Phase 1 surveys are now closed. Phase 2 Public Consultation is planned to begin in Winter 2024/2025.

The City of Toronto is proposing the installation of a Complete Street on Dupont Street between Dundas Street West and Davenport Road. Complete Streets enhance road safety and accessibility for all road users, including pedestrians, people cycling, driving and taking transit. In developing the proposed design, impacts to on-street parking and loading, and traffic operations will be considered.

This map shows the project area along Dupont Street from Davenport Road to Dundas Street West

The project is located on Dupont Street, spanning 4.7 kilometres between Dundas Street West and Davenport Road.

Subject to approval from City Council, the changes would be installed in stages, with one segment of the project area bundled with major road rehabilitation work, from Spadina Road to Davenport Road in 2026.  The rest of the roadway would use quick-build temporary materials and be installed in 2025-2026.

Phase 1 Consultation

In Phase 1 Consultation, the City will collect feedback on ideas for the shaping the future of Dupont Street including loading and parking needs, safety concerns for all modes of transportation and streetscape opportunities.

The City is seeking your thoughts on what improvements should be considered! Submit feedback by October 30, 2024.


If you are a business operator or property manager in the project area, please complete the survey below to provide information about your business deliveries and loading needs. Residents are asked not to complete this survey.

Business Survey

Residents and All Road Users

All residents and road users are invited to use this interactive mapping tool to share ideas for this project.

Share Your Comments

  • Businesses may provide feedback via the interactive mapping tool in addition to completing the online business loading survey.

Phase 2 Consultation

Phase 2 Consultation is planned for Winter 2024/2025, seeking comments on preliminary designs developed based on the Phase 1 feedback.

Since the early 1900s, Dupont Street has been a manufacturing and retail hub due to its proximity to the rail corridors.

In 2014, the City adopted the Dupont Street Regeneration Area Study from Ossington Avenue to Kendall Avenue, setting a vision to accommodate the demands and the physical realities of this unique street prior to development.

Since then, City Council has adopted new TransformTO, Vision Zero and Cycling Network coverage goals and policies.

With increased residential density through new developments, the 2025-2027 Cycling Network Implementation Plan directed Transportation Services to initiate a complete street design of Dupont Street between Dundas Street West and Davenport Road.

Stay Informed

The project team is working to actively keep local residents and businesses informed throughout different stages of this project. To receive construction updates by email, subscribe to the project email.