Event organizers must notify Toronto Public Health (TPH) at least 30 days prior to the event by submitting the Special Event Notification form to allow sufficient time for TPH to assess and respond to their application.


Beginning January 2025, event organizers can complete the Food Safety Management Plan (FSMP) for their special events by reviewing all the guidance below. The FSMP equips event organizers with essential food safety information and outlines food safety expectations for all food vendors. The FSMP form can be filled out completely online or by printing this document. A copy of the completed printed document must by submitted through the FSMP portal.

Section 1: Event Location Planning

Location of an event is an important consideration when it comes to planning on having food vendor participation.

Section 2: Food Vendor Selection & Verifying

As event organizers, it is important to include food vendors who have knowledge of food safety best practices at your event.

Section 3: Planned Food Safety Activities During the Event

Event organizers should establish a monitoring program to ensure food safety expectations are met and to address any potential food safety concerns.

Section 4: Food Safety Emergency Management Plan (EMP)

The purpose of the Food Safety EMP is to equip event organizers with important information to respond to situations where the health and safety of the event attendees might be at risk.