To receive funding under the Program, property owners must:
Complete an Expression of Interest to determine if your property is eligible to participate.
Upon receipt of a completed Expression of Interest, the City will review the submission to determine if program eligibility requirements are met. If the property is eligible, the City will then send the applicant a Notice to Proceed that:
All improvements eligible for funding under the Program must be identified in an energy assessment report (also referred to as energy audit report) that is completed by a certified energy auditor.
Property owners will be responsible for undertaking the energy assessment and obtaining the related report as well as assume any associated costs. Property owners may be able to offset these costs through incentives from Enbridge Gas Programs and Incentives.
Costs of the improvements identified in the energy assessment report will need to be confirmed through contractor quotes. Property owners will conduct this process independently or work with an engineering consultant to obtain quotes and manage the project. The City does not recommend specific contractors.
Once the specific improvements you intend to undertake are identified based on the Energy Assessment Report and quotations from contractors are received, property owners can submit a Funding Request to the City. The Funding Request must include:
After the completed form and related documents are received, the City will review the submission to verify eligibility. If the Funding Request is approved, the City will prepare a Property Owner Agreement. The Property Owner Agreement is the program funding agreement between the City and the property owner(s). All property owners listed as owners on the registered title for the property are required to sign the Property Owner Agreement.
Once the signed Property Owner Agreement is received and certified by the City, it is returned to the property owner and the improvement project can begin.
The property owner is responsible for selecting and hiring contractors and ensuring they are insured. The City will not pre-qualify or procure contractors on behalf of property owners in connection with this Program. The City is not responsible for the work quality of any contractors hired in connection with this Program and assumes no liability for the work undertaken.
The property owner will use funds disbursed by the City to pay contractors directly. The property owner is responsible for ensuring that all intended eligible improvements are completed by the completion date specified in the Property Owner Agreement.
Property owners must complete and submit a Project Completion Report to the City within 30 days of the completion date and as specified in the Property Owner Agreement.
The final funding disbursement will not be processed until after the Project Completion Report including attachments has have been reviewed by the City for compliance with the Property Owner Agreement and the Expected Incentive Amount has been verified by Enbridge Gas and Toronto Hydro, if applicable. As part of the process to verify the Project Completion Report, the City or a third-party agent contracted by the City may contact the Property Owner and/or the Contractor and undertake a site visit as provided for in Section 25 of the Property Owner Agreement:
As noted in the Property Owner Agreement, the City may adjust the specified final requested funding amount based on its review. The City will then notify the Property Owner of the approved final costs and the eligible final disbursement amount for the Project.
The City will provide funding to approved applicants in the Program via a single disbursement paid by the City once the project is completed and the City has approved project costs and other required documents. The City may consider requests for an initial disbursement for an improvement project. If an initial disbursement is requested, the Property Owner will be required to submit additional documentation.
Property owners will repay the City over the selected term through 11 monthly instalments per year on the property tax bill. (There is no payment in the month of January). As part of the enrolment in the City’s pre-authorized payment plan, the monthly deductions will occur automatically.
At any time during the payment term, the Property Owner can make a one-time payment to pay off the amount of the special charge that remains outstanding.
Please be advised that in the event of non-payment, the annual amount of the special charge that is payable will form a priority lien on the property.