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Quality ratings: Kingston Road East Early Learning And Child Care Centre

Kingston Road East Early Learning And Child Care Centre
Toddler rating

The Early Learning and Care Assessment for Quality Improvement rates items on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest rating. To meet City of Toronto standards, a minimum of 3 is required. When a rating is less than 3, the centre must take corrective action by the date indicated. For more information about this centre's rating, contact Linda Darlene Tisman, 416-396-3755

Date of last assessment: July, 2024.

2023 2024
      Corrective Action
  Centre Average City Average Centre Average City Average Required By Verified On
Toddler Overall Average 4.29 4.39 4.81 4.47 - -
Daily And Visual Schedules 5.00 4.04 5.00 4.16 - -
Program Plan 2.00 4.45 5.00 4.66 - -
Learning Experiences 3.50 3.63 5.00 3.57 - -
Displays 4.50 4.21 5.00 4.28 - -
Sensory, Science & Nature 5.00 4.71 5.00 4.78 - -
Art 3.50 4.20 5.00 4.46 26-Jul-2024 26-Jul-2024
Language And Literacy 4.50 4.21 5.00 4.33 - -
Music And Accessories 4.50 4.59 5.00 4.64 - -
Physical Play Learning Experiences 3.00 4.62 5.00 4.63 - -
Cognitive & Manipulative And Block & Construction 5.00 4.81 5.00 4.86 - -
Pretend Play 4.50 4.42 5.00 4.62 - -
Routine Care Practices 4.50 4.03 5.00 4.23 - -
Toileting And Diapering Routines 3.50 3.90 4.50 3.93 - -
Meals And/Or Snack Time 4.00 4.01 5.00 4.17 - -
Cots And Bedding 5.00 4.91 5.00 4.90 - -
Health And Safety Toys And Play Equipment Washing 5.00 4.19 5.00 4.23 - -
Staff And Children's Hand Hygiene 3.50 3.91 5.00 3.94 - -
Transitions And Attendance Verification 3.50 4.51 2.00 4.51 09-Aug-2024 22-Aug-2024
Positive Atmosphere 5.00 4.89 5.00 4.96 - -
Supervision Of Children 5.00 4.86 5.00 4.89 - -
Foster Children's Independence 5.00 4.89 5.00 4.97 - -
Supporting The Development Of Self-Esteem 4.00 3.85 4.00 3.89 - -
Behaviour Guidance 5.00 4.93 5.00 4.96 - -
Supporting Communication And Extending Children's Learning 5.00 4.58 5.00 4.58 - -

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