Between September 3 and September 30, the City will install cycling connections along Hopedale Avenue, O’Connor Drive, Broadview Avenue and Cosburn Avenue. View the installation notice for more details.

Following the first round of public consultation, Transportation Services proposed implementation of this project in two phases. The first phase includes bikeways on Cosburn Avenue, Broadview Avenue, O’Connor Drive and Hopedale Avenue. Phase two consultation on bikeways south of Cosburn Avenue to Danforth Avenue is expected to take place in Fall 2024.

The project is part of the Council-Approved Cycling Network Plan and advances the goals of several City of Toronto Strategies including the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan and the TransformTO Net Zero Strategy.

September 2024

Installation is expected to take place from September 3 – September 30, 2024. Details on what to expect are in the installation notice.

June 2024

City staff presented recommendations to the Infrastructure & Environment Committee on May 28 2024.

City Council adopted the proposed changes as part of the Cycling Network Plan Update (2025 – 2027) on June 26, 2024.

Map of the project area from Hopedale Avenue to Danforth Avenue and Broadview Avenue to Pape Avenue

The bikeway is divided into five segments. Proposed changes for the following segments have been approved:

  1. Hopedale Avenue (Pape Avenue to O’Connor Drive)
  2. O’Connor Drive (Pape Avenue to Broadview Avenue)
  3. Broadview Avenue (O’Connor Drive to Cosburn Avenue)
  4. Cosburn Avenue (Broadview Avenue to Logan Avenue.

The City will host further consultation in the fall of 2024 to bring forward a proposal for segment five, from Cosburn Avenue to Danforth Avenue.

This section of the bikeway will connect to the new bikeways that will be installed on the Leaside Bridge in 2024.

Map of project area highlighting segment on Hopedale from Page to O'Connor

In this section, the following has been approved:

  • On-street shared cycling connections with wayfinding lane markings and signage
  • No changes for motor vehicle lanes or parking
  • A new traffic signal at the Hopedale Avenue and O’Connor Drive intersection which will allow people cycling eastbound on O’Connor Drive to connect safely to the shared bikeway on Hopedale Avenue
  • TTC bus stops will be relocated near the signal for better access to the stops from both sides of O’Connor Drive

Map of project area highlighting segment on O'Connor Drive from Hassard Avenue to Broadview Avenue

In this section the following has been approved:

  • On-street cycle tracks, one in each direction (painted buffer with physical separation where possible)
  • Reduce motor vehicle lanes from four (two in each direction) to two (one in each direction)
  • Wider vehicle lanes at O’Connor Drive and Broadview Avenue to allow safe travel of large vehicles at the bend
  • Removal of on-street parking on both sides of O’Connor Drive (38 spaces total)
  • TTC bus stops will be relocated for better access to pedestrian crossings at the future Hopedale Avenue traffic signal (traffic signal install expected in 2025); an accessible platform will be provided at the eastbound transit stop

Map of project area highlighting segment on Broadview Avenue from O'Connor Drive to Cosburn Avenue

In this section, the following has been approved:

  • On-street cycle tracks, one in each direction (painted buffer with physical separation, where possible)
  • Reduce motor vehicle lanes from four (two in each direction) to two (one in each direction)
  • Wider vehicle lanes at O’Connor Drive and Broadview Avenue to allow safer operations for large vehicles at the bend
  • Removal of on-street parking on both sides of O’Connor Drive (38 spaces total)
  • TTC bus stops will be relocated for better access to pedestrian crossings at the future Hopedale Avenue traffic signal (traffic signal install expected in 2025); an accessible platform will be provided at the eastbound transit stop

Roll Plan of Cosburn Avenue

Image of existing Cosburn Avenue and Broadview Avenue

In this section, the following has been approved:

  • Westbound bike lane will shift curbside leading up to Broadview Avenue
  • Enhanced pavement markings and bicycle signal heads will be added at the Broadview Avenue intersection to accommodate the southbound left-turn for people cycling
  • Enhanced pavement markings at TTC bus stops
  • No changes to motor vehicle lanes or parking

Phase one: Winter 2024

Phase one consultation took place February 8 – March 21, 2024. The public consultation report provides a detailed summary of all activities that took place, proposed changes, and feedback received.

Phase two: Fall 2024

Further consultation on bikeway options south of Cosburn Avenue to Danforth Avenue will address safety improvements as well as concerns raised during phase one consultation.

More information will be added to the webpage and sent to the project email list when available.

The City Council-approved Cycling Network Plan is a comprehensive roadmap and work plan that outlines the City’s planned investment in our cycling network. It includes a Long-Term Cycling Network Vision, the planned Major City-Wide Cycling Network Routes, and a three-year rolling Near-Term Implementation Program which was recently updated by Council in June 2024 for the 2025 – 2027 period. The Leaside Bridge to Danforth Avenue Cycling Connections Project was as part of the Near-Term Implementation Program (2025-2027).

The aim of the Cycling Network Plan is to connect gaps in Toronto’s current cycling network by growing existing and future cycling opportunities with safer and more comfortable cycling route options where quality can be improved.
There are a number of policy objectives and guiding policy documents that inform cycling connections projects like this, including:

Council makes the final decisions on project implementation based on policies and guidelines, technical considerations and public input.

For the Leaside Bridge to Danforth Cycling Connection the Project team studied the motor vehicle lane reduction and potential impacts to parking. Pre-installation traffic volumes are 11,000-12,000, which are below the typical capacity threshold for a two-lane road (20,000 vehicles/day). Peak hour volumes are also below the capacity thresholds.

The observed parking demand is very low with 1-4 cars parked on O’Connor Drive and 3-5 cars parked on Broadview Avenue. The area between Broadview Avenue, Pape Avenue and Coburn Avenue has a total of 75 available parking spaces. There are no impacts to on-street parking permits.

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