The pools reopened on June 22, 2024, with a partial schedule of evenings and weekends. The full schedule starts June 28, 2024. Visit Swimming and Water Play for swim schedule information.

The City is improving the Donald D. Summerville Olympic Pools as part of a state-of-good-repair program, including pool deck refurbishments and replacing the pool liners.

  • Summer 2022: Emergency basin repairs and liner replacement of the 25-metre pool. Dive tank and 50-metre pool remained closed.
  • Fall 2022: Procurement for a vendor to carry out the remaining repair work in 2023.
  • March to December 2023: Full refurbishment of the dive tank and 50-metre pool. Facility remained closed for the summer season.
  • February to May 2024: Custom liner installation and deck refurbishment work for the dive tank and 50-metre pool (weather dependent).
  • June 22, 2024: Facility fully reopens with a partial schedule of evenings and weekends only.
  • June 28, 2024: Facility is open and follows a full schedule

The timeline is subject to change.

June 2024

Pools Reopen

On June 22, the pools reopen with a partial schedule of evenings and weekends only and will follow a full schedule starting June 28, 2024. Visit Swimming and Water Play for swim schedule information.


The contractor is conducting a final review and testing before the pools re-open early in the 2024 summer season. Due to the unique design of the facility, the repair work was substantial and complex, thus requiring a rigorous testing period.

May 2024

Work continues and the facility is on track to open for the summer 2024 season.

January 2024

In mid-February, the contractor will start to install temporary and moveable construction hoarding and a tent structure over the facility. The repair work requires a warm and dry climate to allow work to continue over the winter. The structure will move depending on where the contractor is predominantly working within the facility.

Liner installation work of the 50-metre pool will occur alongside deck refurbishments of the 25-metre pool. When this is completed, the contractor will start work on the dive tank liner installation, alongside the 50-metre pool deck refurbishment. This work is expected to take approximately eight weeks.

Deck areas that were not repaired in spring 2024 will be completed in fall 2024.

September 2023

Construction work on the 50-metre pool and the dive tank continues with additional work taking place to replace the pool drain covers, jets, rope hook assembly, and liner replacement. This work is anticipated to be completed in fall 2023.

Deck repairs will be completed in spring 2024 and the pools will re-open for the 2024 summer season.

June 2023

After a great deal of planned preliminary work was completed, the full extent of the repairs to the 50-metre pool, the dive tank and the pool deck work was made clear. City staff, the contractor and Toronto Public Health (TPH) met onsite to review the current conditions and determine whether or not the 25-metre pool could be opened this summer within these constraints. TPH has determined that they cannot allow the 25-metre pool to operate while active construction is taking place in the other two adjacent pools.

As such, the entire facility is closed for the 2023 summer season. The closure allows the contractor to complete the work necessary and will help extend the lifespan of all three pool for another 20 plus years as well as reduce the risk of future work and closure. Permit holders have been accommodated at other nearby facilities and there are no registered programs planned for summer 2023 at this location.

Once all necessary state-of-good-repair work is completed by the end of 2023, the facility will have undergone over $3.5M of state-of-good-repair work to extend the life of the facility.

April 2023

City staff continue to advance necessary repair work.

A custom liner is being installed in the 50-metre pool and a new liner in the dive tank. Other work includes repairs to the concrete shell, pool tiles, pool ladders, rope anchors, skimmers and drains, and removal of the pool lights. In September 2023, a new anti-slip pool deck will be installed.

This work will extend the lifespan of the pool and help reduce the risk of extended future closures.

June 2022

While preparing for the summer season, City staff discovered significant damage to liners in the 25-meter training pool and 50-metre Olympic pool, caused by severe winter weather.

City staff are advancing an emergency pool liner replacement for the 25-metre pool. The 50-metre pool will not open for the 2022 season, as this pool liner cannot be sourced and installed in time. The 50-metre pool liner and repair will be completed as a part of the planned pool improvements in 2023.

The washrooms located on the exterior of the building in addition to the food vendor will remain operational.