from the Association of Toronto Hotel Proprietors,
regarding V-E Day celebrations


When timely foresight and planning is enacted with precision and care, such sound efficiency is to be highly commended.

I refer to the meritous efforts put forth by His Worship Mayor Saunders and his competent V-E Day Celebration Committee.

Pent-up emotions and tension had been noticeable for several days and even weeks before the official V-E Day announcement. This was due, no doubt, to rampant rumours.

When the news finally broke officially, that hostilities had ceased in Europe, a spontaneous outburst of rejoicing was heard from every side. Like a tidal wave, gay humanity poured in the streets from every building in the downtown area.

An impulsive response to victorious news bubbled over in the hearts of everyone, and then quickly and quietly was replaced by solemn reverence and pride.

Many people were seen entering the churches to offer their prayers of thanksgiving and continued faith. For two full days, throughout the city, crowded parks were the scenes of divine services and organized entertainment. All such gatherings were huge, orderly and well-mannered. High spirit and exultation were tempered with dignity which reflects the self respect of Toronto citizens.

We take this opportunity of expressing our gratitude to Mayor Saunders and his associates in their capable guidance in controlling the pitch and tempo of V-E Day Celebrations.


W. Ward Markle

City of Toronto Archives
Series 361, Subseries 1, File 695



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