Get Involved in the Budget process by speaking to Budget Committee on January 21 & 22 or joining the telephone town hall on January 23.


The City of Toronto Budget is about working together to build a great city.

Each time you visit a recreation centre, borrow a library book, have your waste picked up curbside, drink clean water from the tap, ride the TTC or have emergency services rush to your aid – you are using one of many City services.

View the Budget presentation (Appendix 1.1 to 1.4 and 2).

Get Involved

Your voice matters. Find key Budget dates, learn how to speak to the Budget Committee, provide feedback and watch meetings.

Your Toronto

Discover how the City delivers for you.

Budget Notes, Reports & Presentations

Read Budget documents, including budget notes, reports and presentations.

Learn the Basics

Learn about the City Budget approval process and budget terms.

Previous Budgets

Access documents and presentations from past budgets.