Provide a ventilated internal space, external to the living area and on private property, for the storage of separated recycling, organics, and garbage generated between collections. Materials must be consistent with the City of Toronto’s waste diversion programs. Minimum floor space requirements are as follows: 1,2,3
Provide separated cabinet space in all kitchen suites for segregated collection of:
Reuse or salvage building materials from off-site or on-site equal to 50 per cent of the surface area of the existing building.1
Provide documentation that affirms that management of Construction and Demolition Waste is in compliance with Provincial Regulation O. Reg. 103/94: Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Source Separation Programs.1
Divert at least 75 per cent of the total construction and demolition material; diverted material must include at least four material streams.2,3,4,5
Divert at least 95 per cent of the total construction and demolition material; diverted material must include at least four material streams.2,3,4,5
Ensure that at least 25 per cent, by cost, of the total value of permanently installed building products in the project, meet at least one of the leadership extraction practices for materials reuse or recycled content. 1