Crowd at Old City Hall May 7 or 8, 1945 City of Toronto Archives Series 8, File 309, Item 11
Letter to Mayor Saunders from the Association of Toronto Hotel Proprietors, regarding V-E Day celebrations 1945 City of Toronto Archives Series 361, Subseries 1, File 695
This letter of congratulations on Toronto’s decorum might have been prompted by the V-E Day riots in Halifax and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, where thousands of service personnel and townspeople looted liquor and other stores, smashed windows, and set fires.
Mayor H. Saunders at official V-E Day service at Cenotaph, Old City Hall May 8, 1945 City of Toronto Archives Series 8, File 309, Item 20
Official V-E Day service at Cenotaph, Old City Hall May 8, 1945 City of Toronto Archives Series 8, File 309, Item 7