Basement Flooding Study Area 42, 44, 62 is located downtown from St. Clair Avenue West to Lake Ontario and Jane Street to the Don Valley Parkway. This area has experienced basement and recurring surface flooding during extreme storms events. A study is underway to determine the contributing factors for surface and basement flooding and recommend solutions to improve the City’s sewer system and overland drainage routes in order to mitigate flooding problems.

Potential solutions may include:

  • Upsized sewers
  • Underground storage
  • New or upgraded pumping stations
  • Wet or dry ponds

Study Area 42, 44, 62 is located downtown from St. Clair Avenue West to Lake Ontario and Jane Street to the Don Valley Parkway.

Map of downtown basement flooding areas 44, 42 and 62, within City of Toronto boundaries

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The public will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the study recommendations.

July 2019
September 2019