The City is expanding Holmes Park with the help of local community feedback. The objectives of the park expansion are to enhance infrastructure and amenities in order to support its current and future use and to ensure park accessibility and safety. The expansion may include additional seating, lighting, a water feature and new plantings.

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  • Summer 2023: Hire a design team
  • Fall 2023 to Summer 2024: Community engagement
    • October 2023: Community Engagement Phase 1
    • July 2024: Community Engagement Phase 2 (current phase)
    • September 2024: Community Engagement Phase 3
  • Summer 2024: Design development
  • Spring 2025: Construction starts
  • Fall 2025: Construction complete

The timeline is subject to change.

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Level of Engagement

This project has been classified as an Involve project based on the International Association of Public Participation Public Participation Spectrum. This means we work directly with the public, stakeholders, and rightsholders throughout the design process to ensure that ideas and aspirations are understood and considered in the design process.

During this phase of the community engagement process, the City worked with local community members to define a renewed overall vision for the park expansion, including a series of guiding principles that will lead the development of two design options in Community Engagement Phase 2.

The anticipated community engagement Activities in this phase included:

  • An online thought exchange activity
  • In-person community pop-up events

Phase Outcomes

Vision Statement

A vision statement is a short description of the ideal future park expansion. It inspires everyone toward a common understanding of the project’s overall goals. The vision for Holmes Park Expansion is:

Nestled in the heart of Willowdale, near Yonge and Finch, the Holmes Park Expansion area will be a beautiful green oasis for community members to relax and recharge, socialize and celebrate, and enjoy the outdoors. The park will be safe and accessible, welcoming people of all ages and abilities to actively and joyfully engage in exercise and wellness. The park’s landscape design will enhance the appearance and sustainability of the neighbourhood, while providing shade and comfort for families and friends to connect and create lasting memories.

Guiding Principles

Guiding principles are high-level directions that reflect the community’s most important values and ideas for how the park should look and feel. They help guide how the park should be designed so that the vision statement can be achieved. The guiding principles for Holmes Park Expansion are:

  • Create a sense of tranquillity and relaxation, using natural elements such as trees, mounds, and rocks to create a contrast with the urban environment.
  • Provide opportunities for social interaction and community building, creating spaces for people to meet and play, to eat lunch and catch up.
  • Encourage physical activity and wellness for different levels of fitness and mobility.
  • Incorporate green infrastructure and sustainable practices to reduce the environmental impact of the park and to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Big Moves

Big moves are the main priorities for the design of the park. They are specific directions to the design team that flow from the vision and principles and help to make them a reality. In no particular order, the big moves for Holmes Park Expansion are:

  • Create an open green space that can accommodate various activities, such as picnics and gatherings. The green space would ideally be surrounded by trees and shrubs to provide shade, privacy, and allow exploration of horticultural diversity.
  • Install a network of paths that connect the different areas of the park and provide opportunities for walking and light jogging. The paths and trails would be designed to be accessible and comfortable for all users, and would have lighting, clear visibility, and seating along the way.
  • Build an exercise and wellness-focused area that caters to different ages and abilities, with equipment that encourages physical challenge, creativity, and exploration. The area can also have sensory elements and natural materials.
  • Incorporate green infrastructure and sustainable practices, such as naturalized elements, water retention, and permeable pavement.

Community Engagement Meetings and Events

October 2023

Online Thought Exchange Activity

From October 6 to October 30, an online thought exchange activity collected 77 thoughts and 1,246 ratings from 107 participants. The feedback collected has informed the vision statement, guiding principles, and big moves and will guide the creation of design options for the park expansion.

Key feedback included the following.

The most popular park character ranked from one to four:

  1. Green: Lush with plantings to connect people with nature (67 per cent)
  2. Active: A place to exercise and play (49 per cent)
  3. Social: A space for socializing and gathering (45 per cent)
  4. Calm: A place to sit, linger, eat lunch, and relax (44 per cent)

The most popular park activities were:

  • Spending time with others (66 per cent)
  • Relaxing in a shaded seating area (62 per cent)
  • Enjoying and observing nature (55 per cent)
  • Eating at a table or picnic area (50 per cent)
  • Travelling through the park (44 per cent)
  • Exercising and meditation (35 per cent)
  • Playing at a game table (34 per cent)

The most important features for providing a sense of safety were:

  • Lighting (85 per cent)
  • Visibility and sight lines (ability to see clearly ahead and around yourself while using the space) (56 per cent)
  • Active edge (ability to see into each park while passing by, and out of the park while using it) (49 per cent)
  • Buffers from adjacent roadways (49 per cent)
  • Wide pathways (40 per cent)

When asked to complete the following statement: “The Holmes Park Expansion Area will be a place that has/is…”, the following themes were rated highest by community members:

  • shady places to sit and stay cool (4.3 ratings)
  • more green space (4.2 ratings)
  • calm and relaxing (4.1 ratings)
  • enjoy the outdoors (4.1 ratings)
  • experience nature (4.1 ratings)
  • well maintained and is safe for everyone (4.1 ratings)
  • activated with game tables (3.9 ratings)
  • plenty of trees and plantings (3.9 ratings)
  • easy to walk through (3.9 ratings)

Review a full summary of the results in an interactive report.

In-Person Community Pop-Up Events

In October, over 150 community members participated in two pop-up events in Holmes Park. The first pop-up took place during the official park opening event, hosted by the local Councillor, and the second pop-up took place on the following weekend with Play Mobile, who helped activate the park. Two team members were available to collect feedback through family-friendly activities including a voting activity, where participants used popsicle sticks to share their preferences for different park characters and activities such as creating more spaces for socializing and feeling connected to water and nature.

Key feedback included the following.

When community members were asked to share their preference for park character using popsicle sticks, Active was the most popular choice (66 sticks), followed by Green (44 sticks), Calm (21 sticks), and Social (15 sticks). In total, community members cast 146 votes.

The most popular park activities were:

  • Enjoying a water feature (52 likes)
  • Enjoying trees and plantings (35 likes)
  • Playing at a game table (31 likes)
  • Eating at a table or picnic area (31 likes)
  • Spending time with others (26 likes)

The least popular park activities were:

  • Playing informal games on grass (23 likes)
  • Travelling through the park (20 likes)
  • Relaxing in a seating area (19 likes)
  • Walking a dog (10 likes)

Other ideas included:

  • Fitness equipment
  • Water feature that’s playful and interactive
  • Consideration for the residences that overlook the park; the design should provide a green quiet space
  • A swing set would be a good addition since the existing play area in Holmes Park doesn’t include them
  • Less defensive seating
  • Native trees and pollinator-friendly gardens
  • Multiple ways to move through the park rather than just one path

Words that reflect the vision for the park expansion:

  • Green (e.g., planting evergreens and perennials)
  • Fitness station including climbers
  • Water feature that is interactive
  • Multi-generational spaces that are inclusive to adults and youth

In this phase of the community engagement process, the City and its design consultant used the outcomes of Community Engagement Phase 1 to develop two design options for the park expansion. These were presented to the community for feedback, and the input collected will be used to develop a final design.

The anticipated outcome of this phase is the selection of a final design.

Design Options

Design Option 1: Meeting Commons

This design option features an angular layout leading to various active and passive zones. The multi-purpose lawn offers a versatile green space for recreational activities, while vertical misters provide cool relief and visual interest. The fitness nook caters to older children and adults, and game tables double as dining areas near Yonge Street. A variety of seating options encourage socializing, and horticultural plantings enhance both aesthetic and ecological diversity. The park’s edges feature distinct unit pavers and porous granite chip pavement to sustainably manage stormwater runoff.

A map of design option 1. It is angular in design. Areas of the design are numbered and correspond to a list following the image. Scattered from left to right, the numbers are: 20, 3, 15, 14, 10, 4, 5, 13, 12, 18, 11, 6, 9, 8, 3, 19, 7, 2, 16, 1, 10. Lane East Yonge South Holmes is on the left of the park and Doris Avenue is on the right of the park.

  1. Park signage
  2. Multi-purpose lawn
  3. Horticultural planting
  4. Lounge corner
  5. Flowering trees
  6. Existing trees (to be retained)
  7. Bike racks
  8. Picnic tables
  9. Outdoor exercise
  10. Armourstone seating
  11. Pollinator mounds
  12. Bench pad with accessible spaces
  13. Misters with lights
  14. Game tables
  15. Multi-head pole lights
  16. Unit pavers
  17. Porous resin granite chip pavement
  18. Mulch
  19. Concrete walkway
  20. Art wall

Design Option 2: Flow

This design option features a curvilinear form that connects various active and passive zones. The multi-purpose lawn serves as a versatile green space for activities. The combined shade structure and multi-level misters provide cool relief and enhance visitor comfort on hot days. The adventure play corner offers play structures and fitness equipment for older children and adults. Game tables double as dining areas, while a variety of seating options, including benches, lounge chairs, picnic tables, and seating cubes, encourage socializing. Horticultural plantings line the edges of the park and the pathway that runs through its center, complemented by unit pavers and porous resin granite chip pavement for sustainable stormwater drainage.

A map of design option 2. It is curved in design. Areas of the design are numbered and correspond to a list following the image. Scattered from left to right, the numbers are (some repeat): 18, 3, 7, 8, 5, 15, 12, 3, 20, 4, 11, 6, 10, 16, 17, 19, 3, 14, 9, 13, 1, 2, 1, 18. Lane East Yonge South Holmes is on the left of the park and Doris Avenue is on the right of the park.

  1. Park signage
  2. Multi-purpose lawn
  3. Horticultural planting
  4. Lounge corner with seating
  5. Specimen tree and perimeter seating
  6. Existing trees (to be retained)
  7. Social pocket with games tables and chairs
  8. Picnic tables
  9. Adventure play and outdoor exercise corner
  10. Seating cubes
  11. Pollinator planting
  12. Bench pad with accessible spaces
  13. Shade mister with lights
  14. Game tables
  15. Unit pavers
  16. Porous resin granite chip pavement
  17. Mulch
  18. Decorative screen panels
  19. Concrete walkway
  20. Multi-head pole lights

Community Engagement Meetings and Events

August 2024

Online Survey

From July 22 to August 12, 99 community members provided feedback on the design options for the new park expansion in an online survey. The feedback collected in this survey will be used to develop a final design.

Design Option 1: Meeting Commons

Overall, 29 per cent of respondents preferred this option.

Key feedback, with the total number of ‘agree’ responses in parentheses, follows:

  • The pathways would allow me to move easily (82 per cent)
  • I like the style of seating – examples given included benches and picnic tables (80 per cent)
  • I like the inclusion and location of the game tables (52 per cent)
  • There are enough new trees and plantings (71 per cent)
  • There are enough comfortable seating options throughout (63 per cent)
  • I like the traditional exercise equipment (59 per cent)
  • The multi-purpose lawn provides enough green space for recreation (58 per cent)
  • I like the vertical misters for warmer months (72 per cent)
  • I like the art wall along the laneway (68 per cent)
  • I like the armourstone as a safety barrier along Doris Avenue (70 per cent)

When asked whether this option aligns with the community’s vision and guiding principles, 71 per cent of respondents said yes, 19 per cent were unsure and 10 per cent said no.

For those who selected no, feedback was collected on how this design option could be improved to better align with the community’s vision and design principles. Five respondents provided the following feedback:

  • Misters: Considered unnecessary and costly, contradicting the goal of sustainable design.
  • Lawn area: Preference for a larger lawn area with reduced paved walkways.
  • Shade: More tree shade is preferred over misters, which are seen as expensive and unreliable (noting the fountain’s temporary malfunction in mid-July). Trees are more sustainable and provide oxygen.
  • Fitness nook: Needs more options tailored for older adults.
  • Equipment specification: Clarification needed on the types of equipment to ensure sufficient physical exercise facilities.
  • Seating and play areas: Additional seating and climbing options for children, like those in St. James or Grange Park.
Design Option 2: Flow

Overall, 57 per cent of respondents preferred this option.

Key feedback, with the total number of ‘agree’ responses in parentheses, follows:

  • The paths allow me to move easily (78 per cent)
  • I like the style of seating – examples included benches and café style tables (76 per cent)
  • I like the inclusion and location of the game tables (57 per cent)
  • There are enough new trees and plantings (76 per cent)
  • There are enough seating options throughout (78 per cent)
  • I like the bamboo jungle climbing equipment (63 per cent)
  • The multi-purpose lawn provides enough green space for recreation (66 per cent)
  • I like the vertical misters with a shade canopy (88 per cent)
  • I like the decorative fencing as a safety barrier along Doris Avenue and the laneway (64 per cent)

When asked whether this option aligns with the community’s vision and guiding principles, 71 per cent of respondents said yes, 22 per cent were unsure and seven per cent said no.

Those who selected no were asked to provide feedback on how this design option could be improved and no responses were provided.

Park Features

Based on the percentage of responses that identified park features as either very important or important for the new park design, the ranking was:

  1. Shade (87 per cent)
  2. Lighting (86 per cent)
  3. Formal seating areas (e.g., benches, tables) (79 per cent)
  4. Safety fencing along the laneway (71 per cent)
  5. Safety fencing along Doris Avenue (64 per cent)
  6. Multi-purpose lawn (64 per cent)
  7. Porous surfacing (62 per cent)
  8. Fitness equipment (58 per cent)
  9. Cooling mister (53 per cent)
  10. Game tables (40 per cent)
Additional Feedback

Respondents were asked if they had additional ideas for creating a park design that achieves the vision statement and design principles for the park.  The following major themes emerged in the responses:

  • Green space and plantings: Many respondents emphasized the need for more greenery, including trees, plantings, and possibly a community garden.
  • Safety and comfort: Concerns were raised about safety, particularly regarding off-leash animals.
  • Seating and shade: There were requests for more seating options and shaded areas, with a preference for tree shade over misters.
  • Fitness and exercise facilities: Feedback included the need for detailed information on fitness equipment and suggestions to cater to various age groups, especially older adults.
  • Public amenities: Suggestions included garbage bins located near the picnic tables and entrances.
  • Community involvement: The idea of involving the community in creating art walls was appreciated to foster community building.

July 2024

In-Person Community Pop-Up Event

On July 22, the project team hosted a pop-up event at Holmes Park from 4 to 7:30 p.m. to engage with park users. Community members had the opportunity to meet the project team, ask questions and participate in various fun activities. Four team members were present to collect feedback and answer questions.

Key feedback, with the total number of ‘agree’ responses in parentheses, follows.

Overall preference with Design Option 1: Meeting Commons (seven):

  • The paths allow me to move easily (six)
  • There is enough green space for recreation (four)
  • There are enough seating options throughout (three)
  • There are enough new trees and plantings (three)
  • I like the traditional exercise equipment (five)
  • I like the vertical misters for warmer months (three)
  • I like the inclusion and location of the game tables (four)
  • I like the style of seating – examples given included benches and picnic tables (three)
  • I like the art wall along the laneway (three)
  • I like the armourstone as a safety barrier along Doris Avenue (six)

Participants provided additional feedback using self-stick notes and suggested adding a community board to enhance communication within the community. They also recommended adding lighting for safety, shade and canopies and seating with backrests. The increased greenery in this design option was well-received, with participants expressing their approval of the design’s natural elements.

Overall preference with Design Option 2: Flow (25):

  • The paths allow me to move easily (12)
  • There is enough green space for recreation (15)
  • There are enough seating options throughout (17)
  • There are enough new trees and plantings (12)
  • I like the bamboo jungle climbing equipment (18)
  • I like the vertical misters with a shade canopy (12)
  • I like the inclusion and location of the game tables (11)
  • I like the style of seating – examples included benches and café style tables (15)
  • I like the decorative fencing as a safety barrier along Doris Avenue and the laneway (14)

Participants provided additional feedback, expressing satisfaction with the game tables, water feature, and the park’s room-like areas. There was strong support for the shade covering, particularly over the water feature, to provide comfort and protection from the sun. The decorative fencing was not favoured by two participants as they were concerned it might obstruct sightlines. Public washrooms were also mentioned, though the project team noted that this is outside the project’s scope and budget.

In this phase of the community engagement process, the City will share the final park on this page and with those subscribed to the project mailing list. The project will then move into the detail design phase, where the design team will work through the technical details and develop detailed plans and drawings to be used by the construction contractor.

Holmes Park is a new 1,000m2 park located at the southwest corner of Holmes Avenue and Doris Avenue. The design for the park was determined with the help of community feedback in fall 2020. The park includes:

  • A play area
  • A water fountain and bottle filler
  • A shade structure with seating
  • Bike racks
  • An open lawn area


Key project milestones from the design and development process for Holmes Park are listed in reverse chronological order.

Late September 2023

Park Opens

The new park will open to the public in late September. The community engagement process to design the park expansion area will start in October 2023.

July 2023

Park Named

The new park at 25 Holmes Ave. is officially named Holmes Park.

April 2023

Construction Update

Construction for the new park continues and is anticipated to be completed by June 2023.

August 2022

Construction starts

Construction for the new park begins. The new park is planned to open in spring 2023.

November 2020

Online Survey

From November 22 to December 11, 2020, feedback on the proposed park layout, playground equipment and general feedback on the design was collected in an online survey. The survey received 41 responses, which included feedback from 92 people of various ages.

Download the survey summary.

Virtual Public Meeting

On November 23, 2020, the proposed park design was presented to the community and feedback was collected. Feedback from this meeting will be considered for the final park design in advance of construction.

Download the meeting presentation.