Welcome Policy is a recreation fee subsidy to help Toronto residents access recreation programs. Eligible individuals and families will receive an annual financial credit that can be used towards the cost of all FitnessTO memberships and fitness multi-use passes, in addition to registered recreation programs such as lessons, camps and after-school care programs offered by the City of Toronto.
An applicant (and their family) must meet the following criteria:
Live in the city of Toronto
Have a before-tax total family income (for all family members over the age of 18) that is below the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) threshold. Go to “Who Can Apply” for thresholds.
To apply, you must provide required documents for each family member.
If you have already submitted an application you may upload additional documents using your upload token.
Welcome Policy is a fee subsidy to help individuals and families who live in Toronto participate in City recreation programs.
Eligible residents will receive an annual individual credit amount that can be used for recreation programs offered at Toronto Community Recreation Centres.
Amounts per year: (non-transferable between family members)
Fees are effective January 1, 2024.
Welcome Policy recreation fee subsidy is valid for a 12-month period and funds do not carry over into the next year. Residents need to re-apply and submit required documents each year. People who receive Ontario Works are automatically eligible and should contact their caseworker.
Welcome Policy is administered by Toronto’s Application & Support Centre (ASC). This office falls under the Social Development, Finance, and Administration division’s Human Services Integration Office. The ASC will process all Welcome Policy recreation fee subsidy applications, renewals, and file updates.
To be an Applicant (Main Contact on Application Form), you must be 18 years of age or older.
An applicant (and their family) must meet the following criteria:
Have a before-tax family income (for all family members over the age of 18) of less than the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) amounts:
Family Size* | Total Annual Income for Family |
1 person | $29,380 |
2 people | $36,576 |
3 people | $44,966 |
4 people | $54,594 |
5 people | $61,920 |
6 people | $69,835 |
7 people | $77,751 |
*Statistics Canada determines the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) threshold by family size, per the Census Family definition. The Low Income Cut-Off thresholds were last updated June 30, 2023.
Eligibility is determined by family size and income. City of Toronto staff will review each application with required documents to determine eligibility.
If you receive Ontario Works (OW), you automatically qualify for Welcome Policy. Please speak to your caseworker (no application is necessary).
If you receive Temporary Care Assistance (TCA), the child(ren) in your temporary care automatically qualify for Welcome Policy.
Provide one document per family member
Ensure that all identification documents are valid within the last three (3) months
Provide one document per family member over 18
Provide one document for the family
*Notice of Assessment must include name, address, tax year as well as page with line 15000 (total income).
If you receive Canadian Pension such as Canadian Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) must submit current year Notice of Assessment to prove your income.
If you receive no income or do not have proof of income documents, please submit a signed letter from a representative of a social agency or religious institution.
We encourage all residents to apply for Welcome Policy online. You will receive email notification regarding the outcome of your application within 10 business days. If you submit a paper application, processing of paper applications can take up to 8 weeks.
You must have an email address.
Take a photo or scan required documents to be uploaded as attachments. Provide proof of:
Identification for each family member (including children)
Income for each family member that is over 18 years old
Address (one for the family)
Enter information for you and for each family member living with you (spouse or partner, child/ children, or parent or sibling where applicable).
Include the total annual pre-tax income for each family member over 18 that is listed in the application. Some calculations may be required to provide annual income.
Name(s) on application must match the identification, address and income documents provided.
Upload/ attach all required documents. If your application is missing any documents, you will be asked to re-submit documents, which will increase the processing time.
You will receive an email notification regarding the outcome of your application within 10 business days.
You must re-apply and submit valid documents every year (unless you receive Ontario Works).
If you require assistance or have questions about the application, please call the Application & Support Centre at 416-338-8888.
Effective immediately, we will not be processing any old versions of the paper application. Only the current application form will be accepted (Form number: 21-0185 2022-12 on the bottom left corner).
If you are unable to complete the Welcome Policy application online, you can download a paper application form or request one at a Toronto Community Recreation Centre. Processing times for paper applications can take up to 8 weeks.
Photocopy and attach all required documents.
Mail your completed application to:
City of Toronto – Welcome Policy Application
55 John Street – Mail Room
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3C6
Paper applications and required documents can also be dropped off to your local Community Recreation Centre or Civic Centre.
Welcome Policy recreation fee subsidy can be used towards the cost of all FitnessTO memberships and fitness multi-use passes in addition to registered recreation programs such as lessons, camps and after-school care programs.
To register and pay for programs, you need a recreation account with a Family Number and Client Number (unique for each family member).
If you are approved for Welcome Policy, you will receive a letter containing your Family Number and Client Number for each member of your family.
Programming is offered at all City of Toronto Community Recreation Centres.
To learn more, visit How to Register for Recreation Programs.
You can see the funds and check the balance of your Welcome Policy subsidy online or by calling Parks, Forestry & Recreation Client Services: 416-396-7378.
City of Toronto staff will review each application and required documents to determine eligibility for Welcome Policy.
You will receive an email notification regarding the outcome of your application within 10 business days.
If you are approved, the subsidy funds will be added to your account on the day your application is approved.
Your subsidy is valid for a 12-month period from the day it is approved and issued. For example, if Welcome Policy is issued on June 1, the subsidy will be effective from June 1 of the current year to May 31 of the next year.
The subsidy expires after 12 months and remaining funds do not carry over into the next year
You must re-apply each year with updated documents.
If you receive Ontario Works (OW), your Welcome Policy subsidy will automatically be renewed.
Please renew your Welcome Policy within six weeks of the expiry date of your existing subsidy.
If required documents were missing from your original application or are not legible, you will be notified by email/ mail if they need to be re-submitted.
You will need the Confirmation Number from your original application and a unique Token number in order to re-submit documents online.
The Confirmation Number was provided upon submission of your application and can be referenced in the Confirmation notice that was sent to your email.
The unique Token number is assigned to your application and will be provided in an email.
Your application will be processed faster if you re-submit documents online.