The City of Toronto is inviting residents to learn more and provide feedback on opportunities to install bikeways along York Gate Boulevard between Jane Street and the existing Finch Hydro Corridor Multi-Use Trail. The project will include opportunities to improve safety for pedestrians, people cycling, and people driving on York Gate Boulevard.

Pending Council approval, changes proposed as part of this project will be installed as part of scheduled road resurfacing and rehabilitation on York Gate Boulevard occurring in 2025.

The project area is between Jane Street and the existing Finch Hydro Corridor. The design proposal includes two segments:

  • Segment A Jane Street to Hulmar Drive
  • Segment B – Hulmar Drive to Finch Hydro Corridor

Map of project area highlighting York Gate Boulevard from Jane Street to the Finch Hydro Corridor and a future multi-use trail south of Finch Hydro Corridor.

The City is proposing to install new bikeways on York Gate Boulevard from Jane Street to Hullmar Drive. Changes would include:

  • Addition of cycle tracks next to the curb on both sides of the street
  • Reduction of existing motor vehicle lane widths
  • Relocation of traffic pole
  • The 35 Jane TTC bus stop at York Gate Boulevard (west side of Jane Street) will be relocated 55 metres west of its current location
  • No motor vehicle or parking impacts

    Rendering of proposed conditions on York Gate Boulevard showing the existing sidewalks, cycle tracks beside the curb and the preservation of existing four motor vehicle lane layout.

    The City is proposing to install new bikeways on York Gate Boulevard from Hullmar Drive to Finch Hydro Corridor Multi-use Trail. Changes would include:

    • Addition of cycle tracks next to the sidewalk on both sides of the street
    • No motor vehicle or parking impacts

    Rendering of proposed conditions on York Gate Boulevard showing the existing sidewalks, cycle tracks beside the sidewalk and the preservation of existing two motor vehicle lane layout.


    Comments and questions from interested parties are encouraged via email or phone. The comment deadline for this project was November 24th, 2024.

    The City Council-approved Cycling Network Plan is a comprehensive roadmap and work plan that outlines the City’s planned investment in our cycling network. It includes a Long-Term Cycling Network Vision, the planned Major City-Wide Cycling Network Routes, and a three-year rolling Near-Term Implementation Program.

    The aim of the Cycling Network Plan is to connect gaps in Toronto’s current cycling network by growing existing and future cycling opportunities with safer and more comfortable cycling route options where quality can be improved.

    This identified new bikeways on York Gate Boulevard for near-term implementation. Additionally, options are being explored as part of the York Gate Cycling Connections project to link the existing Finch Hydro Corridor Multi-Use Trail with Finch Avenue West via the Multi-Use Trail along Norfinch Drive.

    The Plan components, objectives and indicators are aligned with a multitude of City policies, including the Official Plan, TransformTO Net Zero Strategy and the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan.

    Installing a bikeway along York Gate Boulevard is an opportunity to:

    • Bundle construction work with road resurfacing and rehabilitation planned for 2025
    • Connect the local community to the existing Finch Hydro Corridor and the upcoming Finch West Bikeway
    • Create a more equitable city, given the surrounding community has the highest equity tool score out of all 2025 cycling projects
    • Meet current and potential cycling demands driven by the York Gate Mall, Seneca College Campus and the Finch West LRT

    Design Considerations

    Multiple design options were explored for the corridor. The project addresses safety for vulnerable road users, as an existing lack of cycling infrastructure within the corridor creates an unfavourable environment for cyclists.

    Options were considered to extend the proposed cycle tracks on York Gate Boulevard to future cycling infrastructure on Finch Avenue, however, several constraints were noted. Transportation Services is exploring options to connect the existing Hydro Corridor path to the Multi-Use Trail along Norfinch Drive.

    The proposed changes in this project meet City of Toronto and Province of Ontario laws, standards and guidelines. The proposed changes have been reviewed by City services that use the area roadways, So that Toronto’s Fire Services, Paramedics, Solid Waste collection, TTC, Wheel-Trans, road maintenance and snow clearing can continue to function well and serve the community.

    Stay Informed

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    Personal information is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you emails about project updates and future consultation opportunities. Questions about this collection may be directed to the Manager, Public Consultation at 416-392-2990 or