson Robert Henry
Wilson Robert W
Wilson Sgt. Roy R
Wilson Thomas Russell
Wilson Walter J
Wilson Walter Naismith
Wilson Wilbert John
Wilson William D
Wilson William Henry
Wiltshire James
Winchester Murray McKay
Wingrove Arthur John
Winnifrith Gordon Stevenson
Winzar Robert Charles
Wise Robert
Wishart James
Witham Thomas
Withington William
Wittington William
Wix John Robert
Wood Arthur
Wood Capt. Frank Abbott
Wood Cpl. Ernest
Wood Fred
Wood George William
Wood Herbert George
Wood Horace Albert
Wood John T
Wood Louis Pearson
Wood Richard Charles
Wood Walter William
Woodbridge William
Woodcock Frank
Woodgate James
Woodhead Herbert
Woodhead John T
Wooding Richard
Woodroof Charles Edward
Woodroof John Thomas
Woodrow Arthur Hirsch
Woods A/CSM Ernest
Woods John Robinson
Woods Stephen
Woods William James
Woodward Alfred
Woodward William James Woodward
Woodwards Robert James
Woodyer Arthur Moss
Woolcott Henry
Wooley John E G
Wooley William
Woolgar William George
Woolger Samuel F
Woolger Sidney Frederick
Woolidge Charles E
Woolings Sydney J
Worden William
Worrall Albert James
Worrall Squire
Worsell Harry D
Worsley Sgt. Robert
Worth William
Worthington Cecil John
Worthington Harold
Wragg Harry
Wray Henry Edward
Wray Walter H
Wren Hugh
Wright Albert
Wright Alexander
Wright Archibald Muir
Wright Benson
Wright Capt. Edwin Brice
Wright Christopher
Wright Colin
Wright Daniel
Wright Douglas Christie
Wright Douglas Ross Cameron
Wright Edward
Wright Edwin Bruce
Wright Frederick George
Wright Harry Orlando
Wright Harvey
Wright Henry Robert Lindsay
Wright John Ed
Wright L/ Cpl. Harry Norman
Wright Richard
Wright Sgt. Major Gordon
Wright Walter
Wright William
Wright William Charles
Wright William John
Wrong Harold Verschoyle
Wrong Lt. Harold V
Wyatt Albert
Wyatt Herbert Vernerel
Wyatt William George Early
Wyles Luke Lewis
Wyllie Frederick
Wyman Harry William
Wynd William
Yareketich Mike Yankel
Yates Clifford Franklin
Yates Cpl. Charles F
Yates Frank
Yates George Townath
Yates James A
Yates William Clarence
Yeaman Robert Leitch
Yeates Joseph H
Yeats Cpl. Hugh Murray
Yellowlees Capt. Norman James Lang
Yeo Louis Harvey
Yeoman Frank
Yeomans George Henry
Yewman Frank
York Wilmot
Youell Arthur Warren
Young Alexander
Young Charles Stuart
Young Douglas H A
Young George E
Young Herbert
Young Hezekiah Edward
Young Jacob
Young Leopold George
Young Percival Howard
Young Robert John
Young Sgt. William James
Young Wilfred James Ernest
Young William Edmund
Younger Harcus Beatton
Yuille William Beresford
Yule Andrew
Yule Patrick
Yule Robert Gordon
Zussman Harry