The recommended zoning by-law for Midtown Apartment Neighbourhoods-designated lands was adopted by City Council on February 7, 2024.

Opportunities for public consultation continue to be provided, building on the network of local partners established through the previous work on the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan. You may also visit the City Planning Consultations for information on upcoming consultation events within Midtown and across the city.

Please check back often for upcoming consultation opportunities, or subscribe to Ready, Set, Midtown e-updates below.

The drafts in this section were part of public consultation. For adopted zoning by-law amendments, please see Reports.

Zoning for Midtown Apartment Neighbourhoods

A draft zoning by-law amendment for Midtown Apartment Neighbourhoods was made available for public consultation on November 30, 2023. Staff considered the feedback received in making revisions and finalizing the recommended zoning by-law. A version of the by-law with highlighted changes made post consultation is also available. A staff report and recommended zoning by-law for Midtown lands designated Apartment Neighbourhoods was adopted by Council in February 2024.

The Apartment Neighbourhoods zoning by-law amendment is for lands in the character areas:

  • A3 – Eglinton East
  • B1 – Erskine and Keewatin
  • B2 – Redpath Park Street Loop
  • B3 – Soudan
  • B4 – Davisville

Zoning for Select Low-rise Areas

Two draft zoning by-law amendments for select low-rise areas were made available on February 17, 2023 for public consultation. Staff considered feedback received in making revisions to the draft and arriving at a final recommended zoning by-law. The Staff Report with a recommended zoning by-law amendment for select low-rise areas is was adopted by Council in May of 2022.

View this proposed zoning by-law amendment for areas along:

  • the east side of Duplex Avenue between Helendale Avenue and St Clements Avenue;
  • the following streets between Duplex Avenue and Yonge Street: Helendale Avenue, Montgomery Avenue, Roselawn Avenue, and Castlefield Avenue;
  • Roehampton Avenue east of Bruce Park Avenue;
  • the following streets between Yonge Street and Mount Pleasant Avenue: the south side of Millwood Road, and the north side of Davisville Avenue.

View this proposed zoning by-law amendment for properties along Eglinton Avenue West roughly across from Eglinton Park and between Oriole Parkway and Duplex Avenue.

Zoning for Midtown Villages

Revised zoning is advancing in stages to implement the Secondary Plan. The first areas advancing are the ‘Villages’ Character Areas:

  • Eglinton Way (between Chaplin Crescent and Avenue Road)
  • Yonge Street North (between Roselawn Avenue and Alexandra Boulevard)
  • Yonge Street South (between Berwick Avenue and Millwood Road)
  • Mount Pleasant South (between Soudan Avenue and Millwood Road)
  • Bayview-Leaside (south of Eglinton to Mount Pleasant Cemetery)

The zoning is advancing under the framework presented to Planning and Housing Committee, using city-wide zoning by-law 569-2013 as a basis. The ‘Villages’ zoning is the first phase developed under this framework, through an approach that will be repeated in future phases for other geographic areas within the Secondary Plan.

To learn more about this, and review a high-level summary of what the Zoning By-law does, download this short document.

The full draft zoning by-law was released for public consultation on May 16, 2022. Feedback received was considered in making revisions to the draft and arriving at a final recommended zoning by-law. City Council adopted the Staff Report and recommended zoning by-law amendment for Midtown ‘Villages’ in June of 2022.

June 27, 2023 – Ready, Set, Midtown: Zoning Review – Community Consultation for Apartment Neighbourhoods

On June 27, a virtual community consultation event was held regarding rezoning for Apartment Neighbourhoods within the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan. Staff presented an overview on the current planning policy and zoning framework in Midtown, reviewed the timeline and presented a list of changes proposed to be made. This was followed by a Q&A session where attendees were able to ask questions and provide comments.

As this is an ongoing process, you can continue sending in questions and comments to staff at

Event Materials:

A video recording of the two virtual community consultation meetings is available by email request to

January 25, 2023 – Ready, Set, Midtown: Zoning Review – Community Consultation for Select Low-rise Areas

On January 25, staff facilitated a virtual community consultation meeting regarding rezoning for select low-rise areas with the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan. Staff presented an overview on the current planning policy and zoning framework in Midtown, reviewed the timeline and presented zoning by-law changes for discussion. This was followed by a Q&A session where attendees were able to ask questions and provide comments.

Event Materials:

A video recording of the two virtual community consultation meetings is available by email request to

  • Consultation Summary
  • Presentation
  • Letter (which was mailed to all addresses under consideration for rezoning through this phase – please email to request a copy)

October 27, 2021 – Ready, Set, Midtown: Zoning Review Virtual Community Consultation Event

On October 27, staff facilitated two virtual community consultation meetings for the Midtown Zoning Review. This meeting was to share information and receive feedback on directions for implementing an updated zoning by-law in Midtown. Staff presented an overview on the current planning policy and zoning framework in Midtown, reviewed the timeline and objectives for an updated zoning by-law, and discussed how the draft zoning framework may be used to regulate built form. This was followed by a Q&A session where attendees were able to ask questions and provide comments.

Event Materials:

A video recording of the two virtual community consultation meetings is available by email request to

November 10, 2020 – Broadway-Erskine Block Study

The virtual community consultation meeting for the Broadway-Erskine Block Study was held on November 10. Staff provided an overview of the Council-directed Block Study including a summary of background and context, built form analysis and potential test cases. This was followed with a Q&A session with questions from the public and a public survey to provide feedback on the next steps for the Block Study.

Event Materials:

June 22, 2021 – MPG #4: Built Form Study Update

This MPG was held virtually through WebEx Meetings. Consultants presented the proposed recommendations for the eleven Character Areas under review in the Built Form Study. City staff also provided an update on the implementation of the Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan. A total of 17 MPG members participated, as well as Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence Councillor, Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s Councillor and Ward 15 Don Valley West Councillor.

Event Materials:

July 22, 2020 – MPG #3: Transportation

This MPG was held virtually through WebEx Events. Staff provided an overview of major transportation initiatives in Midtown, including the City’s response to COVID-19 through the ActiveTO initiatives, and updates for ongoing transportation studies. A total of 21 MPG members participated, as well as Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s Councillor and staff on behalf of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence Councillor and Ward 15 Don Valley West Councillor.

A copy of the meeting summary is available.

June 11, 2020 – MPG #2: Parks and Public Realm

This MPG was held virtually through WebEx Events. Staff provided an overview of the Midtown Public Realm Moves and discussed implementation tools and phasing approaches. Plans and renderings were shared for the Eglinton Green Line and Park Street Loop Public Realm Moves.  A total of 25 MPG members participated, as well as Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s Councillor and staff on behalf of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence Councillor and Ward 15 Don Valley West Councillor.

A copy of the meeting summary is available.

June 4, 2020 – MPG #1: Implementation Initiatives and Zoning Review

This MPG was held virtually through WebEx Events. Staff provided a refresher on the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan, an update on the Midtown Implementation Initiatives and a summary of work being undertaken as part of the Midtown Zoning Review. A total of 27 MPG members participated, as well as Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence Councillor, Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s Councillor and staff on behalf of Ward 15 Don Valley West Councillor.

A copy of the meeting summary is available.

A rendering of a reconstructed street, with emphasis on the landscaping between the road and the sidewalk, the wide sidewalks, and many pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

E-update 23 – January 17, 2024. Ready, Set, Midtown – Toronto City Planning Division.

Midtown Zoning Review: Recommended Zoning By-law Amendment for Midtown Apartment Neighbourhoods now available and Zoning By-law 552-2023 now in-force.

Thank you for your input on the draft zoning by-law amendment for Midtown lands designated Apartment Neighbourhoods. As we previously committed, we are writing to inform you that the recommended zoning by-law amendment is now available. The Staff Report will be available soon.

The report and amendment will be presented at a public meeting at the City’s Planning and Housing Committee on January 29, 2024. If endorsed by Committee, it will then be presented to City Council. The Planning and Housing Committee agenda will be posted online soon.

This proposed zoning by-law amendment is for the following Yonge Eglinton Secondary Plan Character Areas:

  • A3 – Eglinton East
  • B1 – Erskine and Keewatin
  • B2 – Redpath Park Street Loop
  • B3 – Soudan
  • B4 – Davisville

Additionally, we would like to provide an update that Zoning By-law 552-2023, which applies to select low-rise areas located on the south side of Eglinton Avenue West between Duplex Avenue and Oriole Parkway, has been declared in full force and effect as of June 18, 2023.

Thank you for your ongoing interest and involvement in the Midtown Zoning Review.

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City Planning collects your personal email address under the legal authority of the Planning Act, section 17(15)(c), Item CC9.8, City Council Decision 4, as confirmed by the City of Toronto By-law 1212-2019, and City Council Item PG31.7, as confirmed by City of Toronto By-law 1321-2018. The information will be used for providing updates on the Ready, Set, Midtown implementation initiatives, led by City Planning in consultation with partner Divisions, including consultation materials and opportunities, project milestones, and Council and Committee decisions. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Analysis, City Planning, Metro Hall, 22nd Floor, 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3C6 or by telephone at 416-392-4524.