May 2024 update: City staff will present recommendations to the Infrastructure & Environment Committee at their meeting on May 28. A copy of the staff report is available under the item IE14.4. You can arrange to speak or submit comments to the Committee by contacting the Administrator 416-392-4666 or by 4:30 p.m. on May 27. Public Consultation report is available now.

The City of Toronto is proposing a new bikeway connecting the Leaside Bridge to Danforth Avenue. The bikeway will connect the Thorncliffe Park Neighbourhood to bikeways on Cosburn Avenue and the Bloor-Danforth corridor via the Leaside Bridge, which is expected to be delivered in 2024 as part of the Millwood Road Safety improvements project.

Following the first round of public consultation, Transportation Services has proposed to implement this project in two phases. The first phase proposes bikeways on Cosburn Avenue, Broadview Avenue, O’Connor Drive and Hopedale Avenue. The second phase will propose bikeways south of Cosburn Avenue to Danforth Avenue.

The project is part of the Council-Approved Cycling Network Plan and advances the goals of several City of Toronto Strategies including the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan and the TransformTO: Net Zero Strategy.

Map of the project area from Hopedale Avenue to Danforth Avenue and Broadview Avenue to Pape Avenue

The proposed bikeway is divided into five segments, with different changes are proposed:

  1. Hopedale Avenue (Pape Avenue to O’Connor Drive)
  2. O’Connor Drive (Pape Avenue to Broadview Avenue)
  3. Broadview Avenue (O’Connor Drive to Cosburn Avenue)
  4. Cosburn Avenue (Broadview Avenue to Logan Avenue)
  5. Logan Avenue (Cosburn Avenue to Danforth Avenue)

Based on public feedback, the project will proceed in two phases:

Phase One: Hopedale Avenue to Cosburn Avenue

  1. Hopedale Avenue (Pape Avenue to O’Connor Drive)
  2. O’Connor Drive (Pape Avenue to Broadview Avenue)
  3. Broadview Avenue (O’Connor Drive to Cosburn Avenue)
  4. Cosburn Avenue (Broadview Avenue to Logan Avenue)

Phase Two: South of Cosburn Avenue

The City will host further consultation in the fall of 2024 to bring forward a proposal for the segment from Cosburn Avenue to Danforth Avenue. This proposal will consider new bikeway options and safety improvements, and address concerns raised through consultation.

This section of the bikeway will connect to the new bikeways that will be installed on the Leaside Bridge in 2024. The Pape Avenue, Donlands Avenue and Millwood Road intersection will include a two-way cycle track on the west side of the bridge that continues on Pape Avenue to Hopedale Avenue. This new facility will allow people cycling from Hopedale Avenue to travel east then north without needing to cross Pape Avenue.

Map of project area highlighting segment on Hopedale from Page to O'Connor

In this section, the following is proposed:

  • On-street shared cycling connections with wayfinding lane markings and signage
  • No changes for motor vehicle lanes or parking
  • A new traffic signal at the Hopedale Avenue and O’Connor Drive intersection which will allow people cycling eastbound on O’Connor Drive to connect safely to the shared bikeway on Hopedale Avenue
  • TTC bus stops will be relocated near the signal for better access to the stops from both sides of O’Connor Drive

Artistic rendering of the existing road configuration Artistic rendering of the proposed road configuration

Map of project area highlighting segment on O'Connor Drive from Hassard Avenue to Broadview Avenue

In this section the following is proposed:

  • On-street cycle tracks, one in each direction (painted buffer with physical separation where possible)
  • Reduce motor vehicle lanes from four (two in each direction) to two (one in each direction)
  • Wider vehicle lanes at O’Connor Drive and Broadview Avenue to allow safe travel of large vehicles at the bend
  • Removal of on-street parking on both sides of O’Connor Drive (38 spaces total)
  • Accessible platforms at transit stops where needed and feasible
  • Bus stop relocation to new traffic signal at Hopedale Avenue

Artistic rendering of the existing road configuration on O'Connor Drive Artistic rendering of the proposed road configuration on O'Connor Drive

Map of project area highlighting segment on Broadview Avenue from O'Connor Drive to Cosburn Avenue

In this section, the following is proposed:

  • Reduce motor vehicle lanes from four (two in each direction) to two (one in each direction)
  • On-street cycle tracks, one in each direction (painted buffer with physical separation, where possible)
  • Nine on-street parking spaces provided on the east side of Broadview Avenue, 14 on-street parking removed on the west side
  • Bus stop relocations to provide stops near protected crossings
  • Accessible platforms at transit stops where needed and feasible

Artistic rendering of the existing road configuration Artistic rendering of the proposed road configuration

Roll Plan of Cosburn Avenue

Image of existing Cosburn Avenue and Broadview Avenue

In this section, its proposed to leave the existing lane configuration on Cosburn Avenue, including bicycle lanes and parking, generally unchanged.

The west-bound bicycle lane will shift from Logan Avenue to next to the curb at the Broadview Avenue intersection to better accommodate people cycling making right-turns from Cosburn Avenue to Broadview Avenue.

Enhanced pavement markings and bicycle signal heads will be added at the Broadview Avenue intersection to accommodate the southbound left-turn for people biking on to Cosburn Avenue.

Artistic rendering of the existing road configuration on Cosburn Avenue Artistic rendering of the proposed road configuration on Cosburn Avenue

Based on public feedback, Transportation Services is proposing to host further consultation in the fall of 2024 to bring forward an adjusted proposal for the segment from Cosburn Avenue to Danforth Avenue. 

The original proposal for this segment included a Neighbourhood Greenway. Neighbourhood Greenways are routes where people cycling and pedestrians are given priority by creating an environment with low motor vehicle volumes and speeds. Cycling priority on Neighbourhood Greenways are typically reinforced by signs, pavement markings, and speed and volume management treatments (traffic diversions). Safe and convenient crossings of busy streets also are installed.

Existing Conditions

Map of project area showing existing parking and vehicular flow

Map of project area showing vehicular thresholds for shared roadways

There are three options proposed for this segment of the bikeway. All three options involve a contra-flow lane to allow cycling in both directions.

Option A: South-Bound Contraflow Bikeway

Map of project area showing proposed contra-flow bike lanes and vehicular flow

  • Southbound contra-flow bike lane on the west side
  • No changes to direction flow for motor vehicles
  • All parking shifted to east side, no parking reduction
  • Eight additional parking spaces added

Option B: South-Bound Contraflow Bikeway and Traffic Diverters

Map of project area showing proposed diverters, bike lanes and vehicular turning movement

Image of a diagonal diverter with a pedestrian and a cyclist

  • Southbound contra-flow bike lane on the west side
  • Diagonal diverter added at Fulton Avenue:
    • Northbound vehicles on Logan Avenue must turn west onto Fulton Avenue
    • Westbound vehicles on Fulton Avenue must turn north onto Logan Avenue
  • Diagonal diverter added at Browning Avenue:
    • Northbound vehicles on Logan Avenue must turn east onto Browning Avenue
    • Eastbound vehicles on Browning Avenue must turn north onto Logan Avenue
  • To accommodate vehicle turns at the diagonal diverter, some parking spaces are anticipated to be removed on Logan Ave and streets with associated changes:
    • Two parking spaces reduced on Logan Avenue between Fulton Avenue and Browning Avenue
    • Two parking spaces reduced on Fulton Avenue near Logan
    • Four parking spaces reduced on Browning Avenue near Logan
    • Total parking spaces after reconfiguration on the entire length of Logan Avenue and streets with associated changes would be the same as existing conditions and sufficiently serves observed demand.

Option C: Contraflow Bikeway with Directional Flip

Map of project area showing proposed bike lanes, parking and vehicular direction

  • Southbound contra-flow bike lane on the west side
  • Northbound contraflow bike lane on the east side between Fulton Avenue and Browning Avenue
  • One-way direction flow for motor vehicles:
    • Logan Avenue between Fulton Avenue and Browning Avenue changes to southbound
    • Carlaw Avenue between Fulton Avenue and Browning Avenue changes to northbound
  • Parking shifted to east side for southbound contra-flow
  • Parking shifted to west side Browning Avenue to Fulton Avenue
  • Seven additional parking spaces added

Phase one: Winter 2024

Public Drop-In Event and Survey

The City of Toronto invited residents to a public Drop-In event on March 7, 2024 to learn more about the project and provide feedback about the proposed changes.

Attendees had the opportunity to view the project information panels and speak with members of the project team one-on-one.

Phase Two: Fall 2024

The second phase will propose bikeways south of Cosburn Avenue to Danforth Avenue. The adjusted proposal will consider new bikeway options, address concerns raised through consultation as well as safety improvements.

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