The City of Toronto is installing road safety improvements on Champagne Drive and Alness Street between Chesswood Drive and Steeles Avenue as part of a planned road resurfacing on Alness Street.
Changes will include:
Road resurfacing on Alness Street from Finch Avenue West to Steeles Avenue West
Upgraded sidewalks and improved pedestrian crossings
One way protected cycle tracks along Champagne Drive and Alness Street from Chesswood Drive to the Finch Hydro Corridor
New and upgraded TTC stops
Tree plantings where soil volumes permit
Additional streetscape improvements like new benches, bike racks and waste bins.
One-way cycle tracks on Champagne Drive from Chesswood Drive to Finch Avenue West and Alness Street from Finch Avenue West to the Finch Hydro Corridor were approved by Toronto City Council on February 6, 2024. See Item 2024.IE10.2 for more information.
The City is planning cycling and road safety improvements in conjunction with planned State of Good Repair road work on Champagne Drive and Alness Street. These projects are planned to be delivered at the same time for efficiency and to reduce impacts to residents and businesses.
The planned safety and cycling upgrades will address several objectives:
Provide safe, continuous cycling and pedestrian connections through the neighbourhood and to the Finch Hydro Corridor Trail,
Increase pedestrian connectivity by expanding the sidewalk network,
This corridor will provide an essential connection to the broader cycling network. Due to the speed and volume on both Alness Street and Champagne Drive, separated bikeways are needed to provide safer conditions for people cycling.
Project Overview
Image updated January 2024
Road Resurfacing and Sidewalks
Roadway asphalt on Alness Street between Finch Avenue West and Steeles Avenue West will be removed and replaced with new asphalt,
A new sidewalk will be installed on the west side of Alness Street from Finch Avenue West to Flint Road. A new sidewalk will also be installed on the west side of Alness Street just south of Steeles Avenue West. The new sidewalks will create a continuous west-side sidewalk connection for the full length of the project corridor. Select trees will be removed to accommodate the sidewalk,
Curb radii reductions to shorten distances between curbs at pedestrian crossings and enhanced pavement markings will improve safety at all intersections along the corridor.
Cycle tracks
New cycle tracks are planned for installation on Champagne Drive and Alness Street between Chesswood Drive and the Finch Hydro Corridor,
All new cycle tracks installed along the project corridor will be either protected by bollards or raised to improve safety of people on bicycles,
The Champagne-Alness cycle tracks are part of the broader Cycling Network Plan and will provide a connection to the Finch Hydro Corridor trail and the Chesswood Drive cycle tracks (currently under construction).
TTC stops
Six new TTC bus stops will be added to the corridor along Alness Street at the York University Busway, Martin Ross Avenue, and Steeles Avenue West,
Seven TTC bus stops will be upgraded along Alness Street with larger concrete platforms at Finch Avenue West, Dolomite Drive, Flint Road, and Steeles Avenue West,
Two TTC bus stops at Brisbane Road will be removed and replaced with new stops at the York University Busway intersection,
Five TTC stops will be relocated. These stops will be built with new concrete platforms per TTC standards within the vicinity of an existing stop. The existing stop will be removed.
Travel Impacts
If you drive:
One motor vehicle travel lane in each direction and turn lanes will remain in place,
There will be lane width increases at the Champagne Drive and Alness Street bend to accommodate turning movements for large trucks,
All laneway and driveway access will remain unchanged, except for some curb radii changes within the City right-of-way to make it easier and safer for large trucks to turn,
No existing street parking or loading zones that will be impacted by these changes.
If you cycle:
One-way cycle tracks will be installed on both sides of Champagne Drive and Alness Street between Chesswood Drive and the Finch Hydro Corridor,
The cycle tracks will be physically separated with bollards and curbs from motor vehicle travel lanes and the sidewalks, which will reduce conflicts with motor vehicles and people walking, and provide a safer experience for all road users.
If you walk:
A new sidewalk will be installed on the west side of Alness Street between Finch Avenue and Flint Road,
New benches, bike racks and waste bins will be added to the streetscape.
If you use TTC:
There will be changes to the location of TTC stops along Alness Street between Finch Avenue West and Steeles Avenue West as well as some upgrades to existing stops,
Refer to the project overview map for all changes.
If you live or work in the neighbourhood:
City services such as fire, emergency medical services, solid waste pick-up, and snow clearing will continue as usual,
There will be no impact on speed limits,
More information about construction impacts will be communicated to local residents and businesses prior to the start of construction.