The Statutory Public Meeting for the Golden Mile Secondary Plan Study was held virtually at Scarborough Community Council, commencing on July 17, 2020 and resuming on October 16, 2020
On March 9 and 10, 2020, the City of Toronto hosted public open houses at the Victoria Park Hub and the Toronto Public Library Eglinton Square Branch, respectively. City Planning staff invited comments on the draft Secondary Plan policies to inform the final version of the Secondary Plan for the Golden Mile.
Community Consultation Meeting 4 was hosted by the City of Toronto on June 25, 2019 at the Wilmar Heights Event Centre at 6 p.m. This final community consultation meeting included an open house session and a presentation related to the following topics:
This meeting was attended by approximately 130 people.
On Wednesday, June 5, 2019, City Planning staff hosted a meeting of the Local Advisory Committee (LAC) for the Golden Mile Secondary Plan Study (GMSP). The LAC meeting included a presentation and discussion on the following topics:
• Proposed infrastructure improvements (big moves)
• Draft final demonstration concept
• Proposed character areas
• Implementation
• Next steps
As part of developing a vision and planning framework to guide future development, the Golden Mile Secondary Plan Study proposes to enhance the existing street network and improve connectivity in the broader area. This meeting will discuss the infrastructure improvements (big moves) proposed, including the potential reconfiguration of O’Connor Drive at Victoria Park Avenue.
On Tuesday, September 18, 2018, City Planning staff hosted a meeting of the Local Advisory Committee (LAC) for the Golden Mile Secondary Plan Study (GMSP). The LAC meeting included a presentation and discussion on the following topics:
Community Consultation Meeting 3 was hosted by the City on June 26, 2018. Approximately 60 members of the public attended the meeting.
On Wednesday, February 7, 2018, City Planning staff hosted a meeting of the Local Advisory Committee (LAC) for the Golden Mile Secondary Plan Study. The purpose of the LAC meeting was to set the context with Phase 1 process and results, review and discuss the Phase 2 approach, and review and discuss the Preliminary Development Alternatives.
The Visioning Workshop was the second community meeting for the study. In this workshop, participants were provided a summary of the background research, key messages from consultation to date, draft opportunities for the area, and draft guiding principles for planning the future.
Participants and the study team worked in groups to provide feedback on the draft principles and opportunities and began to formulate a vision for the future of the Golden Mile.
Participants included residents, business owners, landowners and City Planning staff who worked together to develop a plan to help shape the Golden Mile as a new community. Participants helped to determine:
The Renew Golden Mile engagement process includes a Local Advisory Committee (LAC), a forum for discussion of approaches, concepts, and alternatives as part of the study.
On September 25, 2017, City staff and consultants hosted a Moving Conversation Walking Tour, which was also attended by members of the LAC.
The purpose of walking tour was to use the local environment to engage attendees in a discussion about the existing conditions and potential opportunities within the Golden Mile Secondary Plan Study area.
During summer 2017, the Study Team hosted a series of pop up events in and around the Golden Mile to share information, answer questions, and learn about what residents, business owners, employees, and others thought was working well and what could be improved in the study area.
Community Consultation Meeting 1 was hosted by the City of Toronto on June 28, 2017. This kick-off/study launch meeting was attended by approximately 140 people.