Event organizers should consider having a comprehensive EMP especially when food vendors and non-food vendors are participating at the special event. The purpose of the EMP is to equip event organizers with important information to respond to situations where the health and safety of the event attendees might be at risk. The following are examples of emergencies that could negatively impact safe food handling and the operation of non-food activities. Once you have reviewed all sections, you can complete the FSMP form completely online or by printing this document. A copy of the completed printed document must by submitted through the FSMP portal.
Event organizers should have established procedures when responding to incidence of foodborne illnesses at their event. All reports of foodborne illnesses should be reported to TPH by visiting the TPH complaints page. In response to such reports, all or part of the event should be closed to mitigate the spread of illness and remain closed until you are cleared to reopen by TPH. It is recommended that a complete list of the participating food vendors including their contact information is made available to TPH investigators upon request.
Organizers should consider designating smoking areas which are clearly marked to prevent smoking on patios or where food or drink is served. When planning for a beer garden, consider familiarizing yourselves with the requirements of where you can’t smoke or vape in Ontario.
Event organizers may have non-food vendors at the events where health and safety requirements are also important to maintain to protect public health.
It is important to ensure the activities of petting zoos or any other animal attractions are not negatively impacting the operations of food vendors. Petting zoos and other animal attractions should be situated at safe distance from where food vendors will be operating. It is recommended that adequately supplied handwashing stations are provided at or near the petting zoos to prevent spread of illnesses. Consider providing hand sanitizers of at least 70% isopropyl alcohol where handwashing stations are not available. Additionally, all animal waste should be collected and removed in a manner not impacting food safety. If not removed promptly, dried animal waste can become airborne and settle on food and food contact surfaces and equipment. Organizers should also consider re-routing animal movement to maintain a safe distance from food handling locations.
Event organizers should consider obtaining all the required information if they are planning to host services such as hairdressers, tattoo parlours, and other PSS vendors as part of their event and should contact their local public health unit. In Toronto, event organizers can find more information about Personal Service Settings and Personal Service Settings for Special Events Application Guidelines & Process.