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Step 1. Toronto Green Standard Checklist

This Checklist is part of a Complete Application and must be submitted with your development application. To help expedite the review of your application, the Checklist must indicate how each performance measure has been documented on the submitted plans and drawings and where City staff can locate more information on plans, drawings and in reports. Update the Toronto Green Standard Checklist with each resubmission of the application.

Step 2. Statistics Template

For Site Plan Control Applications complete the full Toronto Green Standard Statistics Template. For stand-alone Zoning By-law Amendment applications, only complete Section 1 of the template. Copy the completed Statistics Template directly onto the Site Plan or Statistics Plan submitted with your development application.

Step 3. Bird Friendly Design Statistics

Copy the completed Statistics Template for Bird Friendly design elements directly onto the Elevation drawings that are submitted with your development application.

Step 4. Green Roof Statistics

This template is required to be submitted for all Site Plan Control or Building Permit applications where a green roof is required under the City of Toronto Green Roof Bylaw. Complete the table and copy it directly onto the Roof Plan submitted as part of any Site Plan Control Application requiring a green roof in accordance with the Bylaw.

Step 3. Notations

Ensure that the plans, drawings and reports submitted with your development application clearly demonstrate compliance with Toronto Green Standard performance measures and include adequate detailed notations and legends. Tier 1 must be met to receive Site Plan approval.

Step 4. Energy Report

For buildings greater than 2000 m² a Design Development Stage Energy Report is required to be submitted to the Community Planner prior to Site Plan Approval. The Energy Report summarizes the projected energy performance of a new building and is aligned with drawings and documents submitted during the Site Plan Control stage.