Create tree planting areas within the site and in the adjacent public boulevard that meet the soil volume and other requirements necessary to provide tree canopy. Determine the total amount of soil required by following the following formula:
40 per cent of the site area ÷ 66 m² x 30 m³ = total soil volume required
Ensure that each separate tree planting area has a minimum of 30 m³ soil.1,2
Plant large growing shade trees along street frontages that are spaced appropriately having regard to site conditions and have access to a minimum of 30 m³ of soil per tree. 3,4,5
Parking Lots: If surface parking is permitted and provided, plant large growing shade trees throughout the parking lot interior at a minimum ratio of one tree planted for every five parking spaces supplied.6
Provide a watering program for trees for at least the first 2 years after planting.7
If surface parking is provided, plant large growing shade trees at a minimum ratio of one tree planted for every three parking spaces supplied.6
Provide 25 per cent more than the total soil volume required as per EC 1.1. Soil shall be deployed on-site or on adjacent properties as approved by the City of Toronto.1,2,3,4,5
Provide double the minimum tree protection zones for all existing trees on sites outside of the Ravine Protected Area.8
Ensure compliance with all applicable City of Toronto Tree Protection Bylaws:
a) Private Tree Protection Bylaw (City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 813, Article III) Injury or removal of trees measuring 30 cm in diameter or larger is prohibited on private property, except where a permit is issued.
b) Ravine and Natural Feature Protection Bylaw (City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 658)
Injury or removal of any tree within a Ravine Protection Bylaw Area property is prohibited, except where a permit is issued.
c) Trees on City Streets (City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 813, Article II) Injury or removal of any tree on City streets and roadways is prohibited, except where a permit is issued.
d) Parks (City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 608, Article VII) Parks. All trees located in a City park are protected.
Plant the landscaped area within the Natural Heritage System and the Ravine Protected Area with 100 per cent native plants (including trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants).1,2,3
Where a setback from the toe-of-slope or the top-of-bank is required within the Natural Heritage System or the Ravine Protected Area prepare and implement a stewardship plan for the area.3,4,5,6
Plant the landscaped site area using a minimum of 50 per cent native plants (including trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants).1,2,3
Do not plant any invasive species within the site or along street frontages.4
Restore or protect a minimum of 30 per cent (including the building footprint) of all portions of the site identified as previously disturbed, with native vegetation that includes at least two native flowering species that bloom at all periods over the growing season.5,6,7
Provide a minimum of 50 per cent of Available Roof Space as biodiverse green roof.7,8
Buildings abutting ravines or natural areas:
Use a combination of the following strategies to treat a minimum of 85 per cent of all exterior glazing within the greater of first 12 m of the building above grade or the height of the mature tree canopy: 1
All Buildings:
Balcony railings: Treat all glass balcony railings within the first 16 m of the building above grade.3,4,5,6
Fly-through conditions: Treat glazing at all heights resulting in fly-through conditions with visual markers at a spacing of no greater than 100 mm x 100 mm. Fly through conditions that require treatment include: 7
Ensure ground level ventilation grates have a porosity of less than 20 mm X 20 mm (or 40 mm x 10 mm).
Use a combination of the following strategies to treat a minimum of 95 per cent of all exterior glazing within the greater of the first 16 m of the building above grade or the height of the mature tree canopy (including all balcony railings, clear glass corners, parallel glass and glazing surrounding interior courtyards and other glass surfaces):
All exterior fixtures must be Dark Sky compliant. 1,2