September Update: Road safety improvements and pedestrian spaces will be installed on Avenue Road from Davenport Road to Dupont Street beginning in late September (Installation Notice).


The Avenue Road Study is identifying opportunities to improve safety, mobility, and streetscape to better serve all road users on the street segment between Bloor Street West and St. Clair Avenue West.

The Study is taking into consideration the impact of potential changes on the city-wide road network and adjacent local streets.

Full reconstruction of Avenue Road is currently forecasted to take place more than ten years from now. In consultation with the community, the Study is determining what interim improvements can be made.

July 2024 Update

At its June 26-28th meeting, City Council approved, with amendments, the installation of road safety improvements on Avenue Road between Bloor Street West and Dupont Street. You can review the staff reports and final decisions below:

  • Item – 2024.IE14.4 Cycling Network Plan – 2024 Cycling Infrastructure and Missing Sidewalk Installation – Third Quarter Update (Bloor Street West to Davenport Road)
  • Item – 2024.TE14.38 – Avenue Road Study – Interim Update and Proposed Site-Specific Road Safety Improvements (Davenport Road to Dupont Street)

Between Bloor Street West and Davenport Road, changes include:

  • On-street cycle tracks on both sides of Avenue Road (painted buffer with physical separation, where feasible) with unprotected bike lanes around approved construction staging areas
  • Two motor vehicle lanes maintained in each direction (reduction from six lanes to four total lanes), with additional turning lanes where feasible
  • Pedestrian safety improvements including buffer space between active motor vehicle lanes and the sidewalk
  • Relocation of some TTC bus stops
  • Changes to on-street parking, including the new provision of all-day parking, a net reduction of approximately 18 on-street parking spaces and one loading zone

Between Davenport Road and Dupont Street, changes include:

  • Pedestrian safety improvements including road-level pedestrian space with accessible ramping and physical barrier separation (where feasible), buffer space between active motor vehicle lanes and the sidewalk, and intersection improvements
  • Two motor vehicle lanes maintained in each direction (reduction from six lanes to four total lanes), with additional turning lanes where feasible
  • A pedestrian crossing at Ramsden Park
  • Safety improvements in front of Church of the Messiah
  • Changes to on-street Pay-and-Display parking spaces and conversion of them to a Mobile Only Zone, facilitating the removal of off-street Pay-and-Display machines in order to maximize unobstructed sidewalk space
  • A permanent automated speed enforcement camera between Edmund Street and Cottingham Street

    City Council did not approve the recommended physical median on Avenue Road between Roxborough Street West and Dupont Street. The median will not be installed.

    Installation Timelines

    • Complete street features between Davenport Road and Bloor Street West, including protected cycle tracks, will begin installation in mid-July 2024. More details are available in the Installation Notice. A roll plan (detailed map) will be shared in the coming days.
    • The pedestrian safety improvements between Davenport Road and Dupont Street will proceed to a detailed design phase, with installation targeted for fall 2024. A separate Installation Notice will be mailed in advance.

    At City Council, staff were granted delegated authority to make minor adjustments to by-laws for up to 18 months after installation. The streamlined process enables Transportation Services to make minor adjustments to constructed conditions without delay. Minor adjustments to Avenue Road would only be considered if they respond to Councillor and public feedback or improve safety conditions. For example, the streamlined process would allow Transportation Services to alter the extents of the parking areas to improve sight-lines, add loading areas to facilitate business activities, or implement street-level pedestrian spaces where parking is no longer required. This process supports Transportation Services’ ability to be responsive to community feedback and implement minor changes in a timely manner.


    Following implementation, staff will monitor travel patterns and traffic behaviours on Avenue Road and surrounding neighbourhood streets. The one-year update would share findings from the monitoring plan. City Council requested staff to conduct traffic counts and observations on local streets, identify and recommend actions to mitigate neighbourhood traffic infiltration, where appropriate, and publish data and updates on the project webpage.

    Next Steps

    A final Avenue Road Study report will be presented at a future meeting of Infrastructure and Environment Committee to provide recommendations on the long-term vision for Avenue Road and near-term plan for the segment between Dupont Street and St. Clair Avenue West.

    Issues addressed by the Avenue Road Study

    City Council directed staff to undertake the Avenue Road Study to identify opportunities to improve safety, mobility and streetscape to better serve all road users.

    The current conditions of Avenue Road: ​

    • do not provide adequate infrastructure for vulnerable road users ​
    • encourage speeding ​
    • have a history of collisions resulting in serious injury and fatality, including ten serious injuries and three deaths between 2014 and 2024
    • are constrained due to active construction zones that encroach on the sidewalk and roadway​

    ​The Study advances the goals of Toronto’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, TransformTO, Complete Streets Guidelines, and Road to Health: Healthy Toronto by Design.

    Differences between the near-term actions and long-term vision in the Study

    The Study is premised on the understanding that full reconstruction of Avenue Road is not scheduled in the City’s Ten-Year Capital Plan for major roadwork. Full road reconstructions typically only take place every 50 years. The study identified feasible actions that could be delivered in advance of full reconstruction, in the near-term (the next 1-5 years). Additionally, the study will identify a vision for the future of the roadway that can guide reconstruction, when it is scheduled. The use of near-term, ‘quick-build’ measures will also allow staff to observe the impact on travel times, motor vehicle speeds and overall safety and make improvements to the design where necessary.

    Sidewalk widening

    Sidewalk reconstruction is typically bundled with road reconstruction work for efficiency and to reduce impacts to residents. Widening sidewalks on Avenue Road would require moving the curbs and would impact the underground infrastructure and utilities. For this reason, the City would explore sidewalk widening when Avenue Road is scheduled to undergo a full reconstruction. Avenue Road is not scheduled for reconstruction within the next ten years.

    The study identified near-term actions that could be implemented in the next 1-5 years to increase space, comfort and protection for pedestrians and encourage compliance with the speed limit. This includes provision of pedestrian space in the existing curb lanes where feasible.

    The long-term scenarios for Avenue Road would involve widening sidewalks to meet or exceed the City standard of 2.1 metres.

    Lane reductions

    Avenue Road’s current road design reflects legacy standards, including narrow sidewalks widths, no designated cycling facilities and a wide roadway that encourages speeding.

    The current configuration predates the Complete Streets Guidelines which aim to design streets for people, place-making and prosperity and serve many roles, functions, and users.  ​The Avenue Road Study recommends a lane reduction from six to four, and additional turning lanes at intersections, where feasible.

    Reallocating road space to other uses would improve safety conditions for all road users, specifically pedestrians and people cycling, and would encourage compliance with the regulatory speed limit. Lane reduction could be completed in advance of road reconstruction.

    A feasibility assessment was undertaken to study the operational impacts of reallocating road space to accommodate complete street design elements that improve mobility options and road user safety. Network modeling and intersection testing was conducted in the study area to support the feasibility assessment and identify potential mitigation measures. Traffic studies collected between 2021 and 2023 were used as a baseline for vehicle volume modelling.

    Network modeling compared the existing conditions on Avenue Road (six lanes) and Yonge Street (two lanes) and speed limit of 50 km/h against an alternative scenario for reducing the number of motor vehicle lanes on Avenue Road to four, and speed limit of 40 km/h.

    Network modelling indicated:

    • A 30-40% reduction in the volume of motor vehicles on Avenue Road between St. Clair Avenue West and Bloor Street West
    • An increased motor vehicle travel time of approximately 1 minute during peak hours on Avenue Road between St. Clair Avenue West and Bloor Street West
    • The greatest impact on Avenue Road would occur during the peak hour in the peak direction (southbound in the morning and northbound in the evening)
    • A 10% increase in motor vehicle volumes on Yonge Street between St. Clair Avenue West and Bloor Street West. The rest of the volume would be distributed throughout various alternate routes
    • An increased motor vehicle travel time less than 1 minute on Yonge Street between St. Clair Avenue West and Bloor Street West

    Intersection testing was completed using the Synchro modelling software. This allowed Transportation Services to understand block-by-block operational needs and constraints along the length of Avenue Road and inform designs that aim to reduce traffic infiltration on local streets. Intersection testing indicated an acceptable level of service for motor vehicle traffic.

    Benefits of proposed Complete Streets features

    The Complete Streets Guidelines aim to design streets for people, place-making and prosperity and to serve a multitude of roles, functions and users. Complete streets elements, like those proposed and approved on Avenue Road, improve the experience for vulnerable road users like pedestrians.​

    Pedestrian Space: designated pedestrian facilities at road level

    • Increase the amount of space for pedestrians beyond the existing narrow sidewalk​
    • Separated from motor vehicle traffic by quick-build materials like pavement markings and barriers​

    Cycle Tracks: bikeways that are separated from vehicle traffic by concrete curbs, planter boxes, bollards, or parked cars

    • Provide a safe north-south cycling connection between existing bikeways on Bloor Street West, Queen’s Park/University Avenue and Davenport Road​
    • Create a safer and more comfortable pedestrian environment by creating a greater separation from motor vehicles​

    Curb Extensions: localized road narrowings for short sections where pavement width is reduced by extending the curb into the roadway​

    • Reduce pedestrian crossing distances across streets that intersect with Avenue Road​
    • Improve pedestrian visibility ​
    • Encourage slower vehicle turning speeds ​

    Loading/Buffer Zones: designated space for loading and unloading activities​

    • Provide separation between pedestrians and active motor vehicle travel lanes

      Monitoring and Evaluation

      Staff are developing a monitoring plan to track travel patterns and traffic behaviours on Avenue Road and surrounding neighbourhood streets. ​City Council requested staff to conduct traffic counts and observations on local streets, identify and recommend actions to mitigate neighbourhood traffic infiltration, where appropriate, and publish data and updates on the project webpage.

      • Data will be collected bi-annually to monitor travel times, turning movement counts, and multi-modal traffic speed and volume studies.
      • Baseline data for this monitoring was conducted in 2023 and 2024​.
      • Traffic studies and findings will be made available on a data dashboard, posted on the project website.
      • Engagement with local interest groups and the public will continue throughout installation and up to 24 months post-installation.
      • Feedback will be collected to understand perceived impacts of corridor changes.​
      • Engagement could help identify appropriate solutions to potential site issues​.

      Through the monitoring plan staff will track:​

      • Traffic impacts and possible signal timing modifications, turn restrictions, addition of turning lanes
      • Identification and mitigation of possible traffic infiltration issues on local streets
      • Modifications for loading issues as they may arise, in consultation with business owners and property managers
      • Observations of pedestrian impacts​

      Public Consultation

      Feedback gathered through the two phases of consultation and meetings with community groups, along with technical considerations and City policies and guidelines, have informed the proposed design. Key design changes based on public and community feedback include:

      • Addition of pedestrian space instead of new on-street parking​
      • Addition of buffer space instead of a centre lane median, between Edmund Avenue and Cottingham Street ​


      Complete street features, including a cycle track between Bloor Street West and Davenport Road, will be installed in July 2024. Localized pedestrian safety improvements between Davenport Road and Dupont Street are targeted for installation in fall 2024.

        The study area is Avenue Road from Bloor Street West on the south to St. Clair Avenue West on the north.

        Map showing the boundaries of the study area

        A complete street redesign for Avenue Road from Bloor Street West to Davenport Road was implemented based on traffic analysis, corridor conditions, and public feedback to improve comfort and safety for all road users, particularly for pedestrians and people cycling. The protected cycle tracks on Avenue Road provide an alternative north-south cycling connection during expected TTC construction of a new subway station at Bloor/Yonge, and provides connections to existing bikeways on Davenport Road, Bloor Street West and Queen’s Park/University Avenue.

        Key changes are summarized below.


        Map showing lane configurations and cycle tracks on Avenue Road from Davenport Road to Elgin RoadMap showing lane configurations and cycle tracks on Avenue Road from Elgin Road to Bloor Street West

        Avenue Road – Davenport Road to Bernard Avenue

        • On-street cycle tracks on both sides of the street
        • Two motor vehicle lanes maintained in each direction (reduction from six lanes to four total lanes) with a shared northbound left-turn and through lane at the intersection of Avenue Road and Davenport Road
        • Removal of four on-street parking spaces on the west side of the street and five on-street parking spaces on the east side

        Avenue Road – Bernard Avenue to Cumberland Street

        • On-street cycle tracks on both sides of the street, with unprotected bike lanes around the approved construction staging areas at 89 Avenue Road and 33-49 Avenue Road/136-148 Yorkville Avenue
        • Two motor vehicle lanes maintained in each direction (reduction from six lanes to four total lanes)
        • No change to the centre turn lane at 87 Avenue Road to accommodate southbound left-turns into the Whole Foods Market underground parking garage
        • Addition of one on-street parking space to existing seven spaces on the west side of the street between Bernard Avenue and Tranby Avenue
        • Removal of four on-street parking spaces and one loading zone on the west side of the street between Tranby Avenue and Elgin Avenue and six on-street parking spaces on the east side of the street between Webster Avenue and Elgin Avenue
        • Existing accessible loading zone at 111 Avenue Road shifted away from the sidewalk, with the cycle track located adjacent to the curb and an accessible platform added across the cycle track
        • No change to existing nine on-street parking spaces and loading zone on the west side of the street between Elgin Avenue and Lowther Avenue
        • New southbound TTC bus stop at 88 Avenue Road (near traffic signal adjacent to Whole Foods Market) and removal of bus stops at 96 and 38 Avenue Road
        • Removal of northbound TTC bus stop at 55 Avenue Road
        • To be implemented following the clearance of lane occupancies from construction staging areas:
          • Protected cycle tracks to be installed at 89 Avenue Road and 33-49 Avenue Road
          • Existing taxi stand at 103 Avenue Road to be shifted away from the sidewalk, with the cycle track relocated adjacent to the curb
          • New northbound TTC bus stop at 87 Avenue Road (near traffic signal adjacent to Whole Foods Market) and removal of bus stop at 101 Avenue Road

        Avenue Road – Cumberland Street to Bloor Street West

        • On-street cycle tracks on both sides of the street
        • Two motor vehicle lanes maintained in each direction (reduction from five lanes to four total lanes) with the removal of the designated southbound right-turn lane at Bloor Street West

          Further Details

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          The Avenue Road Study reviewed traffic data, roadway conditions and public feedback to identify near-term actions that could be implemented quickly to increase space, comfort and protection for pedestrians and reduce speeding. These near-term actions include the provision of street level pedestrian spaces in the existing curb lanes where feasible, and a new pedestrian signal at Ramsden Park (to be installed in 2025).

          The street level pedestrian spaces will have accessible ramping and physical barriers to provide separation from motor vehicle lanes. The barriers will be painted by local artists.

          Key changes are summarized below.

            Map showing changes on Avenue Road from Dupont Street to Davenport Road

            Avenue Road – Dupont Street to Chicora Avenue

            • Two motor vehicle lanes maintained in each direction (reduction from six lanes to four lanes) with an additional shared northbound left-turn and through lane at the intersection of Avenue Road and Dupont Street
            • Street level pedestrian space on the west side of the street in front of the Church of the Messiah and Avenue Road Food Bank with accessible ramping and physical barrier separation from motor vehicle lanes
            • Removal of two Pay and Display on-street parking spaces from the west side of Avenue Road between the Church of the Messiah and Chicora Avenue (reduction from eight spaces to six spaces) and conversion to all-day parking
            • Painted curb extensions and flexible bollards at Dupont Street and Chicora Avenue intersections

            Avenue Road – Chicora Avenue to Pears Avenue

            • Two motor vehicle lanes maintained in each direction (reduction from six lanes to four lanes)
            • New pedestrian signal at Ramsden Park (to be installed in 2025)
            • Street level pedestrian space on both sides of the street with accessible ramping and physical barrier separation from motor vehicle lanes
            • Removal of seven Pay and Display on-street parking spaces on the west side of the street and twelve Pay and Display on-street parking spaces on the east side of the street in order to meet clearance requirements on either side of the new pedestrian signal
            • Painted curb extensions and flexible bollards at Pears Avenue intersection

            Avenue Road – Pears Avenue to Davenport Road

            • Two motor vehicle lanes maintained in each direction (reduction from six lanes to four lanes) with an additional dedicated southbound right-turn lane at Davenport Road
            • Addition of four full-time Pay and Display on-street parking spaces on the west side of the street near Pears Avenue (increase from three spaces to seven spaces) and conversion to all-day parking
            • Formalized loading zone at 189 Avenue Road
            • Addition of one full-time Pay and Display on-street parking space to the east side of the street (increase from four spaces to five spaces) and conversion to all-day parking

            Further Details

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            A final Avenue Road Study report will be presented at a future Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting to provide recommendations on the long-term vision for Avenue Road, including the segment between Dupont Street and St. Clair Avenue West. A range of options are being considered to improve safety, mobility choices and streetscape.

            Review background material and section-by-section maps with detailed information about initial proposed actions:

            All proposed improvements were assessed through an evaluation process that considered the extent to which each solution addresses safety concerns, advances the City’s goals and policies, impacts the neighbourhood and the road network, as well as availability of resources.

            Need assistance? While we aim to provide fully accessible content, there is no text alternative available for some of the content on this page. If you require alternate formats or need assistance understanding our maps, drawings, or any other content, please contact us at 416-392-9510 or

            Phase Two, Fall 2023:

            Phase Two of consultation on the Avenue Road Study took place in fall 2023. This phase of consultation asked for road user and community member input on the potential near-term actions and long-term vision for Avenue Road.

            A survey was available from October 5 to November 2, 2023. A stakeholder meeting was held on September 18, 2023 for groups representing organizations and businesses along the study corridor. A public drop-in event was held on Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 4 to 8 pm at Timothy Eaton Memorial Church at 230 St. Clair Avenue West. Participants could review study materials and leave feedback with staff.

            Following consultation, a summary of what was heard was shared as part of the consultation report to support an assessment of all potential actions. The Study will conclude with staff reports to City Council for final decisions. Next steps on implementation will be determined by availability of funding, resources, and the City’s competing priorities.

            Phase One, Spring 2022

            Phase One of public consultation took place in spring 2022. The purpose of Phase One was to verify concerns and priorities previously raised for Avenue Road from St Clair Avenue to Bloor Street, and to identify concerns and priorities not previously captured. Phase One involved gathering public input for the study area through an online survey. Responses from the survey will inform the development of potential improvement options for Avenue Road that best serve all road users with the space available. The Phase One Public Consultation Report summarizes public feedback received during the consultation period.

            What We Heard

            The most common concerns identified by survey respondents are the high speed of traffic, insufficient space on sidewalks, lack of bikeways, and the insufficient buffer space between pedestrians and vehicles, indicating an overall concern for safety.  The most frequently identified changes that survey respondents would like to see are increased sidewalk widths, reduced vehicle speed limits, and the introduction of cycling facilities.

            Other frequently mentioned concerns and priorities for the corridor include noise levels related to speeding, the need to maintain traffic flow to and from the downtown core, and concerns about impacts to the corridor and the neighbourhood if changes are implemented on both Avenue Road and Yonge Street.

            Over the years, Councillors and City staff have heard concerns from local residents about road user safety, the speed of motor vehicle traffic, lack of space for pedestrians, and lack of bikeways along Avenue Road. In 2019, City Council directed staff to undertake the Avenue Road Study to address safety and mobility concerns. ​(Item 2019.TE5.81)

            ​In 2020, City Council authorized an acceleration of new cycling projects as a pandemic response. Avenue Road between Bloor Street and Davenport Road was considered and recommended to be implemented after a construction work zone on the east side north of Cumberland Street had been removed. In 2021, City Council included Avenue Road as a corridor under study for bikeways in the 2022-2024 Cycling Network Plan. ​

            Council motions related to this study include:

            Project Mailing List

            If you are interested in being notified of project milestones and public consultation opportunities, sign up for the email list by contacting