Attend the public drop-in event on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 and complete the survey by December 18. View meeting materials in Public Consultation tab below.


In consultation with the local community, the City is developing a Neighbourhood Streets Plan for the Malvern West area that will address three main areas of concern:

  1. Excessive speeding of motor vehicles on neighbourhood streets
  2. Road safety for vulnerable road users (i.e. seniors, school children, pedestrians and people cycling)
  3. Lack of crossing opportunities for pedestrian connections and safety

Public consultation for Phase Two has begun. Based on feedback gathering through Phase One public consultation, city policies and technical analysis, city staff are now proposing changes to address the issues identified by communities in Malvern West.

A map of the study area of Malvern West Streets Plan. The study area is bound by Markham Road and Neilson Road going north-south and Finch Avenue East and Sheppard Avenue East going west-east.
Study area of Malvern West Streets Plan

The Malvern West Streets Plan (MWSP) project area is located between Markham Road to the west, Finch Avenue East to the north, Neilson Road to the east, and Sheppard Avenue to the south.

The Malvern West neighbourhood was nominated for an NSP by the Ward 23 City Councillor in 2023. Issues identified in the nomination process can be found on the program web page. Issues identified in the nomination were:

  • Excessive speeding & aggressive driving
  • Frequent collisions or near-misses
  • Motor vehicle non-compliance with road regulations
  • Vulnerable road user safety concerns in school zones
  • Limited enforcement of road regulations


What is a Neighbourhood Streets Plan?

Neighbourhood Streets Plans (NSPs) are a new service for neighbourhoods where traffic and travel patterns challenge the safety and mobility of people using the streets. Through the NSP process, a team of City staff will work with communities to identify local issues and opportunities, prioritize the greatest needs, and recommend changes to traffic operations and street designs.

NSPs consider the needs of all road users and emphasize the safety of vulnerable road users such as seniors, school children, and people walking and cycling.

Public consultation for the Malvern West Streets Plan project will take place in two phases. Dates are subject to change.

  • Project planning: Fall 2023
  • Background reporting and initial data collection: Winter 2024
  • Phase One Public Consultation – Issues & Opportunities: Spring 2024
  • Develop appropriate changes: Summer 2024
  • Phase Two Public Consultation – Public Review of proposed changes: Fall 2024 *We are here*
  • Staff report to Community Council: Winter 2024-2025
  • Implementation, monitoring and evaluation: Ongoing

NSPs will result in short-term actions (one to two years) which can be made using temporary, flexible materials like signs, paint, and bollards, and will identify longer term changes which can be accomplished alongside future programmed road work.

The outcomes of each NSP will be different based on local conditions and the needs of each neighbourhood. Generally, NSPs will recommend actions related to motor vehicle speed and volume management, and traffic safety conflicts on local streets. NSP recommendations are informed by the City’s Traffic Calming Policy, Vision Zero Action Plan, and Complete Streets Guidelines.

The City of Toronto is inviting local residents, businesses and organizations to learn more and provide feedback on the Malvern West Streets Plan. Feedback from the public and community interest groups along with technical and policy considerations will be used to inform City staff recommendations and decisions to be made by City Council.

Consultation will take place over two stages between Spring 2024 and Fall 2024:

  • Phase One (completed): Presented background information and consulted the community on issues commonly experienced in the neighbourhood and ideas for actions and changes.
  • Phase Two: Seeks feedback from the community on proposed short-terms actions (one to two years) which can be made using temporary, flexible materials like signs, paint and bollards, and will identify longer term changes which can be accomplished alongside future programmed road work.

Information, reference materials and reports on public consultation activities will be posted here.

Phase Two Public Consultation

Public Drop-In Event

Date: December 4, 2024

Time: 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Location: Berner Trail Public School, 120 Berner Trail

Map: see Google map of location

View the public event materials below:


    Provide feedback on proposed actions and changes by completing the survey, which is available in English, Tamil and Urdu, by December 18, 2024.

    Contact us to request a printed copy of the survey in English, Tamil and Urdu.  


    You can also submit comments by email, phone, or mail.  

    Feedback deadline: December 18, 2024 

    Phase One Public Consultation

    Consultation Report

    Download and read the Public Consultation Report for Phase One of the Malvern West Streets Plan.

    Top priorities and issues raised by the participants through the Phase One consultation were:

    • Excessive speeding of motor vehicles on neighbourhood streets
    • Non-compliance with traffic regulations, like red lights and stop signs
    • Improved safety measures for vulnerable road users (signage, crossing guard, improved lighting, traffic signal coordination, barriers, midblock crossing, walkway, etc.)
    • Providing more crossing opportunities to create better pedestrian connections and safety

    Consultation Materials

    Residents in Malvern West have raised concerns about excessive motor vehicle speeds in the neighbourhood.  The City has already made some changes, including: 

    • In-road flexible speed signs have been installed on some collector roads including on Berner Trail and Crow Trail near Berner Trail Junior School and St. Gabriel Lalemant Catholic School 
    • Automated speed enforcement cameras have been temporarily installed in designated Community Safety Zones on Washburn Way north of Berner Trail  

    Proposed changes to address excessive motor vehicle speeds include: 

    • Speed humps are raised sections of the roadway and are an effective traffic calming measure to reduce motor vehicle speeds. They have minimal impact for people cycling and City services such as snow clearing, waste removal and Fire & Paramedic services.  
    • Speed cushions, like speed humps, are raised sections of the roadway designed to discourage motor vehicle drivers from travelling at excessive speeds while allowing larger vehicles such as buses and emergency vehicles to pass with minimum impact. 
    • Edge lines indicate the edges of traffic lanes and the curb that help to encourage slower speeds of vehicular traffic by visually narrowing the lane and increasing driver alertness 

    Map of proposed speed measures including speed hump, speed cushion and edge line. For details, contact Anna Kim at 416-338-1837.

    The Plan proposes adding speed humps on: 

    • Malvern Street, between McLevin Avenue and Sheppard Avenue East  
    • Berner Trail, between Washburn Way and Neilson Road 
    • Mammoth Hall Trail, between Malvern Street and Washburn Way 

    The Plan proposes the installation of speed cushions on: 

    • Crow Trail, between Neilson Road and Tapscott Road  
    • Washburn Way, between Sheppard Avenue East and Tapscott Road  

    The Plan proposes the installation of edge lines on: 

    • Trott Square, between Trott Square and Crow Trail 
    • Baldoon Road, between Crow Trail and Finch Avenue East  
    • Robbinstone Drive, between Malvern Street and Lenthal Avenue 
    • Lenthall Avenue, between Robbinstone Drive and Malvern Street  
    • Nahanni Terrace,  between Berner Trail and Washburn Way 
    • Howell Square, between Berner Trail and Berner Trail 
    • Hutcherson Square, between Berner Trail and Berner Trail 

    Residents have raised concerns about road user safety, particularly vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and people cycling. The City’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan is a comprehensive action plan focused on reducing traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries on Toronto’s streets.  

    The City has already made some changes, including: 

    • Designating School Safety Zones and Community Safety Zones around schools 
    • Pedestrian head start signals at many intersections within the project area 
    • Adding high visibility crosswalks at major intersections and near schools 
    • A truck apron at Malvern Street and Sheppard Avenue East 

     Additional changes are proposed to address safety concerns for vulnerable road users including:  

    • New or upgraded pedestrian crossings which include upgrading an existing pedestrian crossing and a new pedestrian head start signal 
    • Geometric safety improvements such as curb extensions, left turn calming, and truck aprons to promote safer vehicle turning movements and reduce crossing distance for pedestrians  
    • New or enhanced pavement markings including high visibility crosswalks and centrelines  

    Map of proposed safety measures including new or upgraded pedestrian crossings, geometric safety improvement and pavement marking. For details, contact Anna Kim at 416-338-1837.

    Installation of new or upgraded pedestrian crossings is proposed at the following intersections: 

    • Upgraded pedestrian crossing at Tapscott Road at Blackwell Avenue (pedestrian head start) 
    • Upgraded pedestrian crossing at Washburn Way at Nahanni Terrace (reducing crossing distance and adding high visibility crosswalk)
    • Note: A new pedestrian crossing at McLevin Avenue by NoFrills that was identified on the mailed out public notice is no longer proposed.

    Installation of geometric safety improvements, which include curb extensions, left-turning calming, and truck aprons, is proposed at the following intersections: 

    • Crow Trail and Neilson Road (curb extension )  
    • McLevin Avenue and Neilson Road (truck apron) 
    • McLevin Avenue and Tapscott Road (left-turn calming) 
    • Tapscott Road and Melford Drive (curb extension) 
    • Washburn Way and Sheppard Avenue East (curb extension) 
    • McLevin Avenue and Markham Road (truck apron) 

    Installation of new or enhanced pavement markings is proposed at the following intersections:  

    • Pinery Trail and Flatfield Terrace (repainting stop bar and adding tail line) 
    • McLevin Avenue and Greenspire Road (repainting stop bar and repainting tail line) 
    • Omerod Street and Verne Crescent (repainting stop bar and adding tail line) 
    • Intersections of Berner Trail between Hutcherson Square and Howell Square (repainting stop bars and adding tail lines) 
    • Griffen Drive at Berner Trail and Gorsey Square (repainting stop bar and adding tail line) 

    Residents have raised concerns about limited transportation options within Malvern West. Offering different transportation and travel options can help reduce reliance on private motor vehicles. 

    The plan proposes more transportation option which includes new bikeways on: 

    • Washburn Way (Sheppard Avenue East to McLevin Avenue)  
    • Along East Highland Creek (from Sheppard Avenue East to McLevin Avenue)  
    • Neilson Road (From McLevin Avenue to Finch Avenue East) 

    *Note: These bikeways, if added to the Cycling Network Plan, would be considered for future implementation and would have dedicated public engagement including a review of detailed designs and impacts before approval.

    These bikeways are proposed to be added to the City’s Cycling Network Plan (CNP). The CNP is a comprehensive roadmap and work plan, outlining the City’s planned investments in the near-term and intentions for the long-term. Routes shown as Planned Near Term Route and Planned Study Route are already included in the CNP. 

    Map of proposed transportation options including proposed cycling routes, planned near term routes, planned study routes, and proposed study routes. For details, contact Anna Kim at 416-338-1837.

    Stay Informed

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