Basement Flooding Study Area 58 has experienced basement and recurring surface flooding during past extreme storm events. The study area is located in the Don watershed and spans the area from Steeles Avenue and Keele Street to Victoria Park Avenue and Eglinton Avenue.

The study will determine the contributing factors for surface and basement flooding in the area and recommend solutions to improve the City’s sewer system and overland drainage routes in order to mitigate flooding problems.

Based on investigations of drainage and flooding, the City has evaluated a number of alternative solutions and is recommending improving catch basin management and upsizing storm and sanitary sewers in the areas around Robert Hicks – Finch Avenue and Bathurst Street; Yonge Street and York Mills Road, Wilson Avenue and Avenue Road, and Eglinton Avenue and Don Mills Road.

For more information on the recommended sewer drainage improvements, please view the Public Consultation tab below.

Map of Basement Flooding Study Area 58 Don River from Steeles Avenue West to the north to Overlea Boulevard to the south. Please contact Mae Lee at or 416-392-8210 for more information.

During heavy rain, sewers can become overloaded with stormwater runoff. This puts pressure on the City’s sewer systems and overland drainage routes, such as roads, local rivers and streams, which can lead to basement flooding.

Recommended solutions to address flooding include:

    • Upsized sewers
    • Underground storage sewers
    • Catch basin management

The public had an opportunity to provide feedback on the study recommendations.


The study was carried out following the requirements for Schedule B projects under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process.

A Project File was made available for a 30-day review period from February 9 to March 10, 2024. See the Notice of Study Completion for details.